Ways to improve the Kinnick Gameday experience

1. Use the entire video board screen in the south endzone to show replays instead of just half.
2. Update the scores of other games in progress, especially Big Ten games, continuously.
Penn State finished in the top 10 in 2008? They probably shouldn't have...

Why don't you come back when IA State ever gets "on the radar".

Over the History of Iowa State F-ball:

Iowa State conference champions = 0

Iowa State Jan. 1 & after bowl games = 0


It really is a joke debating with these people. The only thing the two universities have in common is the state they are both located in. Other than that, zilch. The fact that they have the balls to say anything is actually comical, IMO. :cool:
I don't believe this for one second. I call bs. Nobody is as dumb as you want us to believe that you are. I think you are some idiot Iowa fan with too much time on his hands. Iowa State fans don't need lies to make them look bad. That's sad.

Now, if on the off chance you are actually truly an Iowa State fan, you are too stupid to live. You should check yourself into some sort of institution where they can lock you up right away, because it is scary that someone as stupid as you are walking around and driving cars and such....wow..

This guy is fake. I've met a lot of stupid idiots, but nobody on the planet is as stupid as this planet is claiming to be. This is bs.

Usually I would agree with you but we are talking about a clone fan here.
You might want to try Georgia Tech in the BCS Orange Bowl ( ranked 9/10 in polls) although I could forgive a clone fan for not knowing about a BCS game. Your season has been over for nearly two months by the time they are played so you might not even be aware they are on the football calendar.
Do ISU fans even know about the BCS? Have to admit I got a great kick out of hearing you talk down about Georgia Techs program. Sure they're not world beaters but again coming from an ISU fan I find it amusing.
ISU fans hever heard of the BCS Championship until last year when their former coach won it. :p
String Gary Barta up by his ankles, on Melrose and let ONLY people with open containers of alcohol hit him with a stick, like a pinata.
When he either, stops struggling or we are overcome with boredom, we can take turns tazing Fred Mims, while he stands in a shallow pool of urine from the Melrose revelry.
Disallow entry to Kinnick for all intoxicated ginger-guys under 5'10" tall.
String Gary Barta up by his ankles, on Melrose and let ONLY people with open containers of alcohol hit him with a stick, like a pinata.
When he either, stops struggling or we are overcome with boredom, we can take turns tazing Fred Mims, while he stands in a shallow pool of urine from the Melrose revelry.

Absolutely loved this post. I'm assuming by the tone your a little bitter.
Has 'put up some god damn temporary cell towers' been mentioned?

This x 1000. I can't believe how jammed the cell phone networks get on game day. I have been to a couple of MLB games where the park has been around 50,000 and didn't have problems with the network, so I know it can be done.
This x 1000. I can't believe how jammed the cell phone networks get on game day. I have been to a couple of MLB games where the park has been around 50,000 and didn't have problems with the network, so I know it can be done.

The Cell phone problem is ridiculous. Went to Ann Arbor last year with no problems at all. Same with Lansing the year before that.
I thought the cell issues were because of AT&T at first but my parents have USCellular and they have the same issues. Once you get within a half mile of the stadium the odds of you making a call drop drastically. At the UNI game in 2009 my wife and I got seperated from the rest of our crew and my dad forgot to hand out the tickets at our cars. I tried about 30 times in a 10 minute span to call out and the call would never connect.