Videos of 'Testy' Exchanges today at Kirk's Presser

Strange, I watched a player last night in an NFL game who probably wasn't high on KF's list: Benny Sapp. Yet Sapp has gone on to a nice NFL career — because he has talent and NFL teams were willing to give him a shot in spite of transgressions at Iowa.

Apparently teams aren't impressed with DJK's talent.
It's ridiculous to blame Ferentz for DJK not getting a look in the NFL. NFL GMs and coaches fight for their professional lives every week - they are going to get talent to win regardless of what a college coach thinks of the player's character. DJK gets caught living in a drug house, admits to using cocaine and it's Ferentz's fault DJK can't find a job?
What is Howe fishing for?

Rob Howe is asking the first set of questions on the first video, Marc Morehouse followed those up with the going for it at end of regulation and OT

Tuesday video — ‘I haven’t slammed any player to anybody since I’ve been here’ | TheGazette

Then this is the on the side portion where Ferentz and Howe continued their 'discussion'

Ferentz, reporter discuss DJK after Tuesday press conference

To me, Howe is taking the supposition of DJK that KF spoke ill of him as fact. You really think that KF would cause long-term harm to his program by bad-mouthing a former player to the NFL? If you are hiring someone, and you call one of their former employers and all the employer will say is "that person did work for us" and no more, the former employer isn't saying anything bad, but what they aren't saying also speaks for itself. What did DJK expect? That KF would be singing his praises to the NFL? When you get busted for drug possession and dismissed from the team between the last game and a bowl game, that kind of speaks for itself.
DJK was not an elite wide receiver. He was good, but really nothing too special in the eyes of the NFL.

He's definitely good enough to be a special teamer. But who knows, maybe he got out of shape or maybe he's snorting lines off of a stripper's stomach right now. It could be his own fault that he's not getting a look.
I don't have a problem with the question. It's well known Ferentz did not care much for DJK.
Re: What is Howe fishing for?

To me, Howe is taking the supposition of DJK that KF spoke ill of him as fact. You really think that KF would cause long-term harm to his program by bad-mouthing a former player to the NFL? If you are hiring someone, and you call one of their former employers and all the employer will say is "that person did work for us" and no more, the former employer isn't saying anything bad, but what they aren't saying also speaks for itself. What did DJK expect? That KF would be singing his praises to the NFL? When you get busted for drug possession and dismissed from the team between the last game and a bowl game, that kind of speaks for itself.

I find it a little tough to believe that NO ONE was even remotely interested in DJK after December. Maybe that's true, but it seems pretty surprising.

I certainly don't expect Ferentz to sing the praises of DJK. Because that also hurts his reputation, which affects far more of his players than if he had told the NFL the truth (whatever it may be) about DJK.

So the only thing I took from that is that it's surprising no one was interested enough to talk to KF.

The exchange on the in-game decisions certainly did little to answer any questions, other than that nothing is going to change.
Did KF badmouth DJK to the NFL? No. He didn't have to. The guy got caught running a drug house and was suspended the final game of his career. He isn't a Randy Moss like talent where you may give him a shot. He is a borderline WR talent in the NFL and when you are borderline you have to be squeky clean
Did KF
badmouth DJK to the NFL? No. He didn't have to. The guy got caught running a drug house and was suspended the final game of his career. He isn't a Randy Moss like talent where you may give him a shot. He is a borderline WR talent in the NFL and when you are borderline you have to be squeky clean
nailed it!
If Ferentz says he didn't badmouth DJK, I believe him. (and if he did, DJK likely deserved it)

BUT...even if he did... a few negative words from Kirk Ferentz, regardless of his profile with pro scouts, aren't going to keep every NFL team from taking DJK. If somebody thought he had the talent to help them win...they'd pick him up. Period. (take a look at some of the other "model citizens" on NFL rosters)
I agree with tm3308 on the point that it is very difficult to believe that absolutely NO ONE called to ask about DJK.

No interest? None?

KF would be the guy they would ask.

Watching his body language and his immediate irritation toward the questions, it leads me to wonder how truthful he is being there.

He surely won't admit if he spoke badly about him. And, we can all agree that simply telling the truth would equate to speaking badly of him.

I'm not defending DJK. I just think that KF avoided admitting that he told the truth about him.....which wouldn't be very kind words.

DJK did it to himself. The truth is the truth. More power to Kirk if he conveyed that information to NFL scouts.

That said, I don't think I believe KF when he says that NO ONE contacted him. He's trying to take the high road, which I understand/respect.

Credit to Rob Howe for asking the tough questions. Much appreciated.
tof course then there is regardless of your feelings toward d j k not one of those questions belongs at this press conference.
This would be news if it were around the time of NFL camps.

This isnt news now.

Why would you bring this up now?
What is "bad mouthing"?

If Kirk told NFL teams that DJK was frequently the last player on the field for practice, is that bad mouthing?

Would you expect Kirk to lie and tell NFL teams that DJK is a model citizen?
This would be news if it were around the time of NFL camps.

This isnt news now.

Why would you bring this up now?

1. DJK reached out to Rob Howe. Lets assume this was recently.

2. KF doesn't give many press conferences from signing day in the spring until the season starts in the fall. How do you ask when he isn't available to be questioned? Big Ten and Iowa media days were not appropriate times to ask about DJK.