What if Bradley is named DC?

Nope, nobody knew nothing about what was going on at PSU.Sandusky just ups and retires, but nobody knew why, apparently.These guys all worked next to each for years, decades, but nobody knew anything.Which makes all the sense in the world... except people who actually know how the world of coaching works, like Gerry DiNardo, say that coaches - particularly a Paterno - know all that goes on around them.No to Bradley or anybody else who has worked under/with Paterno and Sandusky any time in the last 20 years.
Dude you don't understand how secrets work. Secrets stay secrets by people not knowing about them. No way were the abuse scandals well known by people connected to that program. There is just no possible way.

So when people living around Happy Valley that have no connection with PSU other than being fans say there were whispers or rumors about the guy nobody knew right?

Look I am not saying that all around PSU are guilty but sorry coaches talk and if you don't think the Ginger told someone or reasons why Sandusky retired out of the blue you are crazy.

Again the police are going back and interviewing all parties invovled for what they knew it just isn't the right time to make a hire from that staff.

Those that don't think there would be backlash are crazy and the same people worry about the perception of the program when a few players leave just wait it would be night and day.
Nope, I would have told my boss, the police and if that didn't get it stopped I would have called the media. The entire staff didn't have the stones to go against JoPa. If a man can't do what's right to protect kids, he has no business being in a position of authority in a public institution.

So again I ask you what's more likely. That the entire staff knew about what was going on but lacked the massive stones (that grown on trees around here) to do the right thing...


Knowledge of the situation was limited to one early 20's GA, an out of touch octogenarian HC, and a few people at the top of PSU's athletic department.
I did react the same way. I never attended another alford coached game. The satterfield everson case, I still feel strongly that it was a coverup. The room involved was djk's unattended dorm room. The room was completely cleaned after the incident. Based on the open letter written by the victim's mother, yes I feel very strongly still about it. It was the first thing I mentioned when the Penn St thing broke. This was a scandal that was covered up and since that time, I've never had the same respect for Kirk. I however have attended several games. It's unacceptable. This is sports, not the mafia. Protect kids. It's pretty plain and simple. Hold yourself accountable. By not acting on something, you are making an unspoken agreement with the perpetrator that his actions are acceptable. After awhile, the perpetrator believes what he's doing is accepted by the non-action of others.

you do realize that what you're saying goes so much farther than alford, right? to get away with something like what you're saying occurred, university officials would have to be involved to keep things quiet. since university officials are involved, alford shouldn't be the only person you're boycotting. you should be boycotting every aspect of the UofI as they took place in the "cover up".

so get over yourself thinking you're some kind of hero for boycotting "alford coached games" and really take a stand by boycotting everything that is the University of Iowa.
Nope, I would have told my boss, the police and if that didn't get it stopped I would have called the media. The entire staff didn't have the stones to go against JoPa. If a man can't do what's right to protect kids, he has no business being in a position of authority in a public institution.

Exactly, you have to keep things in perspective on this. First off, we're not talking about a McQuery that witnessed something.

And maybe I am missing that information, but I am willing to read it and determine that for myself.

Some of you that don't grasp this point are working off an assumption that Bradley was in the loop on this thing. As well as an assumption about how much he knew. Either way, unless Bradley was specifically implicated in some way, it's not realistic to expect him to spend his time being the personal hero on Sandusky.

Also, you have to remember that Sandusky was reprimanded by the University and the coaches were aware of that, so it's perfectly reasonable to assume, since we're all ASSUMING here, that as far as Bradley was concerned it had all been handled at one point.

Frankly, if it's me personally, and I in McQuery's shoes then Sandusky is lucky not to wake up in the hospital the next morning.

If I am in Bradley's shoes this is something that I don't want to be dragged into the middle of...I let chain of command kick in and expect people to do their jobs.

Unless I am missing some facts that I haven't seen specifically implicating Bradley it's not fair to indict him on something that there isn't evidence of him being guilty on.
So again I ask you what's more likely. That the entire staff knew about what was going on but lacked the massive stones (that grown on trees around here) to do the right thing...


Knowledge of the situation was limited to one early 20's GA, an out of touch octogenarian HC, and a few people at the top of PSU's athletic department.

OOOOO OOOOOO pick me pick me!!!!

I'll take what's behind door number 2!
Whammer I do realize that it's an institutional problem with Alford being the centerpiece of that particular problem.
I'd really like to keep this on the topic of Bradley being a new DC at Iowa but to answer, no I think the investigation into the everson/satterfield case was a disaster. The Pierre Pierce thing split the fanbase at the time and anyone involved shouldn't have been employed at Iowa and probably one of the reasons Bowlsby took his ball and ran.
but not everyone did and, as you alluded to, you've been to basketball games since. there are people still employed at the UofI that have the "stink" on them, yet you have chosen to overlook that because they aren't the "centerpieces".

yet you condemn bradley because he "stinks" even though he's not a "centerpiece" which you have already shown you forgive those that aren't "centerpieces"
After Sandusky was forced into retirement, Bradley, who had been under Sandusky's wing, took over the position. Do we know for sure he knew about what was going on or why his boss was being forced out? No, but if he didn't, then he probably doesn't know what day of the week it is either.
Also, was it only the administrative level that was supposed to enforce Sandusky not being allowed to use campus facilities to shower with young boys? The coaching staff wasn't told about that policy while they were forcing him into retirement?
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so you are the "guilty until proven innocent" crowd? gotcha.

but that still doesn't make him a "centerpiece" which you have already said are the ones you won't support.

but i look forward to reading more of your hypocritical posts throughout the forum.

good day sir
No way were the abuse scandals well known by people connected to that program. There is just no possible way.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic with your posts at this point, or are genuinely that ignorant.

Bradley was there beyond long enough to know everything that was going on. He replaced Sandusky.

McQueary WITNESSED the rape and was more than willing to continue to deal with Sandusky hanging around because he got a promotion. How much more do you want?

Gerry DiNardo: "There are no secrets on a coaching staff".

They all knew, and they were more than happy keeping the secret for Pope Joe.

And as we've all seen in the last few months, pretty much the entire state of Pennsylvania is willing to play "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" with this football program, and that it went all the way to the top with the current governor.
If bradley is the new dc, I won't attend another game until their gone. Sandusky was this guy's mentor. You expect me to believe he knew nothing? If he didn't know anything, then I don't trust him. If he knew something and did nothing, he should quit coaching young men. I feel the same about paterno and anyone on that staff. Is that fair? Asked the raped young boys that noone stood up for what's fair.
Good! More tickets available for the rest of us! Thank you.
For those of you making jokes about Bradley not being able to contain O'Keefe, do a little research. Iowa's offense has averaged less than 13 points a game against PSU over the last 5 years.

Mine had just a tinge of sarcasm, as I referred to O'Keefe 'running circles' around Bradley the year we beat them 6-4. I don't think either team had 200 yards that game. Just like you said . . . they were jokes.
So again I ask you what's more likely. That the entire staff knew about what was going on but lacked the massive stones (that grown on trees around here) to do the right thing...


Knowledge of the situation was limited to one early 20's GA, an out of touch octogenarian HC, and a few people at the top of PSU's athletic department.

What we know is that Sandusky was JoPa's hand picked successor and Defensive Coordinator until 2000 when Sandusky is told he's out.

From 2000-2011 Bradley is the coach-in-waiting under JoPa, the no 2 guy in the football program.

In order for your second suggestion to be valid we would have to assume that Bradley asked no questions as to why is boss was fired. We also have to assume that the topic never came up when discussing the Sandusky firing with his assistants. We also have to assume that Bradley was never questioned by the police regarding the Sandusky accusations.

One can be left with two posible conclusions:
1) Bradley didn't have the charracter to address the issue (either he was too weak or didn't care about what had happened)
2) He is a complete tool and bought what JoPa told him about the firing

Either way he's a company yes man or a tool. Not the guy we want representing the program.

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