VanLaere: Iowa Basketball and the Postseason

I missed your post. But looking back at it, you are wrong.
8 hours a week total for "counted activities" - they don't put together practices like those during the season.

So to further explain, no, the players don't get to continue to practice in the sense of the word in the off-season. This is where you are wrong. The team does not have practices in the off-season.

They are not allowed scrimmages during the off season, but the NCAA no longer has limits on the number of players a coach can meet with at a time (before 2008 it was only groups of 4). The team can meet, and not scrimmage, under coaching supervision, for 2 hours a week.

And again, never once did I say, or imply, that the practices during the off season were identical to those during the season. I said they can practice all season, which they very clearly CAN.
They are not allowed scrimmages during the off season, but the NCAA no longer has limits on the number of players a coach can meet with at a time (before 2008 it was only groups of 4). The team can meet, and not scrimmage, under coaching supervision, for 2 hours a week.

And again, never once did I say, or imply, that the practices during the off season were identical to those during the season. I said they can practice all season, which they very clearly CAN.

It's not "practice" though.

The whole point of the previous argument was that Iowa got MORE PRACTICES, which you then eluded to that players get to practice all year.

It's not the same, yet you make it sound like it is.

No, players don't get to "practice" in the off-season. Not in the sense of the word.

So going to any postseason tourney gets Iowa more practices, which is a good thing.

Why make this harder than it is?
The whole point of the previous argument was that Iowa got MORE PRACTICES, which you then eluded to that players get to practice all year.

It's not the same, yet you make it sound like it is.

I do not make it sound like it is. You want to know the give away? The numerous times when I straight up said that it is not the same.

How in God's name is me saying they are not the same same registering as "you make it sound like it is" to you?

I swear, you are just being difficult to drag this argument out. Sorry brah, the Sandman's calling me.

I'll leave you be, to continue not reading a damned word I write, and project your own straw-man argument falsely upon me to attack. Hell, you don't even nee me for that.
I do not make it sound like it is. You want to know the give away? The numerous times when I straight up said that it is not the same.

How in God's name is me saying they are not the same same registering as "you make it sound like it is" to you?

I swear, you are just being difficult to drag this argument out. Sorry brah, the Sandman's calling me.

I'll leave you be, to continue not reading a damned word I write, and project your own straw-man argument falsely upon me to attack. Hell, you don't even nee me for that.

Someone brought up the extra practices and you made it sound like it's no big deal because the players get to practice all year long. I'm just saying that's not the case... not in the same form.

That's it.

Not tough to understand.
Someone brought up the extra practices and you made it sound like it's no big deal because the players get to practice all year long. I'm just saying that's not the case... not in the same form.

That's it.

Not tough to understand.

Yes, I know. You know why I know? Because you said it twice already.

You know why else I know? Because I SAID IT TWICE ALREADY.

Not tough to understand.
You guys do realize that Basketball teams are allowed to practice all year long, right?

Here is your original post on the subject. It was only after you were called on it that you mentioned the number of hours but you gave no context for that (i. e. comparing those hours to what is allowed during the season).
Here is your original post on the subject. It was only after you were called on it that you mentioned the number of hours but you gave no context for that (i. e. comparing those hours to what is allowed during the season).

Because he had to sprint to Google to figure how to massage what he had posted.
Here is your original post on the subject. It was only after you were called on it that you mentioned the number of hours but you gave no context for that (i. e. comparing those hours to what is allowed during the season).

Here is your original post on the subject. It was only after you were called on it that you mentioned the number of hours but you gave no context for that (i. e. comparing those hours to what is allowed during the season).

Umm, no, this is what I wrote 6 minutes after that post you quoted, when you said "that is not true in terms of the team and coaches all together."

"Basketball players are allowed to spend 8 hours a week on team basketball activities and two hours a week with a coach in groups of any size".

Then, for some reason, we spent the last 18 hours arguing that this statement means I think the practices in the off season are the same as they are during the season. It is pretty clear in context, that I already knew that basketball teams do not practice 2 hours a week with the coach during the season.

Use some common sense fellas...
Ghost, how many more pages can you keep making this argument? It is ok to be wrong once in a while, it happens.
Ghost, how many more pages can you keep making this argument? It is ok to be wrong once in a while, it happens.

It's a difference of opinion. I enjoy talking about it.

Also, these guys keep putting words in my mouth, and I am not strong enough to let it go.
Ghost, do not ever get married. It will not last long and you will end up paying child support and/or alimony all your life. Because in a marriage even when you are right you are always wrong.
Umm, no, this is what I wrote 6 minutes after that post you quoted, when you said "that is not true in terms of the team and coaches all together."

"Basketball players are allowed to spend 8 hours a week on team basketball activities and two hours a week with a coach in groups of any size".

Then, for some reason, we spent the last 18 hours arguing that this statement means I think the practices in the off season are the same as they are during the season. It is pretty clear in context, that I already knew that basketball teams do not practice 2 hours a week with the coach during the season.

Use some common sense fellas...

But you brought up the practice thing and the fact that Iowa gets to practice all year long. That's where this whole can of worms opened. You only have yourself to blame for putting that statement out there, which implied that the extra practices Iowa would get didn't matter because they get to practice all year long.

You get that right?

And if that wasn't the implication, why you mention the ability to practice year round?
Ghost, do not ever get married. It will not last long and you will end up paying child support and/or alimony all your life. Because in a marriage even when you are right you are always wrong.

Actually, it is a running joke between my wife and I that I am almost never wrong.

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