Villanova game thread

-----Fran was able to get what he could at the time. In fairness the next batch is where he should be judged.

Next batch? You do realize that he has been at Iowa for six (6) seasons, right?
Lead story at 6 pm news...this just in...Villanova makes 700th easy extended by 5 hours as it was so fun to watch
Hey, you know what Licklighter did better than Fran? Defense! Lick was a horrible coach, but his teams actually played with more effort on D.
Fudge I think I'm going to walk the dog soon. Getting depressed.
I was going to go outside and start painting gutters, but I'm afraid that I may try and slice my wrist with them.
Any of you apologists wanna try and make lemonade out of this? Let me guess here are the common quotes from many of the apologists:

"At least they made it..."
"It's been a good year anyway....."

All slogans from losers.

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