We aren't back

Y WE NO BAK?!?!?!?!

Step off the ledge fans, If the Hawks are still giving up 95 points in Feb. to teams that will not make the tourney then it is time to get worried. Fran and the team will watch the tapes and work on adjustments, playing a decent team on the road in Nov. is so much more beneficial than blowing out Chicago State in front of 8000 fans at home. The last two games were wake up calls, Fran has improved the talent level dramatically from the past 5-6 years, now he has to teach them how to play some defense. Personally, I thought the refs stunk last night but I'm a huge homer!

Ease off the hopium a bit. VA Tech is likely not a good team:

Sat, Nov 10N.C. CentralW 71-57------
Tue, Nov 13at VCUW 53-51------
Thu, Nov 15Western CarolinaW 79-63------
Sat, Nov 17HowardW 69-50------
Tue, Nov 20DePaulW 75-62------

Wed, Nov 21at IowaW 75-63

Sat, Nov 10E. Tennessee St.W 80-62------
Mon, Nov 12Rhode IslandW 69-50------
Thu, Nov 15Virginia MilitaryW 95-80------
Mon, Nov 19at N.C. GreensboroW 96-87------
Fri, Nov 23Appalachian St.W 87-76------
Tue, Nov 27IowaW 95-79------

There is nothing in Wichita's schedule to make a case for a good team:

What is evident is that the Hawks lose as badly as anyone to teams that have not played good teams. At best with this talent the Hawks are a mid major that could get hot at the end for several games. Unfortunately the B1G is not mid major and not likely the Hawks are going anywhere.

You can't change personality. Woodbury is at best a role player and he is not naturally aggressive. He will seldom get into double figures until we get a quick/aggressive and dominating 3 or 4 that is 6-7 or 6-8. Woodbury's value will decline in B1G until the surrounding talent improves.

MG is a street player that doesn't shoot much off the dribble (surprisingly). He will not get many stand and shoot opportunities and in the B1G he will even be less effective at the drive and dish, the way he dishes. He needs to learn to flow with the game rather than trying to create off the street. Not all kids of his background of success make that transition. I think he will, but not this year and maybe next.

Clemmons is a nice player on creating the right way. He is smallish. Marble is not a complete player and will show against better B1G teams. Many of the remaining players are fine 6 or 7's on many B1G teams. Some of them who are criticized hard are actually decent in that role, but due to lack of an aggressive big, they can't do a lot.

Hawks will win some when the 3's are hitting and it opens the middle some. Won't happen often that way.

Thankfully the bottom 40% of the league is downright awful. Da Goofers under da current coach isn't dat good in the middle of da pack either ya know.

Outside of Perdoo at home, I see no gimmies for this team.

My biggest concern is that 3 years in and Fran still hasn't brought in a dominant, quick, prolific #3 or #4. That puts major change that much further out unless he finds a Reggie Evans that can either board or put em down or both in the JC route.

Sorry not buying the hype until he gets that recruit into his system.
Last night was the 1st time I've been actually ****** off during a Iowa basketball game in years. I'm due for a meltdown thread.

Iowa will be fine but I was just ticked off at how terrible they played against a bad team. Plus I lost a crapload of vCash on the game.:confused:
I never said they were not good, I said they would struggle early and improve as the year went on. I said Oglesby wasn't as good a shooter as people said. I said May and Olesani would be non-factors. I said Gaten's scoring will be missed more than people think. I said this 10 man rotation think won't work and it will be shrunk down.

I have literally been right about everything, but no one wanted to listen because they thought I was hating. Now that everyone's hating, they don't want to listen because I'm too positive. This is the kind of manic-depressive thing I see a dozen times a season on this bored. Emotional people are unable to think critically and view the situation clearly.

I predicted 20 wins for this team and a top NIT seed. Still not wavering from that at all.

Add Gatens to this team and they would be a lot better than last year's team, IMHO.

Nothing Fran can do about a graduating senior, though.
I never said they were not good, I said they would struggle early and improve as the year went on. I said Oglesby wasn't as good a shooter as people said. I said May and Olesani would be non-factors. I said Gaten's scoring will be missed more than people think. I said this 10 man rotation think won't work and it will be shrunk down.

I have literally been right about everything, but no one wanted to listen because they thought I was hating. Now that everyone's hating, they don't want to listen because I'm too positive. This is the kind of manic-depressive thing I see a dozen times a season on this bored. Emotional people are unable to think critically and view the situation clearly.

I predicted 20 wins for this team and a top NIT seed. Still not wavering from that at all.

Oglesby has been our ONLY shooter in games that matter. Without him we were 1 of 16 from 3 pt range last night.

May kept us in the Wichita st game. Olaseni will progress as the year goes on.

Scoring wasn’t the issue last night, no one kept anyone out of the paint or off the boards.

Obviously the rotation will be cut down, we played 11 last night...
Said Ghost all Autumn to anyone who would listen.

I also predicted many would turn on the team at the first sign of adversity.

One curious sign though, is that fans are really quick to blame the players, but no one is criticizing the coach, outside of complaining about recruiting. Interesting contrast to the football board.

At least there is one rational poster on this message board. I actually heard people prior to the season claiming that Woodbury was a better passer than Bill Walton and Gessell was better than Kirk Hinrich.

It's great if you score in the 80's, not so great if your opponent scores in the 90's. To me that is just as much if more on the coaching staff than on the players.

I am surprised to see so many people abandoning ship. This is a young team with a freshman PG and a freshman Center. What did people expect?
Add Gatens to this team and they would be a lot better than last year's team, IMHO.

Nothing Fran can do about a graduating senior, though.

Except bring in better Freshmen or improve the returning players enough to compensate. Doyour Job Coach! Coach Fran out! Trolllllololololololol.
Except bring in better Freshmen or improve the returning players enough to compensate. Doyour Job Coach! Coach Fran out! Trolllllololololololol.

News flash: Players graduate every year, it is on the Coaching staff to make the guys he has on his roster better players and to develop them.
Ease off the hopium a bit. VA Tech is likely not a good team:

Sat, Nov 10N.C. CentralW 71-57------
Tue, Nov 13at VCUW 53-51------
Thu, Nov 15Western CarolinaW 79-63------
Sat, Nov 17HowardW 69-50------
Tue, Nov 20DePaulW 75-62------

Wed, Nov 21at IowaW 75-63

Sat, Nov 10E. Tennessee St.W 80-62------
Mon, Nov 12Rhode IslandW 69-50------
Thu, Nov 15Virginia MilitaryW 95-80------
Mon, Nov 19at N.C. GreensboroW 96-87------
Fri, Nov 23Appalachian St.W 87-76------
Tue, Nov 27IowaW 95-79------

There is nothing in Wichita's schedule to make a case for a good team:

What is evident is that the Hawks lose as badly as anyone to teams that have not played good teams. At best with this talent the Hawks are a mid major that could get hot at the end for several games. Unfortunately the B1G is not mid major and not likely the Hawks are going anywhere.

You can't change personality. Woodbury is at best a role player and he is not naturally aggressive. He will seldom get into double figures until we get a quick/aggressive and dominating 3 or 4 that is 6-7 or 6-8. Woodbury's value will decline in B1G until the surrounding talent improves.

MG is a street player that doesn't shoot much off the dribble (surprisingly). He will not get many stand and shoot opportunities and in the B1G he will even be less effective at the drive and dish, the way he dishes. He needs to learn to flow with the game rather than trying to create off the street. Not all kids of his background of success make that transition. I think he will, but not this year and maybe next.

Clemmons is a nice player on creating the right way. He is smallish. Marble is not a complete player and will show against better B1G teams. Many of the remaining players are fine 6 or 7's on many B1G teams. Some of them who are criticized hard are actually decent in that role, but due to lack of an aggressive big, they can't do a lot.

Hawks will win some when the 3's are hitting and it opens the middle some. Won't happen often that way.

Thankfully the bottom 40% of the league is downright awful. Da Goofers under da current coach isn't dat good in the middle of da pack either ya know.

Outside of Perdoo at home, I see no gimmies for this team.

My biggest concern is that 3 years in and Fran still hasn't brought in a dominant, quick, prolific #3 or #4. That puts major change that much further out unless he finds a Reggie Evans that can either board or put em down or both in the JC route.

Sorry not buying the hype until he gets that recruit into his system.

Minn. is 7-1 with only loss to Duke. They have already beaten Memphis, Stanford and Florida State. Probably a top 15 team this year. Illinois too.
Sucks to be Iowa right now because we will be better this year but record will not reflect it.
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Oglesby has been our ONLY shooter in games that matter. Without him we were 1 of 16 from 3 pt range last night.

May kept us in the Wichita st game. Olaseni will progress as the year goes on.

Scoring wasn’t the issue last night, no one kept anyone out of the paint or off the boards.

Obviously the rotation will be cut down, we played 11 last night...

I didn't say that Oglesby was a bad shooter, I said he wasn't as good a shooter as people thought. many told me he would easily replace Gatens, and obviously Francis hyped him beyond belief. The truth is that he's pretty inconsistent right now, and when he's not an effective shooter, which is more often than not, he's a liability.

For May, as a "starter" and a senior defensive stopper, you can't tell me he's having the kind of season most people expected out of him. Olesani will not progress. His minutes have already been slashed. He'll continue to be a practice legend.

As for scoring, we're currently 6th in the BoneG in scoring (behind freaking Wisconsin), and we've played a weak schedule. Shooting has obviously been a problem for this team.
Minn. is 7-1 with only loss to Duke. They have already beaten Memphis, Stanford and Florida State. Probably a top 15 team this year. Illinois too.
Sucks to be Iowa right now because we will be better this year but record will not reflect it.

There are some rough conclusions that can be drawn but nothing substantial yet. It's only 6-7 games in and some teams have played dogs and some teams have played tough competition. From my point of view Michigan is the best team. They have everything, length on the perimeter, depth inside, talent, shooters and a really seasoned coach. I'd take them over Indiana.

MSU has looked good and bad but they've also been without two players. Not enough info.

OSU hasn't played anybody that great yet.

Illinois? Solid start but that Maui field was not strong.

Minnesota? Got manhandled by Duke. Solid win last night.

Iowa? Lots of question marks. No defense.

Wisconsin? Lots of question marks and young guards. 5 of their top 9 are freshman or sophmores.

Still very very early in the season, a long way to go. The teams that have coaches that can get their teams to rise up and improve will fare the best.

So the teams with the best coaches will do well? nahhhhhh?

I get what you were saying, just feeling like being a b-bag today....

It sounds obvious but most people assume that how a team starts is going to be how they finish. That isn't always the case.

I think Illinois was undefeated or only had one loss during the nonconference last season. Fast forward to the end of the year and their coach was looking for a new job.

Wisconsin conversely was 1-3 to start the BIG and had just lost to Iowa at home. Fast forward to the end of the year and we had just come off of a second consecutive Sweet 16 and some Coach from Iowa was poaching our bench players.:cool::cool::cool:
Marble was by far though the best player on the court last night. He took over the game, knew when to take his shot, and how and when to get the others involved.
There are some rough conclusions that can be drawn but nothing substantial yet. It's only 6-7 games in and some teams have played dogs and some teams have played tough competition. From my point of view Michigan is the best team. They have everything, length on the perimeter, depth inside, talent, shooters and a really seasoned coach. I'd take them over Indiana.

MSU has looked good and bad but they've also been without two players. Not enough info.

OSU hasn't played anybody that great yet.

Illinois? Solid start but that Maui field was not strong.

Minnesota? Got manhandled by Duke. Solid win last night.

Iowa? Lots of question marks. No defense.

Wisconsin? Lots of question marks and young guards. 5 of their top 9 are freshman or sophmores.

Still very very early in the season, a long way to go. The teams that have coaches that can get their teams to rise up and improve will fare the best.

Good stuff badger.

It’s a tossup as far as Michigan-Indiana, I don’t foresee the Hoosiers losing at home this year though.
I don’t foresee the Hoosiers losing at home this year though.

So what? They didn't lose at home last year either and they still finished in 5th place. I also believe that they play all the top teams (or expected top teams) at home this year, that wasn't the case last season. They do not have to go to the Kohl Center.
You also can't tell me that Michigan (a team that won a share of the title last year) isn't better off with Glenn Robinson III than with Zak Novak. They also added Horford and McGary. McGary is a monster that has a Big Ten body already. Same with Robinson.

So basically Michigan kept everybody important and upgraded their interior and their wing. Indiana has Ferrell and Hulls but if you play Ferrell you take out Hulls shooting ability. Can't really play both because they are defensive liabilities against good teams like Michigan that has guards that can exploit that.
You also can't tell me that Michigan (a team that won a share of the title last year) isn't better off with Glenn Robinson III than with Zak Novak. They also added Horford and McGary. McGary is a monster that has a Big Ten body already. Same with Robinson.

So basically Michigan kept everybody important and upgraded their interior and their wing. Indiana has Ferrell and Hulls but if you play Ferrell you take out Hulls shooting ability. Can't really play both because they are defensive liabilities against good teams like Michigan that has guards that can exploit that.

Like I said, it’s a toss up. Who did Indiana lose? No one. They all look more polished and we haven’t even seen the 2 suspended players.

It’ll be interesting to see how Michigan handles teams with talented bigs.

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