UNI's Corrupt Home Court Advantage to End

I could be wrong, but I don't think the NCAA assigns officials to games and the home team hires the officials. So UNI hired these 3 guys and had everything to do with the officials.
Bingo. Exactly. Thank you. That game was a complete travesty. A small mid-major cannot allow that to happen and expect traditional powers to come to their gym.

As bad as the officiating was I think it's over the top to suggest that the fix was in. The better team won a game in which the officiating was a farce.

I don't think there was a "fix" but the officials definitely let the home crowd, along with the emotions of the game, influence their calls. The better team probably did win the game but it would have been nice for the players determine that not the officials. For 30 minutes we seen 2 teams going at it toe for toe, I think the game would have went down to the wire.
Really? Stupid?

Here are the facts. You decide:

1. UNI shoots 33 free throws; Iowa 9.
2. Through the first 36 minutes of the game, 23 fouls are called on Iowa; 7 on UNI.
3. This is against a team known for its physical play.

You come up with the word for that disparity.

Here are my words:

1. Joke.
2. Travesty.
3. "Fix?"
4. Goodbye UNI - not going to your gym again

The above disparity cannot be explained. UNI was not the quicker team, nor were they the less physical team.

And don't tell me they somehow outplayed Iowa - Iowa outshot them from the field and had a substantial advantage in rebounding.
Who really cares? A major conference team should not be traveling to a mid-majors court to play hoops. If they want to continue to play Iowa then let them come to Iowa City every year.

If you look at every other major conference teams schedule you will find that they only travel to play in tournaments or on a very rare occasion a home and away is scheduled but it usually lasts between 2 and 4 years. Outside of the tournaments and the rare home and away game, major college conference programs simply don't travel during the non-conference schedule.

Nebraska plays Creighton every year. Not sure if it's always at a neutral site, but pretty sure they don't always play at Nebraska.

Personally, I like the rivalry games. UNI is a good program, so they help our RPI. I think a lot of people would think differently had we won the game.
Really? Stupid?

Here are the facts. You decide:

1. UNI shoots 33 free throws; Iowa 9.
2. Through the first 36 minutes of the game, 23 fouls are called on Iowa; 7 on UNI.
3. This is against a team known for its physical play.

You come up with the word for that disparity.

Here are my words:

1. Joke.
2. Travesty.
3. "Fix?"
4. Goodbye UNI - not going to your gym again

The above disparity cannot be explained. UNI was not the quicker team, nor were they the less physical team.

And don't tell me they somehow outplayed Iowa - Iowa outshot them from the field and had a substantial advantage in rebounding.

This is the funniest rant I've ever seen. You sound like a babbling baby. UNI is better right now. There's no fix necessary for a good team to beat Iowa, who lost to freaking Campbell and has a good chance of not winning a single game in the Big Ten.
Really? Stupid?

Here are the facts. You decide:

1. UNI shoots 33 free throws; Iowa 9.
2. Through the first 36 minutes of the game, 23 fouls are called on Iowa; 7 on UNI.
3. This is against a team known for its physical play.

You come up with the word for that disparity.

Here are my words:

1. Joke.
2. Travesty.
3. "Fix?"
4. Goodbye UNI - not going to your gym again

The above disparity cannot be explained. UNI was not the quicker team, nor were they the less physical team.

And don't tell me they somehow outplayed Iowa - Iowa outshot them from the field and had a substantial advantage in rebounding.

UNI shot 8 technical free throws so lets subtract those. Iowa missed 3 front ends of 1 and 1's that UNI wouldve made so lets add 3 to Iowa's. UNI shot about 8 FT's in garbage time when Iowa was intentionally fouling so lets subtract those

That would result in 16 "extra" free throws for UNI and 3 extra for Iowa if they could shoot which reduces the FT disparity to 17-12

The refs were bad but you're an idiot if you think anyone fixed the HUGE Iowa/UNI game
Prove it wasn't. The facts speak for themselves.

You have to be an utter moron to think these officials can't be had. It is very well chronicled over the years.

The foul disparity was criminal - UNI has no more quickness than Iowa, and they play a very physical, slow down style of play. They were fouling too. Just watch the tape.

This is dumb. You are going to make a major accusation with very little, if any, evidence and then ask people to prove why it wasn't fixed. Its your stupid accusation, you prove it. D-U-M-B.
Really? Stupid?

Here are the facts. You decide:

1. UNI shoots 33 free throws; Iowa 9.
2. Through the first 36 minutes of the game, 23 fouls are called on Iowa; 7 on UNI.
3. This is against a team known for its physical play.

You come up with the word for that disparity.

Here are my words:

1. Joke.
2. Travesty.
3. "Fix?"
4. Goodbye UNI - not going to your gym again

The above disparity cannot be explained. UNI was not the quicker team, nor were they the less physical team.

And don't tell me they somehow outplayed Iowa - Iowa outshot them from the field and had a substantial advantage in rebounding.

Do you need a kleenex? Binky?
I just saw a WHHHHAAAAAAAAmbulance screaming down chosenchilren's street.

Hopefully they get there in time to treat his critical case of butt hurt.

Who is arguing this point?

Can anyone accept that UNI may have a better basketball team than Iowa? And that maybe our team isn't a world beater that will win every game?

UNI has had a better team than Iowa for much of the last decade, where Iowa has been relegated to irrelevance due to dreadful play.

That has nothing to do with the issue of discontinuing the idiotic practice of playing regular road games against two Valley teams, Drake and UNI.
Prove it wasn't. The facts speak for themselves.

You have to be an utter moron to think these officials can't be had. It is very well chronicled over the years.

The foul disparity was criminal - UNI has no more quickness than Iowa, and they play a very physical, slow down style of play. They were fouling too. Just watch the tape.

No, the facts do not speak for themselves. You're interpreting them as you choose to. You haven't offered any proof of a fix. No paper trail, no recorded phone calls, nothing. You're just going off of the foul/FT disparity. That's hardly proof of a fix. Proof of inept officiating, absolutely. But not of a fix.
a look at the ft's UNI 29 of 33
a look at the ft's Iowa 3of 9
difference in game 25 pts
difference in made ft's 26
lets subtract T'S ft's 8
then the lost possesions that result in T's 3 possesions
that equals a minimum of a 6-18 pt swing
that means for slow witted that Iowa lost the chance to score 3 baskets and a minimum of 6 pts assuming they were just 2pointers and a maximum of 9 if they are 3's
on the flip side
it means UNI gets a minimum of 6 to a maximim of 9
so lets add them up
25-8=17 then you subtract the small side of scoring which is the 6 pts by Iowa
then we subtract UNI PTS
then we subtract the necessary fouls at the end of the game because of the deficit low side again
instead of a 25 pt loss we have either a 1 pt loss for either team

also i think the officiating affected Iowa play against ISU
as nobody even tried to step in front of Whites drives its like it was the parting of the Red Sea
they were so timid in the 1st half, they actually adjusted to the calls by the refs in the 2nd half when they realized it was actually going to be called both ways
not only do players have to learn how to play but they have to learn how to adjust to the Refs
most of the flops by UNI should have been either a no call or a block
as none of the UNI player were in position
basically it was a slide and flop
the home court allowed the ref's to call anything and everything against the road team
personnally i am tired of going to a gymn that hold 8000 or less
finacially it makes no sense
and the fact Iowa is not selling out they are still getting 9000 or more
a look at the ft's UNI 29 of 33
a look at the ft's Iowa 3of 9
difference in game 25 pts
difference in made ft's 26
lets subtract T'S ft's 8
then the lost possesions that result in T's 3 possesions
that equals a minimum of a 6-18 pt swing
that means for slow witted that Iowa lost the chance to score 3 baskets and a minimum of 6 pts assuming they were just 2pointers and a maximum of 9 if they are 3's
on the flip side
it means UNI gets a minimum of 6 to a maximim of 9
so lets add them up
25-8=17 then you subtract the small side of scoring which is the 6 pts by Iowa
then we subtract UNI PTS
then we subtract the necessary fouls at the end of the game because of the deficit low side again
instead of a 25 pt loss we have either a 1 pt loss for either team

also i think the officiating affected Iowa play against ISU
as nobody even tried to step in front of Whites drives its like it was the parting of the Red Sea
they were so timid in the 1st half, they actually adjusted to the calls by the refs in the 2nd half when they realized it was actually going to be called both ways
not only do players have to learn how to play but they have to learn how to adjust to the Refs
most of the flops by UNI should have been either a no call or a block
as none of the UNI player were in position
basically it was a slide and flop
the home court allowed the ref's to call anything and everything against the road team
personnally i am tired of going to a gymn that hold 8000 or less
finacially it makes no sense
and the fact Iowa is not selling out they are still getting 9000 or more

Who really cares? A major conference team should not be traveling to a mid-majors court to play hoops. If they want to continue to play Iowa then let them come to Iowa City every year.

If you look at every other major conference teams schedule you will find that they only travel to play in tournaments or on a very rare occasion a home and away is scheduled but it usually lasts between 2 and 4 years. Outside of the tournaments and the rare home and away game, major college conference programs simply don't travel during the non-conference schedule.

LOL, because other people play a joke of a schedule we should too? I just did a search or some random big name schools to see is they played any road games against midmajors this year.

Of the teams I looked at most did. This board is so arrogant its kinda funny.

University of North Carolina Tar Heels Official Athletic Site - Men's Basketball

NC State University Official Athletic Site - Men's Basketball

MUTIGERS.COM - The University of Missouri Official Athletic Site - Men's Basketball

IUHOOSIERS.COM - Indiana University Athletics - Men's Basketball


USC's Official Athletic Site - Men's Basketball

Ok im bored now...................................

And that game was fixed. There is no way on God's green earth the UNI thugs shoot 33 free throws and we shoot 4. No way. It was a complete travesty.

Sorry Chosen, but I really doubt God had anything to do with the outcome. Although if you're one of "the chosen" then I'm probably wrong again.
I thought I had already seen HN in its most pathetic state after the Clones had the AUDACITY to beat as at football. "It's their superbowl!" "Drop the series!" "They'll be in the MAC after this year, so no WAY the regents can keep making us play them!" Boo hoo hoo! :(

Yeah, I THOUGHT that was surely rock bottom as far as pathetic fan behavior, but whoaaaa nellie/katy bar the door this takes the freakin' cake. Corrupt refs? "We're tired of playing in their small arena"? Are you guys for real? Get a hold of yourselves, you look pathetic.

If we want to be a legit Big Ten contender, it shouldn't matter if we are playing them at the North Liberty rec center and Mark Farley & freakin' TC show up wearing zebra stripes to officiate. It's UNI!!! The game shouldn't even be close. Guess what? Read between the lines: we're NOT legit Big Ten contenders (not yet, anyways). Until we get back to that point, some of you need to grow the F up and learn to handle losing with some semblance of dignity.

I'm frustrated with the state of the program too. You can be damn sure I'm tired of losing to UNI too. But trotting out the same "I'm taking my ball and going home" routine that far too many of you pull out when ISU beats us in football is embarrassing as hell to the rest of us that hope to have a least a tiny sliver of dignity left in the bank when we DO get back on top.
I could be wrong, but I don't think the NCAA assigns officials to games and the home team hires the officials. So UNI hired these 3 guys and had everything to do with the officials.


In college basketball officials are not assigned to ANY conference, they can officiate anywhere they choose. Second, officials are assigned to games by the Conference Director of Officials, not the school. Since this was an MVC game, the MVC Director of Officials assigns the refs.

At each game there is an evaluator of officials, this person turns in a report to the conference Director of Officials.

The NCAA will never allow a school to hire officials, that would be asking for trouble.

The officiating was pathetic, but to blame UNI for hiring the officials in lame.

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Game was poorly officiated (hardly unusual). MVC assigned the refs, not UNI. Two of them have worked B10 games. CC to my ignore list (joining a number of recent additions).

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