What if Bradley is named DC?

Bradley will be named after Signing Day, that way no one jumps ship as far as recruits go. I'll be glad to welcome Bradley to the Hawk Family!
I would take Brian over Bradley in a heartbeat if those are my only two options and it has nothing to do with football.

Sorry fair or not, the coaches on that staff need a year or two to get away from that scandal and we don't know what other info will be dug up and who knew what until everything is said and done. Way too much risk.

If KF were to make that hire those on the "program needs a change at the top" bandwagon need to make room for me.


He worked for an organization that ignored child rape. He was on that staff for 30 years! No NO NOOOOO! :mad:

The U of I just kicked out a kid who hosted a party in which a student may or may not have been sexually assaulted. How can they hire a guy who knew about child rape for years?
my point is....just being from PSU....and being there...means he has 'stink" of it all on him...

This type of thinking is sad on so many levels.

I have friends who've graduated from PSU. I suppose they have the "stink" as well.

I feel sorry for people who are this narrow minded.

NO...you're friends don't ...because they we're not high profile EMPLOYEES inside of the organization...that walked in and out of the same doors as Sandusky every day....guilty or not guilty....he will have to live with this "stink" (for lack of a better term) the rest of his life...
the only people he stinks to are those who've thoughtlessly condemned anyone associated with PSU foot as evil. Frankly I could care less what those people think
If bradley is the new dc, I won't attend another game until their gone. Sandusky was this guy's mentor. You expect me to believe he knew nothing? If he didn't know anything, then I don't trust him. If he knew something and did nothing, he should quit coaching young men. I feel the same about paterno and anyone on that staff. Is that fair? Asked the raped young boys that noone stood up for what's fair.
If bradley is the new dc, I won't attend another game until their gone. Sandusky was this guy's mentor. You expect me to believe he knew nothing? If he didn't know anything, then I don't trust him. If he knew something and did nothing, he should quit coaching young men. I feel the same about paterno and anyone on that staff. Is that fair? Asked the raped young boys that noone stood up for what's fair.

This is just insane. I get it, your angry, lots of us are angry about that, but where the **** does it stop.

Not only has he not been implicated he was also named the interim coach, by an organization who oustered JoePa. You don't name someone an interim coach in that situation unless you are damn sure they are squeaky clean.

The Sandusky situation involed one sick man, and a small handful of people with first hand knowledge that didn't do enough to make sure it ended. To condemn every single person associated with those people makes absolutely zero sense.
Hiring Bradley definitely could have a Pierre pierce effect on the Iowa fan base. I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole, but what Kirk may do is anybody's guess.
If bradley is the new dc, I won't attend another game until their gone. Sandusky was this guy's mentor. You expect me to believe he knew nothing? If he didn't know anything, then I don't trust him. If he knew something and did nothing, he should quit coaching young men. I feel the same about paterno and anyone on that staff. Is that fair? Asked the raped young boys that noone stood up for what's fair.

I agree, it's kind of like Stanzi and DJK. I mean the guy was his quarterback, you know that he knew what DJK was doing and yet he failed to do anything to stop it.
my point is....just being from PSU....and being there...means he has 'stink" of it all on him...


NO...you're friends don't ...because they we're not high profile EMPLOYEES inside of the organization...that walked in and out of the same doors as Sandusky every day....guilty or not guilty....he will have to live with this "stink" (for lack of a better term) the rest of his life...

There's really not a difference though, since you are proclaiming guilt to all associated at PSU.

It's a good thing for Bradley that KF doesn't give a rip about the court of public opinion.
I would never compare raping kids to drug use.

Show me one shred of evidence that Bradley knew about it and did nothing.

Did you react the same way when the sexual assaults happened with Pierce, Satterfield, Everson? If so, have you been to a game since then?
I would never compare raping kids to drug use.

Who said raping kids and drug use are the same??? No one to my knowledge. I was saying QB is to WR as Defensive Coordinator is to Defensive Position coach. A QB has to know what a WR is right? I mean they are on the same team, both offense, both starters, stanzi threw to him a lot....ergo he knew what DJK was doing.

I mean this is what you are saying. You are saying that because Tom Bradley was a position coach that he knew everything that Sandusky was doing and was complicit in it. I mean you even say that Sandusky was Bradley's mentor and seem to be implying that since he mentored him in football he must have mentored him in the sexual abuse of children. You seem to think Sandusky just went around telling everyone in the program what he was doing which is just insane.
If bradley is the new dc, I won't attend another game until their gone. Sandusky was this guy's mentor. You expect me to believe he knew nothing? If he didn't know anything, then I don't trust him. If he knew something and did nothing, he should quit coaching young men. I feel the same about paterno and anyone on that staff. Is that fair? Asked the raped young boys that noone stood up for what's fair.

Sandusky was the guys mentor in football, do you think he also taught him the ways of seducing children as well? You honestly think he knew what was occuring? You don't think Sandusky was secretive about the things that took place? Give me a break just cause they worked together doesn't mean s***, doubt you know s*** about your coworkers that they don't want you to know. I can see where you are ******, but come on you cannot accuse him of knowing that crap was happening. If you are a bank teller and a coworker is stilling money, and you are next to them day in and day out and don't know they are doing that are you guilty too?

I can imagine one of their conversations at practice, doubt it sounded like this....
Bradley "so how was your night last night?"
Sandusky "it was good took the wife to sizzlers, went home put the wife to bed. Went across the street sexually assaulted one of the neighbor boys.. you know same ole same ole."
I agree, it's kind of like Stanzi and DJK. I mean the guy was his quarterback, you know that he knew what DJK was doing and yet he failed to do anything to stop it.

David79.......really dude?? how did Stanzi get into this conversation? this is about the dumbest thing I've read on this board....- think before you type...
Tell me how you would never compare stealing money to raping kids, I see it coming. Just an example of you really don't know people sometimes when you think you do.
Show me one shred of evidence that Bradley knew about it and did nothing.

Did you react the same way when the sexual assaults happened with Pierce, Satterfield, Everson? If so, have you been to a game since then?

I did react the same way. I never attended another alford coached game. The satterfield everson case, I still feel strongly that it was a coverup. The room involved was djk's unattended dorm room. The room was completely cleaned after the incident. Based on the open letter written by the victim's mother, yes I feel very strongly still about it. It was the first thing I mentioned when the Penn St thing broke. This was a scandal that was covered up and since that time, I've never had the same respect for Kirk. I however have attended several games. It's unacceptable. This is sports, not the mafia. Protect kids. It's pretty plain and simple. Hold yourself accountable. By not acting on something, you are making an unspoken agreement with the perpetrator that his actions are acceptable. After awhile, the perpetrator believes what he's doing is accepted by the non-action of others.

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