Two More Years of Dink-Dunk Rudock

Yep Rudock inspected him and gave him a check up... said he was not good to go.

He then whipped out of his white jacket into full football regailia.
^ this, exactly.

Not exactly, we have been complaining about the Davis offense since he arrived. It's his system. And watch the Indiana game again CJ had plenty of his own check downs. Receivers are getting owned on the routes downfeild. There were numerous plays where Rudock was looking all over the field at covered receivers today. But I will still agree its time to let CJ play. He isn't worse than Rudock for sure and his running ability is a huge asset.
I'm not saying it's an easy pill to swallow, but I think you have to come to terms with:

(1) Rudock is just not very good and would not start for many power 5 teams
(2) CJB at times has looked quite a bit better, but at other times quite a bit worse.

Which one of those do you play? I don't think it's an easy choice.

CJ has not looked worse, not this year. He's not restrained by talent, only experience. If KF starts starting CJ, the outlook for the next 2.5 seasons would be bright.
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He's going to be with it

Commendable. I'd prefer a Quarterback who was going to be an NFL football player, or at least parlay his considerable contributions as a high profile QB- and his honorary Business Mgmt degree- into a sweetheart PR gig in the business world.

Rudock has a lot on his plate.
Well, after leading Iowa to two big victories and growing crowd excitement, Kirk benches CJ in favor of his favorite. Why? Not because Rudock played well in several games before his injury, but because Jake gets good grades and is an upper classmen...and played decent PRIOR TO LAST SEASON, where he won the job. Last week, Jake was handed his reserved spot and played average against a really bad team. Fans forgave this favortism because Jake threw ONE deep ball, and it was caught (the rest of the throws were two yard outs). This week? Jake plays the worst game of an Iowa qb since the Vandenburg era, and still CJ sits. I thought a pick 6 was a huge no no with ultra conservative Kirk? What about those audibles to runs up the middle for no gain?

Kirt made his decision. There's a whole rest of the season of this, and next year will be more of the same...Jake throwing 2 yard passes to the RBs on 3rd and 12. Exciting Iowa football! How many sellouts will we have next year with no hope at the QB position.

I'm an alum of 29 years and choose not to watch the JR/Davis combo any more. The first time I have ever abandoned the team. I must say it made the loss much easier to stomach, not seeing it on TV.

try it and come back when they wizen up
The dink and dunk offense are not a product of the coaching staff. They are a product of the starting qb. Put in CJ and somehow receivers down the field are open and the ball is thrown vertically.
I think Davis puts in passing plays he thinks the QB is comfortable with and can execute. With Jake it's 10 yard outs to RBs and TEs. Although I don't see why Davis puts in the horizontal pass while Jake is QB. Jake still hasn't learned how to throw it.

With CJB, you don't see as many passes to TEs or RBs. The pass is further down the field and that's CJB's decision. He doesn't need as much of a window to complete the pass.

Jake didn't attempt a pass of more the 15 yards until the 4th when Maryland was playing prevent defense. Jake's just not as comfortable with a smaller window.
receivers were not open down field today and ........ its the two guards who got worked all day long

I couldn't see the whole field on tv, but I find that hard to believe. Not open, or just not thrown to? Sometimes you have to let your players make plays, they're not always going to be running free with no one within 5-10 yards of them.
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Jake took some shots down field, but didn't connect. His accuracy with the deep ball is less than average. Also, when he threw that pick six he sas on the run, and he is awful in that scenario. Iowa fans were spoiled with Drew Tate who always threw on the run. I don't know if CJ is much better, but I know he can scramble one hell of a lot better than Jake. If Iowa's O-line is just going to lay down and let defenders have a clear path to the QB as they seemed to do against Maryland, then I think it just seems logical that we need a QB who can scramble.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm not saying it's an easy pill to swallow, but I think you have to come to terms with:

(1) Rudock is just not very good and would not start for many power 5 teams
(2) CJB at times has looked quite a bit better, but at other times quite a bit worse.

Which one of those do you play? I don't think it's an easy choice.

This is the correct answer. I was excited and very disapointed how CJ played against Indiana. If I didn't know who he was.I wouldn't have wanted to see him take another snap. So perhaps that is more what KF sees in practice than the gunslinger that throws pinpoint down field. I beleive as you do.We have 2 serviceable QBs. But CJ still appears to me to have the higher ceiling given his physical talent and lack of game expierence. WE know what we got in Rudock.

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