We have got to find a PG

I didn't say they can't but that is not their strong suit right now and until it is there will be some bad nights. Am I wrong? Please Herb, reply with a yes or no. Am I wrong that neither is good going to the rim?

Ill say it if Herby won't. Yes you are wrong.
No complaints with Gesell thus far. He is a freshman and is going through a huge adjustment period. I agree with the OP that until we get somebody like Armstead, we are going to struggle. When WSU needed a basket, Armstead delivered either by scoring, creating or ripping Marble and starting a break. We had no answer for him or Early, and I expect more of these matchup problems. Gesell has not seen guys like Armstead and many others he will face in the big ten this season and will have some rough nights, but that is part of the learning process.
this time last year Gesell was playing against small schools in Nebraska. might just take him a bit to get used to high level ball. but we'll keep that on the downlow, franstheman is in the middle of a brain crisis.
Who can create and get in the lane. I love Gesell but that is not his game. I think he is a good player and plays a huge role on this team but I've felt all season he is too hyped. When his shot isn't falling, the team struggles. We need a Cartwright that breaks down the D and probes the lane.

You want someone more like Cartwright and less like Gasell?? HUH? Mike G looks to be one of the better players brought in by Fran.
Cartwright had something Gesell doesn't have.." Experience" he started for Fresno St as a FR. then went to a JUCO for a year before coming here, he startede for Fran as a JR because Payne got hurt.
there is a big diference between how a JR and a SR play vs a FR just starting out

You're a little short on the Fresno "experience", Herby.

(1) Fresno was freaking awful
(2) He was third string by the end of the year.
You're a little short on the Fresno "experience", Herby.

(1) Fresno was freaking awful
(2) He was third string by the end of the year.

but he could "penetrate", and that's the only thing that matters in a PG. hold on though, the OP is getting a hold of Fran to get him straightened out. ;)
This thread is hilarious. Cartwright...really. He couldn't throw it in the ocean and his defense was, as Fran put it, terrible. Gesell has already, in 5 games, shown he is a very serious offense threat from the outside. When you can hit shots, the penetration will come as defenses need to guard you. This will be a big part of his game THIS YEAR.

He got in foul trouble and didn't have a chance to get into the flow of the game. He can penetrate and he's already shown that this year. He's a freshman in the first five games of his college career and will make considerable improvement by the time he hits the B10 schedule. He's going to be fine...or better than fine. Give me a Freshman Gesell over Cartwright any day of the week.

If I was you guys, I'd be more worried that our interior people looked like high school kids against college players. We are more finesse than physical at this juncture and we all know what that means in the B10. You are going to get killed on the glass and have no inside scoring in your half court sets. I'm much less concerned about the guard play.
I said that he is a good player but his strength is not attacking the basket. Am I wrong?

Yes you are wrong. Its the 6th game and it was against a solid team. He a freshman and will be just fine. You on the other hand I have heard for the last year and you just don't make the cut on any level.
So he did attack the hoop in the other five games? Cause I must've missed that.

Maybe what you are missing is the wisdom to recognize that a few games into ones college career as a true freshman is not always an indicator of what ones entire career will be. I don't intend to seem condescending, but what is your frame of reference with regard to basketball knowledge and life experience? Are you in high school or have you been out of school for 25 years? Did you ever play basketball competitively, and if so, at what levels?

I have seen quite a few of your posts without commenting, I believe. I have been under the impression that you are kind of a knee-jerk reaction kind of guy that may or may not know much about about basketball.

You also seem like you are under the age of 25, at least to me. I say this because you seem to be somewhat impatient when I see your comments and I would take that to be indicative of someone that is younger and hasn't been around the block, so to speak. An example of just the opposite would be when Jon Miller, in the past, has written that he was wanting to replace Tom Davis when it happened. In retrospect, however, and with a few more years under his belt, I believe he is on record as saying he sees things differently now and he attributes that to having more life experience. Additionally, younger people that grew up in a world of immediate gratification want things yesterday instead of, for instance, waiting for at least half a season to figure out what kind of a player someone is.

I would be curious to see some of your posts when Marble was a freshman and what you thought he was going to be in his career. I am willing to bet you thought he would be a role player at best, and someone that would never come close to being able to accomplish what he did last year, let alone what he will do through his entire career.

I could be wrong, but that's what I see in your posts. In turn, I am 47 years old and never played competitive sports of any kind after high school, although I am probably more informed on the topics of basketball and baseball than over 95% of everyone that watches sports. I am not quite as informed on football, but overall I am probably up on football compared to most people.

By the way, I also wanted Tom Davis gone when he was let go and I don't apologize for that nor do I think that opinion was wrong, in retrospect. Just because you don't make the right hire when you let someone go doesn't mean you made the wrong decision to let someone go, at least not in my opinion.
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Maybe what you are missing is the wisdom to recognize that a few games into ones college career as a true freshman is not always an indicator of what ones entire career will be. I don't intend to seem condescending, but what is your frame of reference with regard to basketball knowledge and life experience? Are you in high school or have you been out of school for 25 years? Did you ever play basketball competitively, and if so, at what levels?

I have seen quite a few of your posts without commenting, I believe. I have been under the impression that you are kind of a knee-jerk reaction kind of guy that may or may not know much about about basketball.

You also seem like you are under the age of 25, at least to me. I say this because you seem to be somewhat impatient when I see your comments and I would take that to be indicative of someone that is younger and hasn't been around the block, so to speak. An example of just the opposite would be when Jon Miller, in the past, has written that he was wanting to replace Tom Davis when it happened. In retrospect, however, and with a few more years under his belt, I believe he is on record as saying he sees things differently now and he attributes that to having more life experience. Additionally, younger people that grew up in a world of immediate gratification want things yesterday instead of, for instance, waiting for at least half a season to figure out what kind of a player someone is.

I would be curious to see some of your posts when Marble was a freshman and what you thought he was going to be in his career. I am willing to bet you thought he would be a role player at best, and someone that would never come close to being able to accomplish what he did last year, let alone what he will do through his entire career.

I could be wrong, but that's what I see in your posts. In turn, I am 47 years old and never played competitive sports of any kind after high school, although I am probably more informed on the topics of basketball and baseball than over 95% of everyone that watches sports. I am not quite as informed on football, but overall I am probably up on football compared to most people.

By the way, I also wanted Tom Davis gone when he was let go and I don't apologize for that nor do I think that opinion was wrong, in retrospect. Just because you don't make the right hire when you let someone go doesn't mean you made the wrong decision to let someone go, at least not in my opinion.

I agree with most of your post. But, as you know, I didn't agree on firing Tom Davis, & still don't. How many times since he left have we had as good a records as Davis had?
The fact that you want Cartwright over Gessel discounts your entire thread. Cartwright could do some things well but his shot selection and shooting left a lot to be desired. Also saying Gessel can't penetrate six games into his freshman season is a little shortsighted.
The fact that you want Cartwright over Gessel discounts your entire thread. Cartwright could do some things well but his shot selection and shooting left a lot to be desired. Also saying Gessel can't penetrate six games into his freshman season is a little shortsighted.

I didn't say I wanted Cartwright over Gesell I said that what Cartwright did do well is what our PG's aren't doing well yet. My point wasn't we need new joes but that we need to find THAT GUY who can probe the defense. I'm confident the guy who can create and break down the D is on the team, the crux of what I was getting at is that until we find out who that guy is going to be, we'll have bad nights like this against athletic teams.
I don't know whether gessel is a driver or not but we do need some players that can put it on the floor and take it to the hole when we get pressured. Seems like when a athletic team d's us up we have trouble finding someone that can go to the hole or get a shot off.
I didn't say I wanted Cartwright over Gesell I said that what Cartwright did do well is what our PG's aren't doing well yet. My point wasn't we need new joes but that we need to find THAT GUY who can probe the defense. I'm confident the guy who can create and break down the D is on the team, the crux of what I was getting at is that until we find out who that guy is going to be, we'll have bad nights like this against athletic teams.

The title of your thread belies your explanation. "We have got to find a PG?" Just sayin.

Gesell will be one of our best PGs ever ...

<crosses arms>
getting rid of Davis was a bad move,
1. he avg 20 wins a season in the BT
2. the BT is not made up of cupcakes nor are the coaches 2nd rate
3. he went 9-0 in the dance and went to 9 NCAA's tourney and 2 NIT's going 1-1 in opening games
4. he had 10 20+ win seasons 1 19 win season and 2 losing season
5. he took Iowa to 1 elite 8 2 sweet 16's and faced a #1 seed in the Dance 8 times. Duke twice in round 2, the only non #1 seed was NC State when they won the NT

if that kind of SUCCESS is justification for running a coach off.
just how long will it be before you people will want to run Fran off?

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