UNI hoops - Eglseder picked up last night?

So basically he gets to come back for a tune up game in the finale and be completely ready to go for the MVC tourney. Not a real severe punishment, but whatever, this won't hurt UNI too much.
He could really hurt his team. I don't think UNI is a lock for an at-large. They're only real quality win is Siena.

They haven't looked very good lately unless they're playing Drake. They were good the first halt at Bradley and sleep-walked the second half. So maybe they've just gotten bored.

But Creighton and ODU at home are important games and now without Egleseder . . . ? Hope it puts some fire in their backside.
So he gets 3 games?

THREE?? For driving while drunk.

Way to lay down the lay, Ben.
While agree the 3 game suspension may not sound like a lot, but supposedly, according to news reports, this is in accordance with the University's Student-Athlete Code of Conduct policy. The policy calls for 10% of the schedule (which is 29 games). He is allowed to practice and the coach does have the disgression to lengthen the suspension (or just not play him). I am not saying this is right or wrong, I am just reporting why the suspension was set at 3 games.
I understand Jacobsen sat Jordan down and gave him a good talking to. Jordan had to remain silent and listen to what Ben told him. He gave Jordan 3 games to get sober and told him strictly no more straight alchohal, from now on it is mixed drinks only. It will really cramp Egelseder's style but sometimes tough love is what you have to dish out. This will be a real wake up call I am sure. They run a tight ship over there at UNI.
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They followed protocol, that's why its there. I wouldn't be surprised to see him benched for the senior game too.

Senior leader, no previous history, no problems in 4 years at UNI, no problems in high school, no other team problems for a while. ( if i'm wrong on this, oops )

He makes a huge mistake, but I dont think that shouldn't erase 4 years of being a solid student athlete. Guess I am alone.
C'mon. As big as he is, it'd be like driving around on a moped. ;)

3 games for first offense? I don't think that's unreasonable. And I don't drink. I haven't heard any valid reasons for four games or nine games like Perault was clamouring about (because Kansas did it that way). Why is four better than three? He still would get to play in the MVC and NCAA-MM?
At Uni, if you are caught drinking and driving then you will ride the bench until you are sober. Harsh? Perhaps. But they are trying to build character over there in Cedar Falls.
Theyre trying to win a championship and get a good seed. What did you expect?

If this happened at Iowa the backlash from the public would be legendary

Yeah, I guess that's sort of what I am going at. It's not like Jordan got a public intox or was got a PAULA. He was driving a car while intoxicated. 3 games for that sort of thing is a pretty little slap in on the wrist. I guess being a senior compounds the issue, you can't suspend him the rest of the year... but still... I don't know. For your senior leader to be out boozing it up and then getting behind the wheel while you are trying to be sure you get a bid to the tourney... boy oh boy.
Yeah, I guess that's sort of what I am going at. It's not like Jordan got a public intox or was got a PAULA. He was driving a car while intoxicated. 3 games for that sort of thing is a pretty little slap in on the wrist. I guess being a senior compounds the issue, you can't suspend him the rest of the year... but still... I don't know. For your senior leader to be out boozing it up and then getting behind the wheel while you are trying to be sure you get a bid to the tourney... boy oh boy.

I dont know what the right punishment is exactly - everyone makes mistakes and this will be forgotten pretty quickly since it is UNI. I guess its up to discretion of the coach because he has all the info but i tend to side with Spank that this seems pretty light