What if Bradley is named DC?

I did react the same way. I never attended another alford coached game. The satterfield everson case, I still feel strongly that it was a coverup. The room involved was djk's unattended dorm room. The room was completely cleaned after the incident. Based on the open letter written by the victim's mother, yes I feel very strongly still about it. It was the first thing I mentioned when the Penn St thing broke. This was a scandal that was covered up and since that time, I've never had the same respect for Kirk. I however have attended several games. It's unacceptable. This is sports, not the mafia. Protect kids. It's pretty plain and simple. Hold yourself accountable. By not acting on something, you are making an unspoken agreement with the perpetrator that his actions are acceptable. After awhile, the perpetrator believes what he's doing is accepted by the non-action of others.

So you have been to football games since then huh?

Ok, that's all I need to know.
my point is....just being from PSU....and being there...means he has 'stink" of it all on him...

I know this has been beat to death...but how in the world could of all that crap gone on at PSU for years and years...and Bradley didn't have the slightest inkling that anything was suspicious with Sandusky? again, I realize he has not been implicated in any way, shape or form...

Hiring Braldey would definitely hurt recuriting. How many recruitts a year does KF get from the Chicago area, 5-10? 670 the Score would absolutely excoriate the football program, the university and the state in general. The facts of the case wouldn't matter on bit.

You think that doesn't matter? How many coaches, fathers and kids listen to that station?
isn't LJ being retained by the new HC at PSU,
I really don't see the stench of the Sandusky situation being on the assitants like you claim
Bradley would be a solid hire and other than a very few internet posters there would be little to no backlash to the hire
and as soon as iowa cracked the top 20 in defensive stat nobody would say a word or even care where he came from
Hiring Braldey would definitely hurt recuriting. How many recruitts a year does KF get from the Chicago area, 5-10? 670 the Score would absolutely excoriate the football program, the university and the state in general. The facts of the case wouldn't matter on bit.

You think that doesn't matter? How many coaches, fathers and kids listen to that station?

I did react the same way. I never attended another alford coached game. The satterfield everson case, I still feel strongly that it was a coverup. The room involved was djk's unattended dorm room. The room was completely cleaned after the incident. Based on the open letter written by the victim's mother, yes I feel very strongly still about it. It was the first thing I mentioned when the Penn St thing broke. This was a scandal that was covered up and since that time, I've never had the same respect for Kirk. I however have attended several games. It's unacceptable. This is sports, not the mafia. Protect kids. It's pretty plain and simple. Hold yourself accountable. By not acting on something, you are making an unspoken agreement with the perpetrator that his actions are acceptable. After awhile, the perpetrator believes what he's doing is accepted by the non-action of others.

Thanks for confirming we aren't dealing with a rational person here.

As another poster said, Sandusky doesn't keep his actions under wraps as long as he did without being secretive. Further if PSU successfully covered this up for 10+ years (it looks like this was likely the case) you don't do that without being secretive either. Let's use our heads a bit here. There is ZERO chance that this could have remained a secret if the allegations were well known within the program. Do you honestly believe that EVERYONE at PSU was so morally bankrupt that the entire staff knew but NOBODY ever leaked it?

The ONLY way that situation goes down the way it did is if knowledge was limited to Sandusky, the GA, JoePa, and the few administrators present at JoePa's house that Sunday morning.
Hiring Braldey would definitely hurt recuriting. How many recruitts a year does KF get from the Chicago area, 5-10? 670 the Score would absolutely excoriate the football program, the university and the state in general. The facts of the case wouldn't matter on bit.

You think that doesn't matter? How many coaches, fathers and kids listen to that station?

So now we are making decisions based on whether or not it will be well received by certain talk radio stations?

Nope, nobody knew nothing about what was going on at PSU.

Sandusky just ups and retires, but nobody knew why, apparently.

These guys all worked next to each for years, decades, but nobody knew anything.

Which makes all the sense in the world... except people who actually know how the world of coaching works, like Gerry DiNardo, say that coaches - particularly a Paterno - know all that goes on around them.

No to Bradley or anybody else who has worked under/with Paterno and Sandusky any time in the last 20 years.
it doesn't look like it is hurting the PSU recruiting, other than the gold hunting Schutt i haven't seen the mass exit of recruits from PSU you keep talkinfg about
Nope, nobody knew nothing about what was going on at PSU.

Sandusky just ups and retires, but nobody knew why, apparently.

These guys all worked next to each for years, decades, but nobody knew anything.

Which makes all the sense in the world... except people who actually know how the world of coaching works, like Gerry DiNardo, say that coaches - particularly a Paterno - know all that goes on around them.

No to Bradley or anybody else who has worked under/with Paterno and Sandusky any time in the last 20 years.

Dude you don't understand how secrets work. Secrets stay secrets by people not knowing about them. No way were the abuse scandals well known by people connected to that program. There is just no possible way.
Duff can you think of any situations where a government has covered something up or made it's public believe one thing when something else was the case? Do you truly believe it's not possible for several people within Penn st to know or hear about Sandusky and yet, do nothing? Why is that irrational?

Think about how horrific this situation was. And imagine being a janitor and walking in on Sandusky...or any other low level employee. For that matter, McQueary did as little as humanly possible. The guy told his Dad, who decided to tell Joe, who decided to tell his boss, who told his boss. Nobody chose to take it to a real authoritative person. It was all kept in-house. They protect the hand feeding them. And the low-level person can just quickly be brushed aside or fired.
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Duff can you think of any situations where a government has covered something up or made it's public believe one thing when something else was the case? Do you truly believe it's not possible for several people within Penn st to know or hear about Sandusky and yet, do nothing? Why is that irrational?

We ain't talking about Aliens in the desert here chief, we are talking about the systematic sexual assault of multiple young men. You cannot keep something like that behind closed doors if it's widely known, you just can't. KF can't keep rumors about players injuries, gripes about playing time, and transfers out of the mainstream for more than 24 hours, and yet you think Joe Pa and the AD of PSU was able to keep the sexual molestation of dozens of boys out of the public light for 12-13 years despite widespread knowledge of the rest of the staff? Not buying it.
We ain't talking about Aliens in the desert here chief, we are talking about the systematic sexual assault of multiple young men. You cannot keep something like that behind closed doors if it's widely known, you just can't. KF can't keep rumors about players injuries, gripes about playing time, and transfers out of the mainstream for more than 24 hours, and yet you think Joe Pa and the AD of PSU was able to keep the sexual molestation of dozens of boys out of the public light for 12-13 years despite widespread knowledge of the rest of the staff? Not buying it.

I agree with this, not everyone is as morally wrong as people are portraying them.
We're not talking about injuries or playing time gripes. We're talking about a felony accusation. And something that will bring major investigation to the institution employing you. Now if this isn't something that sways a guy like you, then I want you on my team. However, these guys didn't do that.
So now we are making decisions based on whether or not it will be well received by certain talk radio stations?


I think that public perception of the football will suffer if KF hires "That guy that ignored child rape for 20 years".

KF has the reputation of being an honorable coach who runs a class act program, that good reputation is worth more than having Bradley as DC.
We're not talking about injuries or playing time gripes. We're talking about a felony accusation. And something that will bring major investigation to the institution employing you. Now if this isn't something that sways a guy like you, then I want you on my team. However, these guys didn't do that.

So let me get this straight. 99% of people would have given Sandusky a literal beat down the moment they saw the abuse and would have seen him prosecuted to the highest extent of the law regardless of personal or professional ramifications yet the entire PSU football staff didn't have one willing to do the same?
No Duff, but what you do is put a stop to it that moment somehow. Then you make a rational choice to defend the child. Even if that risks your career. And yes, it's a heavy decision but that kid deserves that. And if you lower your overall career earning potential, then at least you can still look at yourself in the mirror.

The guy was forced into retirement in 98. You don't force a guy into retirement based on nothing.

Look I get how heavy this is, but those kids deserve somebody, anybody with the balls to stand up for them. They are mentally damaged for life and people just looked the other way. It's permanent.
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So let me get this straight. 99% of people would have given Sandusky a literal beat down the moment they saw the abuse and would have seen him prosecuted to the highest extent of the law regardless of personal or professional ramifications yet the entire PSU football staff didn't have one willing to do the same?

Nope, I would have told my boss, the police and if that didn't get it stopped I would have called the media. The entire staff didn't have the stones to go against JoPa. If a man can't do what's right to protect kids, he has no business being in a position of authority in a public institution.

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