Wasn't around this weekend, have to defend myself

Not authentic enough. Come down here to south of the border (aka Highway 20) and I will show you some real mexican food.

That picture did make me hungry though.

You want authentic you need to come down here man, or you could just go to my home town which makes Mtown look like Dubuque.

On a side note, Trogdor, nice.
You want authentic you need to come down here man, or you could just go to my home town which makes Mtown look like Dubuque.

On a side note, Trogdor, nice.

Trogdor doesn't get the love he deserves.

Also, I have been to both Dallas and Houston many times for business, and the one place here in Mtown that we go to is just as good as them, and are actually quite a bit similar. There are also a lot of "authentic" places here in Mtown that just throw someone on a plate, nuke it and it's in front out you in less than 3 minutes after you place your order. If only McDonald's could be that fast.
In a deleted thread, this was stated:

At no place did I say this. Ever.
Didn't happened. Never said it.
I'd ask for a link, but the person who wrote this is banned; just wanted to clear the air.
It's ridiculous at face value. That doesn't even sound like something you would say. It does however sound like something a certain banned poster would make up.:rolleyes:
Dude......within a block of Cancun, 3 blocks of Los Palmas, and you chose.........gulp, Taco Tico? Shoulda just went to the Willow Mart and got a burrito from the microwave.

There is a lot of Mason City culture in this thread.
Frankly, being off of HN is good for teh Herbster. It allows him to spend his time on more worthy pursuits.

I wanted to see what he was up to in Howe's graveyard, but you need to register to lurk there? WTF is that?

You can now find Herby's ranting on Voice of the Hawkeyes.
Spank.....you making it down for the Badger game? (1/19) Ron and I (and others) will be there.

We can show you "real" Mexican cuisine after the game is over. Hell, I'll even cover your check. :)
Dude......within a block of Cancun, 3 blocks of Los Palmas, and you chose.........gulp, Taco Tico? Shoulda just went to the Willow Mart and got a burrito from the microwave.

Would have gone to Pastimes if they were open.
Tico was an old favorite from back in the day, so I have to hit it up every once and awhile.
I do like Cancun, as well. Haven't done Los Palmas.
Spank.....you making it down for the Badger game? (1/19) Ron and I (and others) will be there.

We can show you "real" Mexican cuisine after the game is over. Hell, I'll even cover your check. :)

Yes, I will be covering that game for Hawkeyenation. We'll get together, for sure. Might be a late, late meal!