What are Fair Expectations for Adam Woodbury?

i dont understand why people keep throwing up significant block numbers. hes not a shot blocker period.

how is one shot block a game for an avg for a 7'1 center with all the hype he has coming in such a crazy concept? There will be games he has 2 maybe even 3. Then there will be games he won't have any. If he gets playing time he's going to accidently block a shot a game for an avg. I'm not saying he's going to run out there day one and be anthony davis. You not being able to understand how an athletic 7'1 kid who will be asked to protect the paint can't avg 1 block a game is more unbelievable to me. Defense is what will be his number one focus starting off if not for his career. If he becomes a 15pt 7rb player down the road I'd be more suprised over that than if he gets 1 block a game.
I feel the bigger debate will be on what the over under will be on his career free throw shooting will be. When he starts playing bigger mins down the road how big a factor will that become. Having a kid shoot 50% or less that might get to the line 4 to 8 times a game could be frustrating.
Woody's passing skill is perhaps his best quality at this point. He will be effective taking the pressure off White and Basabe when they are on the floor together. The opponent will have to pay attention to him on offense, if they double team White, Basabe or McCabe they take the risk of Woody scoring under the basket. When he gets the ball near the basket he can score quickly especially with his hook shot....

He certainly should be able to get one block a game depending on his minutes which could be at least ten plus a game.....

He also could benefit from the uptempo game and be the recipient of Mike Gesell's passes as we have seen in past AAU games.....

I realize that I am what is called a homer concerning Woody. He is a talented player who will only get better with actual game experience.....

I can see him scoring 2/3 baskets a game, 3/5 rebounds a game and at least one block a game playing at least ten minutes.....

His passing abilities are definitely his strong suit at this stage and that will be a bonus....

Just his presence on the floor on defense should help, stopping the easy baskets that killed us last season. There were many games we could not stop the opponent from scoring down the middle time and again. With Woody in there. it should be more difficult for that to happen.....

Once again, idle speculation, but I think he will be more than adequate as the season goes on, and I have a strong feeling that Fran and Woody have an agreement that he starts from day one.....

Aaron White's minutes went up as the season carried on, his conditioning improved drastically and we certainly benefited from that.....

Not comparing Woody to White, but the more playing time Aaron got the better he became.....

At any rate having Woody on the team is a good thing, much better than him playing at North Carolina.....

Of course, as has been mentioned he should be shooting at least 500/1000 free throws a day from now on.....
i dont understand why people keep throwing up significant block numbers. hes not a shot blocker period.
how is one shot block a game for an avg for a 7'1 center with all the hype he has coming in such a crazy concept? There will be games he has 2 maybe even 3. Then there will be games he won't have any. If he gets playing time he's going to accidently block a shot a game for an avg. I'm not saying he's going to run out there day one and be anthony davis. You not being able to understand how an athletic 7'1 kid who will be asked to protect the paint can't avg 1 block a game is more unbelievable to me. Defense is what will be his number one focus starting off if not for his career. If he becomes a 15pt 7rb player down the road I'd be more suprised over that than if he gets 1 block a game.

get back to me once you realize how difficult one block per game is. jared reiner averaged more than one block per game once in his career. zeller from indiana averaged 1.2 blocks last year but played 20+ mpg.
i dont understand why people keep throwing up significant block numbers. hes not a shot blocker period.
how is one shot block a game for an avg for a 7'1 center with all the hype he has coming in such a crazy concept? There will be games he has 2 maybe even 3. Then there will be games he won't have any. If he gets playing time he's going to accidently block a shot a game for an avg. I'm not saying he's going to run out there day one and be anthony davis. You not being able to understand how an athletic 7'1 kid who will be asked to protect the paint can't avg 1 block a game is more unbelievable to me. Defense is what will be his number one focus starting off if not for his career. If he becomes a 15pt 7rb player down the road I'd be more suprised over that than if he gets 1 block a game.

Ohhhh btw, according to max preps woody averaged .4 blocks per game in HIGH SCHOOL. But Im sure he will block one shot a game on accident in the B10 just by showing up...
Last year's freshman center was tabbed to average 10 and 10 so that should be the jumping off point for this year's freshman center.
Ohhhh btw, according to max preps woody averaged .4 blocks per game in HIGH SCHOOL. But Im sure he will block one shot a game on accident in the B10 just by showing up...

We'll just have to wait and see.... I think that since he'll be asked to focus on defense first and foremost with protecting the paint. I also think that our D will be pressuring the other teams guards more knowing we have a big guy in the lane. So they will be driving to the basket alot challenging him providing him with alot of chances. I don't think he'll get alot of blocks from guarding his mad heads up. But coming over helping on penetrating guards. HS is a totally different game than college. It's tough to translate those stats. The main stat that kinda does would be free throw shooting. If he could shoot 60 65% That'd prolly be acceptable enough. Not sure if he can do it.
Iowa has talent in the front court. Perhaps not the talent those guys had to deal with, but there is depth...and I don't care where they are; big men develop slower than other players. Just a fact.

Big men do develop slower. I 100% agree with you. I'm simply saying if you are using Tyler Zeller's stats to compare Adam's it's not really a valid comparison. For all we know Tyler could have been Cody Zeller his first year if he didn't go to UNC to back up the best big man in college and a stud in Ed Davis.

I've said all along that I think Woodbury has a better year than you are predicting simply b/c of a need. Iowa has no big man, and it kills them on defense. I think Woodbury gets more PT b/c of that.
And Jared Reiner was more athletic than Adam Woodbury. I really think Jared would have had a long career in the NBA if he wouldn't have continually been hurt
dude, the thought that he will block more shots in his freshman year of college than he did as a senior in HS is among the most insanely idiotic thoughts ive ever seen. i realize that you are just trying to justify your op on the subject but with all due respect you are approaching herby territory here.
Remember who coached Jared Reiners. I believe we have a much better coaching staff now and they will develop Woody better.
dude, the thought that he will block more shots in his freshman year of college than he did as a senior in HS is among the most insanely idiotic thoughts ive ever seen. i realize that you are just trying to justify your op on the subject but with all due respect you are approaching herby territory here.

One block a game. Not 2 Not 3 not 4 not 5 not 6 Not 7. I'm not going all lebron over here. One block a game. If suggesting that Woody can avg a block a game if he gets significant mins is "the most insanely idiotic" thought you've ever seen then you really don't pay attention to message boards very much.
I have to agree with Duff. From the beginning, many Hawk fans have been posting about what a great help it will be to have a shot blocking 7 footer stopping things up in the middle. Woody is not a shot blocking 7 footer. He is a good passing, good post moves scrappy 7 footer that can not jump.
As a former varsity basketball coach for 10 years who used MAXPREPS, blocks and steals are almost never recorded by teams with regularity.
Whether he will be a shot blocker in college is obviously debatable, buts using those stats from MaxPreps doesn't prove it.
I will happily bet someone that Woodbury will average at least 1 block per game as a freshman assuming he plays at least 15 minutes per game. He will be a shot blocker throughout his time at Iowa, mark my words.
I will happily bet someone that Woodbury will average at least 1 block per game as a freshman assuming he plays at least 15 minutes per game. He will be a shot blocker throughout his time at Iowa, mark my words.

that's a pointless bet he won't play 15 minutes a game.
all of woody's blocks in hs were of shorter kids shooting the ball into his hands. he doesnt have shot blocking prowess...he will alter shots so good weakside shot blockers can do their thing...we have 2 good weakside shot blockers called aw and basabe.

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