Would‘ve been easier just to say you don’t have a source that’s independently verifiable. That’s all I was asking.
One of the first dead giveaways that someone is fibbing is when you ask them for a simple verification and they give you a long, detailed (also unverifiable) answer.
Might be more accurate to rename this post, “HawkGold’s Opinion On The 2022 Russo-Ukraine Conflict.”
Ok, what ever. Fibbing? Hardly. Do I have a CNN source? Of course not. Do I know people that were in the 101... yes I do.
Fair enough on the title. Just curious, who do you use as credible sources?
Maybe each thread you start or comment you make should have a disclaimer on it? Btw, you are a classic narcissistic gas lighter. You'll have fun with that.
I'm also a published author that had the number one seller for a particular year from the world's largest military press. I do happen to have a lot of experience in Ukraine and a lot of knowledge of military dynamics.
As far as I know you haven't coached or played at the P5 level. You umpire HS and coach below HS. You also have interpersonal skills deficiencies (so do I!) and you try and moderate a P5-level message board (at times not badly), start posts about a world you know little about and after you dis the Hawk program you clobber those who are frustrated at the situation.
Sums it up.
As said, take my post or leave it and let the readers decide.
We are in a perilous time and the situation is more than:
Ukraine, US, NATO totally good guys and Putin/Russia totally bad.
Would have been nice if more of us understood Iraq better before we left a half a million dead.
I'm providing my opinions as someone who has more understanding than most. For example, most I run into ask why Kiev became Kyiv or why the Dneiper or Dnipro River are at the heart of why we are in this situation.
Right now I'm talking to a farmer about delivering grain to Odesa from east of the Dnipro.
If you understood the culture you would have a clue on who I actually support based on the names I typically use though at times I use the other more well known versions.