Trump supporters, how do you square this?

Have you ever seen the stats of transgenders murdered? They're lower than the stats of the entire population and almost all of them that have been killed are from someone they knew. Are they really attacked more than everyone else? And if so, why is everyone and their brother falling over each other to join the club? The numbers of people who label themselves as transgender nowadays doesn't jive with them being treated poorly.
There's a huge gap between "getting attacked" and getting murdered. It could be verbal, bullied, it doesn't always have to be based on end result. I graduated in the late 90's before bullying was really a thing and while fights weren't necessarily uncommon I'd say its safe to say that males who were perceived to be more feminine got got harassed and picked attacked (verbally and physically) without anyone dying. But just because no one died that doesn't mean it wasn't going on or impacting their lives.
Yes the left leaning media says to hate him and the right leaning media says to love him. The truth is he's the exact same guy as he was when the left loved him. Media on the right tell the story that Musk is risking everything to help the country. Media on the left say Musk is just doing what he's doing to steal people's info and get richer. People's opinion on Musk is directly related to which story they believe. If you know him personally so you've formed your opinion that way then I apologize.
I don't know him personally, but making an assumption of how everyone feels about someone else without knowing anything about those people is getting old. You love to say that the left just believes whatever they're being told about Musk and tRump. I didn't love Elon and then all of a sudden hate him just because he's right wing now.

I assume you think for yourself, so maybe others on here think for themselves too and can form their own opinions without someone telling them what to think.
I agree, but its a shame it has to centered around party affiliation with most people. I think the individual has to come first, then the party. Too many blinders go up when the first thing that's given away is whether they're red or blue. Honestly I'd love to see an election where party association wasn't listed on the ballot. Sure it might catch people off guard, but that's when they should be doing their homework rather than putting all their loyalty behind a party when they know nothing about the individual.
It would be so much better that way.
The point is (shouting for the dumb kids in the back) is that he's inside the government and is likely circumventing any normal appropriations process. Man people are dumb and gullible.

If you could personally profit Billions from influencing a decision.... would you? This is why some of this is in front of the Supreme Court. Congress appropriates funding. Can you not see the massive potential for corruption here, or are you so on that Musky jock strap that you're blind?
We've already talked about that possibility in this thread also and I do agree it's definitely a possibility. But remember he's already killing his stocks by doing what he's doing so it might not even be a net gain. Also remember he is very confident he has a superior product so weaseling his way into government to pimp a product that is already so good it will pimp itself without him doesn't seem worth it.

Imagine arguing in the year 2000 that the inventor of the internet needed to infiltrate the government to push his product. The obvious counterpoint would be the same. The internet was always going to be huge anyway. Just like starlink will be huge either way.
There's a huge gap between "getting attacked" and getting murdered. It could be verbal, bullied, it doesn't always have to be based on end result. I graduated in the late 90's before bullying was really a thing and while fights weren't necessarily uncommon I'd say its safe to say that males who were perceived to be more feminine got got harassed and picked attacked (verbally and physically) without anyone dying. But just because no one died that doesn't mean it wasn't going on or impacting their lives.
Fair point. I have had a lot of young people work for me over the years and have had bullying conversations a lot. A small town kid said bullying isn't even really a thing anymore. I big tow kid said there are "transgenders" everywhere and it's completely accepted. Small sample size but that's all I got.

One thing I want to make clear. I'm probably equally sympathetic to all classes of people as anyone else here (or close to it). I just have different thoughts on how to make it better. People confuse differening opinions with lack of compassion (its that way with school shootings too).
I don't know him personally, but making an assumption of how everyone feels about someone else without knowing anything about those people is getting old. You love to say that the left just believes whatever they're being told about Musk and tRump. I didn't love Elon and then all of a sudden hate him just because he's right wing now.

I assume you think for yourself, so maybe others on here think for themselves too and can form their own opinions without someone telling them what to think.
Ok but just so you understand, me saying that is a general statement that is true on both sides. It doesn't mean it's true for every person. Have you ever said "these people listening to fox news" or "you're brainwashed by X"?
elon probably could survive on a mere billion

His ego might take a hit, but I am not going to worry about his tesla sales going downhill

I could do quite well on a fraction of a billion, even just a mere million
Perhaps a bit of perspective

How long would it take to count to a million by ones

16,667 minutes, 278 hours, or 12 days

Counting to one billion would take a trifle longer

If you want to count to a billion manually, it would take over 100 years. However, an online calculator can help you calculate 1 billion counts and easily perform the conversion as well, in a matter of seconds. If you want to know how long it would take to count to a billion manually, you can divide the total number of seconds it would take to count to a billion by the number of seconds in a year.
Ok but just so you understand, me saying that is a general statement that is true on both sides. It doesn't mean it's true for every person. Have you ever said "these people listening to fox news" or "you're brainwashed by X"?
People that watch Fox News or MSNBC exclusively will only deepen their right or left wing thought process and feelings. If you only follow only side, that's primarily what you're going to get and they'll only believe what they want to believe. Facts matter and think for yourselves.
People that watch Fox News or MSNBC exclusively will only deepen their right or left wing thought process and feelings. If you only follow only side, that's primarily what you're going to get and they'll only believe what they want to believe. Facts matter and think for yourselves.
Couldn't agree more. Everything you have posted from X I've already seen or came across shorty after so it seems like we pretty much see the same thing. Since we have completely different views, I'd say we both think for ourselves. I was just talking to someone yesterday saying how funny it is that two people can see 50 different things and come to two completely different conclusions based on the amount of emphasis they put on each item. You and I are a perfect example of that.
Fair point. I have had a lot of young people work for me over the years and have had bullying conversations a lot. A small town kid said bullying isn't even really a thing anymore. I big tow kid said there are "transgenders" everywhere and it's completely accepted. Small sample size but that's all I got.

One thing I want to make clear. I'm probably equally sympathetic to all classes of people as anyone else here (or close to it). I just have different thoughts on how to make it better. People confuse differening opinions with lack of compassion (its that way with school shootings too).
I understand where you're coming from with people confusing differing opinions with lack of compassion and am not casting any type of judgement. With regards to the bullying "not even really being a thing anymore" I'm not trying to minimize it but I've realized that being 45 I don't (and will never) viewing bullying the same as younger generations so I use the term loosely and use it in a way in which it might apply to that individual while not necessarily being something I would consider bullying.

So it seems like they reviewed everything DOGE found with USAID and made final decisions after 6 weeks. People are complaining because they are confusing how quickly Musk is being transparent with the information he finds with decisions actually being made on what to do with them. To be fair, the confusion is understandable with the way Musk releases his info as "money saved". But the truth is, Musk's team is auditing all of the money spent and congress is deciding what to do about it. Seems like something we should all be on board with. If the only reason to be concerned is Musk has access to personal information, his team had the same vetting process as everyone else has to go through to gain access. I really hope more people get on board with this because it's necessary.
I understand where you're coming from with people confusing differing opinions with lack of compassion and am not casting any type of judgement. With regards to the bullying "not even really being a thing anymore" I'm not trying to minimize it but I've realized that being 45 I don't (and will never) viewing bullying the same as younger generations so I use the term loosely and use it in a way in which it might apply to that individual while not necessarily being something I would consider bullying.
It makes sense to do it that way. I have four young kids now so bullying is something my wife and I are very concerned with. My main concerns are teaching my kids to not bully and teaching them how to mentally handle bullying. I think things that fall into the category of "the victim thinks it was bullying but it wasn't really" is something that insinuates the person thinking they were bullied need help learning how to deal in life. I come across that with my own kids. It's not an easy situation to navigate.
Trump said he lost between 2 and 5 billion by being president. That's between what he lost and what he could have made. Have you seen the stats of recent presidents net wealth before and after office? Every other president increases dramatically except him.
He's lying. Mouth moving is a dead giveaway
People that watch Fox News or MSNBC exclusively will only deepen their right or left wing thought process and feelings. If you only follow only side, that's primarily what you're going to get and they'll only believe what they want to believe. Facts matter and think for yourselves.
And CNN. I've found myself tuning into news nation and particularly Chris Cuomo. And I couldn't stand the guy when he was at CNN. Now on news nation he does a really good job of is bringing on those from both sides of the aisle. Heck, he and Tucker Carlson traded words about each other all the time when Chris was at CNN & Tucker was at Fox. Now Chris has sat down w/ Tucker on two different occasions (Mar 2024 & just recently Mar 2025) to simply have dialogue on topics they disagree on.
I would encourage all of us to do some reading about tariffs and trade wars, including how they've worked historically, their effect on economic growth or contraction, their effect on consumption, and overall buying power of citizens on both sides of the equation.

I've looked at several wonky websites that deal with these macroeconomic issues, and there don't appear to be a ton of huge supporters of trade wars or tariffs, as it is such a blunt instrument. Targeted tariffs may make sense, but most (high majority) of economists are extremely pessimistic about the effects of tariffs on an economy.

We do have some history with tariffs.
All you have to do to see the effect of the tariffs is look at the stock market starting Feb 19.

Trump just doubled the tariff on Canadian steel and aluminum to 50% Canada is our biggest import source for both. His supporters think he's "protecting" the American metals industry because that's what he's telling them, but his supporters of tariffs fall into one of two categories...

1) Too stupid to understand that steel and aluminum are global commodities no different than oil. We in the US do not have enough domestic supply so our mills are forced to buy from Canada. China also has tariffs and their supply is not cost effective because of transportation and lagging lead times. Canadian metals are close by and cheap to get to the US. This is going to do nothing but drive steel/aluminum prices up globally and crush demand, i.e. people are going to be laid off en masse in the manufacturing industries. That will cascade everywhere beginning with the transportation industry, and the rest will fall as well.

2) Rich enough, with enough cash available that they don't care.

Where I work we buy between 5 and 7 million dollars of steel per month and we can't keep up with all of these changes that Trump keeps throwing out there willy nilly, and neither can any other manufacturers. We will be laying people off here.

My dudes, you all better hold onto your hats. This is the tip of the iceberg. @Westernhawk you said people should read up on tariffs and trade wars and I agree, but this thing Trump is creating has no precedent in modern history. This is not a trade war. This is an economic suicide of a country, done by an elderly madman who won't be around to see what happens and doesn't care. And no one here has to take my word for it because I couldn't possibly give a shit less if anyone believes me. Sit around and watch for yourself.

I genuinely hope all of you guys here in your 50s and older have your retirement funds hedged in some way or another. Because this is gonna tank hard and it's not going to come back the way it did after covid. If someone doesn't hit the brakes on Trump this is going to make 2008 look like a 5 year old's birthday party.

Even Musk is getting hit in his wallet now, and if you watch any recent interviews with him you can see he's regretting letting this genie out of the bottle because he can't put it back now. The world (that counts) is united against us economically, and they're now seeing that if they join together they don't need us first of all, and second they see that the only way they can put us in our place is by cooperating and not bowing to Trump. Which they are doing. It's never happened in the history of the United States that we've had so many economic enemies, and it's made worse because all major players are our enemies now. All I know is I'm gonna laugh my ass of when the MAGA folks here start getting butt hurt over losing their jobs and seeing their 401k disappear.
People that watch Fox News or MSNBC exclusively will only deepen their right or left wing thought process and feelings. If you only follow only side, that's primarily what you're going to get and they'll only believe what they want to believe. Facts matter and think for yourselves.
And CNN. I've found myself tuning into news nation and particularly Chris Cuomo. And I couldn't stand the guy when he was at CNN. Now on news nation he does a really good job of is bringing on those from both sides of the aisle. Heck, he and Tucker Carlson traded words about each other all the time when Chris was at CNN & Tucker was at Fox. Now Chris has sat down w/ Tucker on two different occasions (Mar 2024 & just recently Mar 2025) to simply have dialogue on topics they disagree on.
I agree with both of you that extreme mdia bias is bad, but I also think it's worth distinguishing between news and commentary. CNN/NBC/Fox/ etc. aren't news. They're commentary. Opinionated commentary. I agree with a lot of what Cuomo and Tucker say, and I disagree with some too. But neither of those two are anything remotely resembling "news" media. They're political commentary.

There has to be a separation of the two. News is facts with as little bias and spin as possible. Those are hard to find but Reuters and BBC tend to be the ones I gravitate to as being the least biased right or left. People say "news" shouldn't lean to one side or the other, but the reality of it is that news doesn't have a side. News is fact. What happened where and what was said by whom with nothing painting the context. If it has a side, it's not news, it's commentary. Like I said I tend to agree with a lot of things from the two guys you mentioned, but I consider nothing they tell me to be news, it's their opinion about what happened or was said.

When I want news I look for what happened and who said what, supported by as many sources as possible.
Fry, I couldn't agree with you more on what is happening now and going to happen in the near future here in the U.S. It's going to get really ugly, really fast and it's going to hurt so many families in our country and possibly worldwide. What do you think is going to happen when people lose their jobs, housing, everything? Crime rates will soar, suicides will increase and so much more.