Well, after leading Iowa to two big victories and growing crowd excitement, Kirk benches CJ in favor of his favorite. Why? Not because Rudock played well in several games before his injury, but because Jake gets good grades and is an upper classmen...and played decent PRIOR TO LAST SEASON, where he won the job. Last week, Jake was handed his reserved spot and played average against a really bad team. Fans forgave this favortism because Jake threw ONE deep ball, and it was caught (the rest of the throws were two yard outs). This week? Jake plays the worst game of an Iowa qb since the Vandenburg era, and still CJ sits. I thought a pick 6 was a huge no no with ultra conservative Kirk? What about those audibles to runs up the middle for no gain?
Kirt made his decision. There's a whole rest of the season of this, and next year will be more of the same...Jake throwing 2 yard passes to the RBs on 3rd and 12. Exciting Iowa football! How many sellouts will we have next year with no hope at the QB position.
Kirt made his decision. There's a whole rest of the season of this, and next year will be more of the same...Jake throwing 2 yard passes to the RBs on 3rd and 12. Exciting Iowa football! How many sellouts will we have next year with no hope at the QB position.
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