"We're only Minnesota..."

Can't help it. The howl in me has been unleashed...
That's alright I can take it,always like to think the glass is half full unless I'm drinking out of it then it seems to be half empty.Planning on watching Iowa's baseball team in a few more weeks,heading to Florida,won't be back until April.If you want me to I can check out some 2star recruits.
That's alright I can take it,always like to think the glass is half full unless I'm drinking out of it then it seems to be half empty.Planning on watching Iowa's baseball team in a few more weeks,heading to Florida,won't be back until April.If you want me to I can check out some 2star recruits.

For Fran or KF?
I know that I want Iowa to be better......

I just don't see what having a hissy fit about Iowa football or not having a hissy fit has nothing to do with wanting Iowa to have good years/be better.

I"m fine with tolerating the results (overall records). Dean, you have to admit there is a level of weird dysfunction about it. I wont quit hissing about that unless I get totally tired of it. Last year was different. We can't expect kf's best years every year and I get that. It's the flat out stupid dysfunction like the Outback that is hard to tolerate. Lose to Florida badly....fine. Don't dominate the line of play in the first half, trail, and have the stupid CJ injured stuff.

Then again, I do think that in some ways we (you and I included) get more entertainment from talking about it than watching the product.

It's the same or near the same with Fran. Be a reasonable idiot about it (Fran), but stop the stupidity like no PG or having to rely on so many freshman because of terrible and I mean terrible recruiting years. Stop throwing a Roy Williams on steroids, lose with grace, not like a plugged smoke stack.
Fleck is either going to wear out his welcome in Minnesota quickly, or he's going to be really successful.

Which means he'll be fired or take a better job within 3 seasons, 4 tops.
All this talk about Fleck is BS until he actually proves he can win at Minny. If you want to circle-jerk about how much better of a coach he is than KF, take it to the Minnesota boards.

I believe he is saying that this message board will soon be called TCF Bank South forum. LOL

IMO, most people out recruit Ferentz but that doesn't seem to stop Papa F from beating most of these teams. In other words, NO WORRIES MAAAN! If KF ever was able to recruit like a pro, we might have a real chance at the NC but we won't ever have that with him here so we have to drink our way through this Ferentz legacy!
Fleck is either going to wear out his welcome in Minnesota quickly, or he's going to be really successful.

Which means he'll be fired or take a better job within 3 seasons, 4 tops.

Agreed, either way he last 4 years at Minnesota tops.
Ferments recruiting practices are a joke....which makes him a joke, All he dreams of is winning the Big Ten West....NOTHING more. And he lives to try and do it by "coaching up" so he can try and show off....actually doing it with top notch recruits would take away his fun. The guy is s selfish and prickly jerk.....just because he donates a small portion of his millions to the U of I hospital, everyone thinks he's a great guy. Put me down as not fooled....not after he gets caught trying to sneak Brain into subsidized housing....that can NEVER be explained away or forgiven.

My goodness, you really do hate Kirk Ferentz. I've read your vitriol for a long time and I've not read even a neutral word about Kirk from you.
--------Either embrace the team and coaches that are here or move on.

Sounds kinda like Nazi Germany to me.

Ferments is just one more Democrat who doesn't practice what they preach....tolerance. His teams look like they are straight out of the movie Hoosiers.....shouldn't it resemble a community college brochure? Xerxes is correct.....his recruiting base has gotten even more narrowed the last 10 years.
--------Either embrace the team and coaches that are here or move on.

Sounds kinda like Nazi Germany to me.

Ferments is just one more Democrat who doesn't practice what they preach....tolerance. His teams look like they are straight out of the movie Hoosiers.....shouldn't it resemble a community college brochure? Xerxes is correct.....his recruiting base has gotten even more narrowed the last 10 years.
Aaaaaaand off the deep end we go
-------My goodness, you really do hate Kirk Ferentz. I've read your vitriol for a long time and I've not read even a neutral word about Kirk from you.

Nope....I didn't like him from day ONE when he took 2 Full months to show up in Iowa City after being hired. NFL loyalty my ass....he was too afraid to burn bridges. ALWAYS looking out for himself....he is the ONLY coach I've ever seen do that....and of course since it was Iowa, nothing was said about it.
For Fran or KF?
So do you like any of Iowa's coaches or is it just those two?Since you and playmaker are so against the coaching who do you think should be the Head guy.Hopefully whoever it is you can use some manners and call them by there real name.
--------Aaaaaaand off the deep end we go

In all seriousness though, his recruiting does almost border on racism when you actually look at where his base is....try and disagree with me....can you? He is Mr. White Middle America....."Johnny Letterjacket" is his go too in almost every instance.
--------Aaaaaaand off the deep end we go

In all seriousness though, his recruiting does almost border on racism when you actually look at where his base is....try and disagree with me....can you? He is Mr. White Middle America....."Johnny Letterjacket" is his go too in almost every instance.
How is it racist to heavily recruit the areas with the most ties to Iowa, where there is a lot of kids who are overlooked?

Did KF kick your dog or something? I get not liking the guy's coaching decisions, but you have an irrational disdain for the guy.
Post below is lifted from elsewhere, but so dead on it needed to be stolen and shared.

-----------I would like to say thank you KF for not being good at recruiting. Thank you for not putting an emphasis on recruiting during the year to show off what Iowa has to offer so that coaches can "focus on the game". Thank you for year after year not being able to close deals down the stretch on kids with offers outside of the MAC or the Missouri Valley Conference. Thank you for consistently under recruiting so that we can watch yet another set of walk ons become starters as their scholarship counterparts weren't all that good to begin with. Thank you for getting your butt kicked in bowl games the past several years displaying what happens when you give teams with talent time to prepare against you. Thank you for offering the sons of former players whom do not have many options elsewhere. Lastly, thank you for losing out on so many recruits this year down the stretch as this was certainly one of the worst finishes to recruiting I can remember.

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