Update on the Miller Family

Yes. That is what she has. It was getting worse and worse. Even bugging her late in this cold spring. Since we came down here in early June, just one flare up. It's pretty freaky to see your spouses hands look like a cadaver on half and normal on the other half.

My hands and feet have had problems with the cold for years. This past winter I wore gloves in my office all the time because they were so sensitive to cold and it is chilly in my office in the winter, and even in the over air conditioned summer. Fingers would feel ice cold and turn white and then later would flush and burn, so I read up on Raynauds. I don't think I'm at the point your wife is. Curious, does she have trouble with migraines too?

I don't think I could move to Oklahoma though. I lived in Kansas once. <shudder>
My best to you and your family, Jon. You're a solid guy and a great Hawkeye. Thanks for everything you do for the Hawkeye Nation.
Good Luck Jon.
Wanted to update everyone on a few things that aren't really that big of a deal to anyone other than me and my family.

Two years ago, my wife was diagnosed with an auto immune disorder that affects blood circulation. There's not a medicine to take for it and it's not something that is life threatening, but when the blood leaves the extremities it can be incredibly painful when it returns and it also is difficult to drive when an 'episode' arises as you lose feeling in your extremities. Think of when you foot or arm goes to sleep, you can't lift it or feel anything and the pain that hits you when the blood returns is many times more painful.

The stimulus for the onset of an episode is cold...as in grabbing a bag of peas out of the supermarket freezer, or in the winter. This winter, things got bad enough to where the episodes were happening even after having gloves on before getting into a vehicle that had been in the garage, so no exposure to the raw outdoor elements. The only way to minimize and or limit these episodes is to remove yourself from the primary stimulus, which is the cold. As you might imagine, that makes living in Iowa more challenging.

This was one of the driving factors behind our looking at warmer options and it was also at this time when I felt that it would be in the best interest of my family if I were to look to get back into the 'regular' workforce, like I had been for the first six years I published HawkeyeNation.com, since other media related opportunities I had drawn income from in the past would likely not be there given the logistics of distance. There has also been some softening in the advertising world. I looked at a couple things in Florida and also reached out to some friends I used to work with in the energy sector, given the eight years of my professional career I spent there.

I accepted a job with an energy company in Tulsa, OK and began wholesaling in late April. We sold our house in West Des Moines and moved to the Tulsa area (Owasso) on June 10th. My wife's quality of life is going to improve a great deal and we are excited about that. This summer has been a challenge as the home we were to move into on June 10th fell through the day of closing as an active termite infestation was discovered that day, so we moved all of our stuff into storage and have spent the last two months in a 554sqft 1 bedroom apartment with the four of us...but we've certainly got to know one another better and there have been blessings involved in that. We just closed on a house last week and while there have been a few curve balls we've found since we moved in, we are excited to start this new chapter.

As it relates to the website, it's going to be a 'Back to the Future' sort of thing. Of the near 14 years I have been writing about Hawkeye athletics online, I've lived out of state six of those years. I founded HawkeyeNation.com living over six hours away from Iowa City. There was only a two year period where I did anything that resembled beat coverage (me personally) and the last four years has seen the site be mostly opinion based, which is what I prefer. That's going to continue to be the case and there are numerous beat outlets that exist and we will continue to link to them all the time.

You'll still see opinion pieces here if you care to read them, still see the columns and items I enjoy writing, still see all the pressers, daily mashups during the seasons, features like analysis from Jared Clauss, Chuck Long and more. We have a few things planned for basketball season this year that have never been done and we believe you'll enjoy them. As it relates to SoundOff, I am not yet certain what is going to happen there. With Jim's passing, that show is going to forever be different. It was Jim's show. We'll see what happens and that is WHO's baby; I was only along for the ride and very thankful to have had the chance to work with Jim Zabel. I'll still do some radio spots from time to time for the folks who want to have me.

So the majority of things will feel and seem familiar, but we're also planning some design and functionality changes here in the near future...with the way technology is and the way I've chosen to steer the HN ship, a person can do this from anywhere and as long as people care to read their opinions, one can have a lot of fun doing something like this. I can honestly say I'd like to do this until they put me in the ground. I greatly appreciate each one of you who visits the site and makes it a part of your daily Iowa Hawkeye experience.
I wish you and your family all the blessings that God has to offer. I have lived with an auto immune disease for the last 23 years. The amount of pain these diseases can cause can be unbearable. I've been taking morphine off and on for all of these years and there's times that it doesn't even dent the pain. I can imagine the pain your wife suffers and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about the pain. I also lived in Tulsa in the early 80's running a steakhouse on 9th and Garnett. I really liked the town and the 50 degree weather in late November and December. Good luck to you and if you get a chance to talk to Bob Stoops, see what you can do about getting a chance at revenge from our Insight Bowl game.
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My hands and feet have had problems with the cold for years. This past winter I wore gloves in my office all the time because they were so sensitive to cold and it is chilly in my office in the winter, and even in the over air conditioned summer. Fingers would feel ice cold and turn white and then later would flush and burn, so I read up on Raynauds. I don't think I'm at the point your wife is. Curious, does she have trouble with migraines too?

I don't think I could move to Oklahoma though. I lived in Kansas once. <shudder>

Yes. She has suffered migraines since a teen. Reynaud's also a marker for RA, which her mother is battling right now and that seems horrible. My wife's pain and frequency kept getting worse so we knew over a year ago we just had to get warmer.

As for KS, I loved living in Overland Park. I loved Iowa. I think I am going to love Tulsa. I think you make where you are what it is, in a lot of ways. Have to embrace It
My wife has Raynauds. Unfortunately, we moved a bit farther down than Tulsa and it still wasn't quite far enough in the Winter months.

I like Tulsa as a town, However, unlike what the other poster said I wouldn't run down to get Golden Hurricane tickets. Pretty easy to score free tickets to that empty stadium.
I will go to the Tulsa-ISU game as its a Thursday night. But on Saturdays it's still gonna be the Hawks and then lots of writing after. That's one of my favorite things, writing about Iowa and B1G on Saturday night.
Best wishes to you and your wife. I just finished a 7 1/2 drive south to Branson where the in-laws retired to get away from the harsh winters. I certainly respect and admire any man willing to put his family first.
Good luck to you and your family Jon. Keep us posted on any sighting of a Bob Stoops U Haul loaded up and heading for Iowa City :rolleyes:
My wife has Raynauds. Unfortunately, we moved a bit farther down than Tulsa and it still wasn't quite far enough in the Winter months. Had to eventually go West.
Good Luck Jon.

I have to laugh at myself whenever I hear this song. When I was little, I used to think he was "livin' on toast and tang". :)
Are you saying a return of State of the Nations is off the table now?? I'm more than a little upset...
Yes. She has suffered migraines since a teen. Reynaud's also a marker for RA, which her mother is battling right now and that seems horrible. My wife's pain and frequency kept getting worse so we knew over a year ago we just had to get warmer.

As for KS, I loved living in Overland Park. I loved Iowa. I think I am going to love Tulsa. I think you make where you are what it is, in a lot of ways. Have to embrace It

There is no embracing Wichita, Jon. Too much drugs and crime when we were there. NE Kansas was all right.

I moved to Owasso May 26th. I'm in Honey Creek, right by the school off 96th. Where are you at? maybe we're neighbors? Although, with as small as Owasso is (I like the small town feeling), it's hard not to be "neighbors."

I hope things improve for your wife with all of this OK heat. That is one thing OK has plenty of.

I moved to Owasso May 26th. I'm in Honey Creek, right by the school off 96th. Where are you at? maybe we're neighbors? Although, with as small as Owasso is (I like the small town feeling), it's hard not to be "neighbors."

I hope things improve for your wife with all of this OK heat. That is one thing OK has plenty of.

You should go to that Tulsa-ISU game on that Thursday night, find JD, then post on HN that you are sitting two rows behind him but don't say hi. He loves it when dudes do that stuff and it is totes not creepy.