What are Fair Expectations for Adam Woodbury?


Adam Woodbury comes to Iowa as one of the highest rated centers in the nation last year. ESPN rated him as the 10th best center in the country and 39th best player overall.

Those are lofty accolades and when one is 7-1, big expectations seem to follow big frames. However, I think some are prematurely believing that he is going to be some sort of savior for this program in 2012-2013. I write this based on some fan posts and reactions from Prime Time League observations I have seen on this site and elsewhere.

Let's take a look at the recently concluded NBA draft and the centers who were selected. We'll shed light on how they played as true freshman.

Andre Drummond, UCONN: 10pp/7rpg/2.7bpg. That's a great stat line for a freshman and Drummond was one and done and the first center taken in the 2012 draft.

Meyers Leonard, Illinois: 2ppg/1rpg/8minutes per game: Leonard had a very good sophomore season this past year which prompted him to leave school early. That decision was rewarded with his being selected as the 11th pick of the first round. However, things were not always wine and roses for the 7-1 big man, as his freshman stats illustrate. Two points per game, one rebound per game and less than ten minutes per game. In year two, his averages shot up to 13/8, while playing over 31 minutes per game.

Tyler Zeller, UNC: 3.1/2.0/7.8 minutes per game. Zeller was the 17th pick in this year's draft by the Dallas Mavericks and had a solid four-year career for the Tar Heels. But as a freshman, he did not look so good. As a sophomore, his averages jumped up to 9.3/4.6 in over 17 minutes per game and as a junior and senior he was around 16/7 to 16/10. Again, his freshman season was a big learning experience both on the court and in the weight room.

Fab Melo, Syracuse: 2.3/1.9/9.9 minutes per game. Another learning season as a freshman as Melo didn't play all that much and didn't stuff the stat sheet. As a soph he jumped to 7.8ppg/5.8rpg but a blistering 2.9 blocks per game which was good enough for him to leave school and get selected as the 22nd overall pick in this year's draft.

Festus Ezeli, Vanderbilt: 3.8/2.6/12.4 minutes per game. Ezeli was the last pick in this year's first round and a four-year college player. His numbers for his first AND second years were similar, then he had break out years the final two years.

While this is not scientific and all players are not created equally, these are five players who are now millionaires and in four of the five instances the players struggled as freshmen. Or rather, they didn't put up big numbers as freshmen.

The toughest position to 'learn the ropes' at the highest levels of college basketball is center. The learning curve for most players is steep and there are few exceptions. Those who are the exceptions wind up going pro after a year or two. Cody Zeller of Indiana could have turned pro this past spring and would have been a lottery pick and the same could likely have been said for Jared Sullinger of Ohio State if he would have gone pro after his freshman season. At the least, he would have been a first round pick.

I don't believe Adam Woodbury will have seasons like that. I think his freshman season will be more along the lines of four of the five players listed above; 10 or so minutes per game plus or minus one or two...three to four points per game and a rebound or two, on the season average. He hasn't shown shot blocking prowess at the high school level so I don't expect it on the college level, either...or at least not right away.

If that is how it plays out, don't get down on the kid; that road is far more traveled than the breakout freshman star center road.

That said, I do have much higher expectations for Mike Gesell. We'll talk about that tomorrow.
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I'm expecting 7/5/22min and I think that's fair. He will get more min. than guys like Zeller and Fab because they have better players.
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I'm expecting 7/5/22min and I think that's fair. He will get more min. than guys like Zeller and Fab because they have better players.

Not a chance he gets 22 minutes per game. Were I a betting man I'd take all the action you wanted to throw my way on the under.
I expect the numbers to be like Festivus. 4 and 3 in 12. Hopefully he makes Zeller like improvement after that.
I think the minutes per game is the key to your assessment. I look at Zeller and Leonard both of them had players blocking them to get more minutes. Woodbury and Meyer are the closest Iowa has to a true center so I think the minutes will be available for them. Zeller only played 15 games but if Woodbury can perform at his level but double the amount of minutes per game he will have a successful season.

15 mpg
6 ppg
4 rpg

Is what I consider to be reasonable expectations.
I think the minutes per game is the key to your assessment. I look at Zeller and Leonard both of them had players blocking them to get more minutes. Woodbury and Meyer are the closest Iowa has to a true center so I think the minutes will be available for them. Zeller only played 15 games but if Woodbury can perform at his level but double the amount of minutes per game he will have a successful season.

15 mpg
6 ppg
4 rpg

Is what I consider to be reasonable expectations.

Olaseni is going to be interesting, as to how much he has improved. White/Basabe/McCabe are going to get a LOT of front court minutes. Dont get hung up on 'true center' stuff because IMO, Iowa's best chances of winning are when McCabe, Basabe and White are on the floor together, and often
So Jon, who do you think starts at Center? I was hoping to see a mix of Woodbury, Meyer, and Olaseni at the center position. I think having a true center will make McCabe, Basabe, and White better.
So Jon, who do you think starts at Center? I was hoping to see a mix of Woodbury, Meyer, and Olaseni at the center position. I think having a true center will make McCabe, Basabe, and White better.

I don't think that sort of thing matters all that much. I think Basabe, White and McCabe are starters, along with Marble and Gesell.
Jon, can we PRETTY PLEASE have Hurbbbby back, so we can see what his outrageous expecatations of Woodbury are!?

I think people are going to come down on Woodbury when he doesn't light the world on fire. Some people's expecations are just going to be very unrealistic. That being said, I think he should average no less than 4-5 ppg and 3-4 rbp. Anything better than that is just gravy. I think he'll be seeing a lot more minutes than Tyler Zeller and Miles Leonard did their freshman seasons just due to our need of him and big body in the middle on D.
Definitely a learning season. He's got a lot to figure out. We will see the dividends Jr. & Sr year. Just need to be patient.
So Jon, who do you think starts at Center? I was hoping to see a mix of Woodbury, Meyer, and Olaseni at the center position. I think having a true center will make McCabe, Basabe, and White better.

Nothing against Meyer at all, but I don't expect him to be playing a whole lot this coming season, if any.
What are your expectations Jon?

I don't believe Adam Woodbury will have seasons like that. I think his freshman season will be more along the lines of four of the five players listed above; 10 or so minutes per game plus or minus one or two...three to four points per game and a rebound or two, on the season average. He hasn't shown shot blocking prowess at the high school level so I don't expect it on the college level, either...or at least not right away.

He says in the first post.
Why? Is he looking like the 2nd coming of Brommer?

If what Jon says happens then I expect Meyer to redshirt.

No, I wouldn't say that. I just think he's going to be the rawest out of the post players that we have available for next season. And we actually will be pretty deep there (well compared to the last few years at least).
I would expect 2ppg and 4 rebounds. I think he will average 1 really good pass a game as well (which won't always translate to an assist). I think he will consistently dive on the floor; he'll try to take charges in the middle and chest players comin in the paint versus going for blocked shots.
Adam reminds me of a rich man's Jared Reiner. Better passer and better foot work. What were Reiner's freshmen totals?

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