Tucker arrested again.

Does anyone else think that if Tucker was going to be kicked off the team, it would have happened by now?

I know that based on Barta's statement that none of us will really know anything until after the game tomorrow, but part of me can't help but think that a decision has all ready been made, and that if Tucker was going to get the boot it would have happened by now.

Not necessarily.
I'm sure Lickliter will talk about it tomorrow. My thoughts are that Barta and Lickliter will have to sit down and make a decision, then they'll disclose.
I'm not so sure we need to give Tucker the boot. He's got the makings of becoming a great Hawkeye. One of my favorite Hawkeyes of all time was Chris Kingsbury. All we need now is for Tucker to punch some little white guard from Penn State during a game and we got ourselves a bonafide CK.
I'm not so sure we need to give Tucker the boot. He's got the makings of becoming a great Hawkeye. One of my favorite Hawkeyes of all time was Chris Kingsbury. All we need now is for Tucker to punch some little white guard from Penn State during a game and we got ourselves a bonafide CK.

What was James' 2nd offense? Not trying to be trite, just wondering. I thought I recall the group of guys were yelling at cops or something? Trying to get into a fight? I don't remember.

And you are probably right, not likely a good comparison, I am just looking for some sort of precedence on how the U of I handles it. I do know that 3 alcohol related incidents and you are gone.

2nd offense was public intox - came out of a parking ramp yelling at an undercover cop. Definitely not good but its a little different because his 1st offense wasnt "a big deal" if you know what i mean. It was alcohol related but not extremely serious imo if that makes sense
I would be disappointed in the UofI and the basketball program if they didn't make the offer of rehab and a shot at returning at some point. The kid is an alcoholic, or at least heading down that road, and the only thing he's been guilty of is being drunk - they should make an offer of help and a shot at a future not just cut him loose.
The Lick haters are loving this I am sure.

Not a Lick hater or lover, but 99% of the folks on HN do not love that a young man on the team is struggling with alcohol and bad choices.

I hope Anthony gets the help he needs, regardless of whether or not he plays for Iowa again.