What are the chances for ANY tournament?


Well-Known Member
I think our chances for the NCAA or NIT are remote. I would be thrilled with a bid to the CIT or the CBI. I think with one more win, we make the CIT or CBI. What do people think?
Who wants to go to the CIT or CBI? The only thing more embarassing that losing in those tournaments is winning those tournaments.
I think if Iowa wins 1 of their next 2 games one of those tournaments may be an option. I think you have to pay in order to play in those tournaments though. But Iowa may be an attractive option considering how the attendance has been picking up.
02-28-2012 03:23 PMGhostofBTT
Who wants to go to the CIT or CBI? The only thing more embarassing that losing in those tournaments is winning those tournaments.

Matt Gatens would. I would. Any post season is a sign of progress. Yes its not a great accomplishment in the case for teams that make it to the NCAA's every year. Progress is progress an I'm all for any post season chance we get. Once we make it to the NCAA again, it wont be "progress".
They are always invited to play in the tourny I hold at my court in my backyard. There is always a post-season option.

I must warn them though... It's not a full size court... So we might have to go 3v3 or 2v2.

But really... Wouldn't we have a decent chance of getting invited to the NIT if we finish the season strong?

I'll keep my fingers crossed, because I would like to watch them play even if it isn't the NCAA Tourny.
They are always invited to play in the tourny I hold at my court in my backyard. There is always a post-season option.

I must warn them though... It's not a full size court... So we might have to go 3v3 or 2v2.

But really... Wouldn't we have a decent chance of getting invited to the NIT if we finish the season strong?

I'll keep my fingers crossed, because I would like to watch them play even if it isn't the NCAA Tourny.

Key is finishing strong. If Iowa goes 1-2 the rest of the way. No chance at the NIT.
I want a CIT banner in Carver.

To be fair, many teams and fanbases get pretty excited about winning meaningless bowl games.