
I was talking about random backhanded compliments towards the hawks, not towards me. I have no problem with the way you analyze things. I usually don't agree but I have no problem. I'm talking about how you always find a way to spin everything as negatively as possible.
I was talking about random backhanded compliments towards the hawks, not towards me. I have no problem with the way you analyze things. I usually don't agree but I have no problem. I'm talking about how you always find a way to spin everything as negatively as possible.

Couldn't have said this better myself. He always finds a way to make even our wins a negative.
You really don't know what you are talking about. A forum is for analysis. Been around the block enough times to not get excited about some things and around enough to get excited about some things. My coaching philosophy has always been about fundamentals and a terrific defense. Those are 2 areas that I don't think we've been successful at yet in a true fundamental view of it and may be the weak spot of fran's tenure. That doesn't make me a fan of any other team. I actually don't remember complementing you pc.

I do view things analytically. I dare you to watch Iowa's foot work, closing out, and posting work coming up. Count how many times white and woody swipe at the ball. Not being impressed by blocks isn't so bad. The coach in me says....why were you in that position in the first place....deny the inside pass. Don't give the shooter room to come down. We are good at allowing both.

Iowa's defense has won it plenty of games this year.
Iowa's defense has won it plenty of games this year.

With the offensive display they have shown all year; the defense has been just the opposite. It is the inside presence that Iowa has this season and its ability to challenge and block shots.
LOL when you have no stats to back up your position move on to buzzwords with undefineable meanings. Classic troll move there.

No kidding. His argument is literally thee definition of nonsense.

He says Iowa can't score or play D even though their stats say other wise.

The results are what they are.

You can't argue with numbers period, let alone based on some totally subjective style point system that only exists in this clowns head.

This scrum thing is %100 pure nonsense.
Last year when they drove past our guards it was a guaranteed score. This year, half the time they have to back it back out because there is nowhere to go. When they don't back it back out, a lot of times they get blocked or throw up a wild shot. It's a night and day difference from last year.
We scrum in the 1/2 court. I left out fast break O as a positive. Then again we also get countered hard. Take away a wounded MN and a poor NW beat down..... add in close have it.

Ironically if Iowa could make free throws down the stretch, something that you claim they rely on, they would have two or three more wins and be solidly in the tourney.

Iowa has 4 top 50 Rpi wins...Period, its not up for debate or interpretation.
You really don't know what you are talking about. A forum is for analysis. Been around the block enough times to not get excited about some things and around enough to get excited about some things. My coaching philosophy has always been about fundamentals and a terrific defense. Those are 2 areas that I don't think we've been successful at yet in a true fundamental view of it and may be the weak spot of fran's tenure. That doesn't make me a fan of any other team. I actually don't remember complementing you pc.

I do view things analytically. I dare you to watch Iowa's foot work, closing out, and posting work coming up. Count how many times white and woody swipe at the ball. Not being impressed by blocks isn't so bad. The coach in me says....why were you in that position in the first place....deny the inside pass. Don't give the shooter room to come down. We are good at allowing both.

If you are big enough to guard from the back side you don't have to gamble with denying the ball.

Denying the post entry is not the best way to gaurd the block if you are bigger than the guy your guarding. Thats just simple bball.

To argue that a team is stopping the other team from scoring the "wrong" was is absurd.

Your analytical understanding of defense is awful.
Ironically if Iowa could make free throws down the stretch, something that you claim they rely on, they would have two or three more wins and be solidly in the tourney.

Iowa has 4 top 50 Rpi wins...Period, its not up for debate or interpretation.

Our ft shooting overall is solid.
If you are big enough to guard from the back side you don't have to gamble with denying the ball.

Denying the post entry is not the best way to gaurd the block if you are bigger than the guy your guarding. Thats just simple bball.

To argue that a team is stopping the other team from scoring the "wrong" was is absurd.

Your analytical understanding of defense is awful.

No, just different.
You really don't know what you are talking about. A forum is for analysis. Been around the block enough times to not get excited about some things and around enough to get excited about some things. My coaching philosophy has always been about fundamentals and a terrific defense. Those are 2 areas that I don't think we've been successful at yet in a true fundamental view of it and may be the weak spot of fran's tenure. That doesn't make me a fan of any other team. I actually don't remember complementing you pc.

I do view things analytically. I dare you to watch Iowa's foot work, closing out, and posting work coming up. Count how many times white and woody swipe at the ball. Not being impressed by blocks isn't so bad. The coach in me says....why were you in that position in the first place....deny the inside pass. Don't give the shooter room to come down. We are good at allowing both.

You're a coach?? You don't mean that literally right? OR you coach yer 1st graders t-ball team?? #lordhavemercy

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