
As of right now, Virginia has 4 wins against the Top 50. So does Iowa (albeit in more attempts).

Virginia has 7 losses outside of the Top 100. Iowa just 3.
Virigina has 4 losses to sub-150 teams. Iowa just 1.

It's an interesting comparison.

Here are the links, for easy reference:
NCAA College Basketball RPI Rankings - ESPN
NCAA College Basketball RPI Rankings - ESPN

again stop with the losses ****. It doesn't matter. All bubble teams have proven they can lose.
Every single bubble team has horrendous losses. It's basically bubble teams saying your resume is as bad as ours so we should be in the conversation. At the end of the day, the tournament has 68 teams so someone has to make it.
again stop with the losses ****. It doesn't matter. All bubble teams have proven they can lose.

I still say there's really nothing on Virginia's resume that gives them a clear edge over Iowa. They don't have any more wins over the Top 50 than Iowa does, and their RPI is only marginally better (70 vs 76 as of today's rankings).
This is why I think they are so similar. Its interesting though, no one seems to mention this about Virginia when its all they talk about when discussing Iowa.

If Iowa had beaten Duke, Michigan, or Indiana I am sure we would be on the bubble list.
Thats only a problem for folks who don't understand how things work.

Which I'm not sure you do. The committee considers every single metric that has been listed here, including poor losses and conference records. They may weight them differently, but every data point is considered. I scratch my head when people say that the committee "doesn't consider" something. They're not a bunch of data-biased morons.

They look at every aspect of a teams resume. The chairman of the committee says this every single year after the bracket is announced, and people still seem to tune it out 12 months later.
"It's all the 200 plus teams we played."

As far as the bad RPI is concerned it is more about the teams ranked 300+ as we played 5 of them and only played 2 teams ranked 200-299. Minnesota played zero 300+ teams and 3 in the 200-299 group. ISU only played one 300+ team and 9 200-299 (lost to one of them).

"We didn't play many 100 - 200 teams period."

We played 10 teams ranked 100-200 and lost to 3 of them.

A few Road Wins against good teams would have been nice, we only have 2 Road Wins and they came at 161 NW and 174 Penn St. We have 2 Neutral Court Wins against 72 UNI and 180 W. Kentucky.

As to the team that is the subject of this thread, Virginia played 3 300+ teams and lost to one of them on a neutral court by 2. they are 4-0 against 200-299 and 7-6 against 100-199. They have Road Wins at 40 Wisc, 86 Mary, 164 VIRGINIA TECH (score was 73-55). There losses do look a lot worse than Iowa's.
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Which I'm not sure you do. The committee considers every single metric that has been listed here, including poor losses and conference records. They may weight them differently, but every data point is considered. I scratch my head when people say that the committee "doesn't consider" something. They're not a bunch of data-biased morons.

They look at every aspect of a teams resume. The chairman of the committee says this every single year after the bracket is announced, and people still seem to tune it out 12 months later.

Listen. Every single team on the bubble has bad losses. Every one. That's how they ended up on the bubble to begin with. Whether a team is 11-4 or 13-2 against sub 150 teams doesn't matter st that point. What DOES matter is who you can beat. The committee wants teams in the tourney who can WIN. They don't care so much that you can lose to Va Tech if you can beat OSU or MSU.

All you guys bringing up loses are just like they guys who had us out of the NIT last year because we lost to Campbell and were barely over .500. What none of you took into account is all the quality wins we had. You were so caught up in who we could lose to you didn't realize who we could beat.

I don't know if we or Virginia gets in or now. What I do know is I would give an edge to Virginia because they've proven they can seal the deal against a 1 seed and Iowa hasn't shown that.

I also know Woody ain't a lottery pick.
Listen. Every single team on the bubble has bad losses. Every one. That's how they ended up on the bubble to begin with. Whether a team is 11-4 or 13-2 against sub 150 teams doesn't matter st that point. What DOES matter is who you can beat. The committee wants teams in the tourney who can WIN. They don't care so much that you can lose to Va Tech if you can beat OSU or MSU.

All you guys bringing up loses are just like they guys who had us out of the NIT last year because we lost to Campbell and were barely over .500. What none of you took into account is all the quality wins we had. You were so caught up in who we could lose to you didn't realize who we could beat.

I don't know if we or Virginia gets in or now. What I do know is I would give an edge to Virginia because they've proven they can seal the deal against a 1 seed and Iowa hasn't shown that.

I also know Woody ain't a lottery pick.

Don't tell me to "listen". I'm not the one making broad - to say nothing of untrue - generalizations. The amount of bad losses for bubble teams is relative and should be weighted against the other bubble teams. Just like every other data point. You don't not consider something just before everyone else has some amount of it. That's like saying that you won't consider what conference someone plays in because everyone plays in a conference. Silly and myopic.
Listen. Every single team on the bubble has good wins. Every one. That's how they ended up on the bubble to begin with. Whether a team is 2-6 or 3-9 against top 50 teams doesn't matter st that point. What DOES matter is who you lose to. The committee wants teams in the tourney who don't LOSE. They don't care so much that you can beat Duke if you can't beat ODU or George Mason.

All you guys bringing up wins are just like they guys who had us as a high seed in the NIT last year because we beat Wisconsin and Minnesota even though we were barely over .500. What none of you took into account is all bad losses we had. You were so caught up in who we could beaten to you didn't realize who we could lose to.

I don't know if we or Virginia gets in or now. What I do know is I would give an edge to Iowa because they've proven they can lose to some of thew worst teams in America and Iowa hasn't shown that.

I also can't be sure whether or not Woody is a lottery pick.


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