Trump supporters, how do you square this?

The entire CIA getting buyout letters is BS though. Maybe some were corrupt, but I'm sure it'd be on par with the numbers of any other career field in terms of who was upholding the duties they were assigned to do. IMO to basically eliminate an entire agency because they were doing their jobs is disgusting. It simply can't happen. If that's the case just replace them with a MAGA Cleanup agency that can go behind him and sweep everything under the rug, because he's as crooked on the surface as he makes the CIA to be.
One thing Musk said on Twitter is if you bite into an apple and it has a worm. You can cut out the worm and still have the apple. But if you start with a big ball of worms, there's no cutting it out. With the USAID there was no apple. If someone doesn't want to believe him that's fine. But his point still remains. Of the CIA became so powerful that it was assassinating their own president and overthrowing foreign governments without the White House's approval (I'm not saying they for sure have) then even if there are some good people at the agency, it's still just a big ball of worms.
We may think that, but the Palestinians believe that land is a birthright. The Jews and others have been fighting over that entire area since biblical times and it will never stop. If you kick them out it's not going to solve anything because there will just be more rockets flying.

Not being sarcastic here at all, but it would help to understand the situation and circumstances to read some history on Israel and how that area got plotted out. Basically the Jews were homeless after WW2 and Britain had that whole area under its control. It was called British Palestine and governed by them, and the Muslim Palestinians lived there. They claimed it as their birthright homeland given to them by god. Obviously all the holiest of holy sites to Muslims and Christians are right there within walking distance and they had all been warring over it for countless generations going back pre written history.

After WW2 Great Britain decided the Jews needed a place to settle and had the right to the West Bank as their holy land (just like the Palestinians claimed they did), so they gave the land of Israel to the Jews and kicked all the Palestinians out. After that there were dozens of wars between the Jews and Palestinians, and eventually the Gaza Strip (tiny, tiny little shit hole block of land), was given back to the Palestinians to live there. Palestine claimed it was rightfully theirs, Israel said "no it ain't; it's still ours, we're just letting you live there." Basically Israel looks at it like we look at Indian reservations here. The Palestinians don't care if it's destroyed or not, they think it's their divine right and they'll die over it.

So that's what you've had and will continue to have as long as one or both are occupying the area. Unless you kick both Israel and Palestine out there's going to be fighting from some border or another. If you kick out the Palestinians, the entire Arab coalition is going to start more shit (minus the Saudis), and we all know damn well Israel isn't going anywhere. I say let it be and unfortunately they all need to figure it out. Use our military to protect our interests in the area including shipping, and call it good.

David vs Goliath
Musk now has access to the payment systems that disburse money for Social Security, Veterans benefits, Medicare and Medicaid. He has the personal and financial information for hundreds of millions of Americans, including seniors and low-income families.

If you believe that's a good thing, then you are in a cult....
I dont think it's good or bad. Hopefully it's an indifferent thing.
For all you football fans out there, did you know that Tommy Tuberville coached Patrick Mahomes in college??? At least that's what the Orange Turd said today.

If you believe that's not a big deal, but it was when Biden made many, many gaffes, then you are in a cult....
The whole cult thing is pointless. The other side can say if you believe so and so, you're in a cult, in just as many ways as you can.
We can't do any of them, because the Orange Turd said during the campaign no more wars. So hopefully they'll just give up without a fight.
Serious question here. If Trump expands the US under agreed terms by both sides, is that a bad thing? If the people of Greenland decide they want to be part of the US, and everyone comes to a ln agreement to make it happen, how is that a bad thing?
We may think that, but the Palestinians believe that land is a birthright. The Jews and others have been fighting over that entire area since biblical times and it will never stop. If you kick them out it's not going to solve anything because there will just be more rockets flying.

Not being sarcastic here at all, but it would help to understand the situation and circumstances to read some history on Israel and how that area got plotted out. Basically the Jews were homeless after WW2 and Britain had that whole area under its control. It was called British Palestine and governed by them, and the Muslim Palestinians lived there. They claimed it as their birthright homeland given to them by god. Obviously all the holiest of holy sites to Muslims and Christians are right there within walking distance and they had all been warring over it for countless generations going back pre written history.

After WW2 Great Britain decided the Jews needed a place to settle and had the right to the West Bank as their holy land (just like the Palestinians claimed they did), so they gave the land of Israel to the Jews and kicked all the Palestinians out. After that there were dozens of wars between the Jews and Palestinians, and eventually the Gaza Strip (tiny, tiny little shit hole block of land), was given back to the Palestinians to live there. Palestine claimed it was rightfully theirs, Israel said "no it ain't; it's still ours, we're just letting you live there." Basically Israel looks at it like we look at Indian reservations here. The Palestinians don't care if it's destroyed or not, they think it's their divine right and they'll die over it.

So that's what you've had and will continue to have as long as one or both are occupying the area. Unless you kick both Israel and Palestine out there's going to be fighting from some border or another. If you kick out the Palestinians, the entire Arab coalition is going to start more shit (minus the Saudis), and we all know damn well Israel isn't going anywhere. I say let it be and unfortunately they all need to figure it out. Use our military to protect our interests in the area including shipping, and call it good.
This is very similar to what I have heard so don't have many arguments here. One thing I will add tho is other Muslim countries want nothing to do with the Palestinians so I'm not sure if there would be an uproar or not. Also I'm not sure if the Gaza strip can be called a shithole or not. It's all basically right on the water which is a prime place to be. I'm not sure enough about that to argue much tho.
The problem is worse than politics, it's religion. Both sides believe a deity promised it to them so no matter what the war in whatever form it happens to take ain't stopping.

As cold as it sounds we need to stay out of it because both factions have gone beyond being reasonable. Yeah Israel is way more powerful and could take it back in a heartbeat if they really wanted to which isn't a fair fight, but sometimes fights ain't fair. When a fight ain't fair and neither side wants to use reason, well...there isn't much you can do but help the ones leave who want to leave.
Instead of saying "want to leave" at the end I assume you mean "need to leave". If so, I agree completely.
I am convinced that this whole mess is nothing but a big game to Trump and Musk. They don’t give a damn about improving our country. Never have, never will.
Trump might not give a damn about the country, but he cares enough about his image to want to be known as a great president. If that's what he tries to accomplish, I don't really care what his motives are. I think that's something people don't consider about Trump. Everyone pretty much agrees that all he wants to do is be seen as the best in the eyes of everyone. He's that self absorbed. But people don't factor in what he has to do to achieve that. I think his goal now is to root our corruption in government. If he achieves that to the point its obvious he achieved it, history will love him for it. I think that's his goal. Even if it's for selfish reasons, it would be a good outcome if he achieves it. If he is only mildly successful in his goal, it won't be enough to be obvious. I think that's why he's going balls to the wall. He only has four years to do 20 years of work.
I would love to hear the other side cult thing. Like all the Biden and Harris flags flying and the stupid matching outfits and hats and how we all believe Biden and Harris will fix everything and we don’t dare cross the leader or we laugh at how crazy shit they spew and that we love it when they say mean things about everyone and that putting Soros in charge of everything and he also gets to say if the contracts he gets from the government are wasteful and corrupt.
I would love to hear the other side cult thing. Like all the Biden and Harris flags flying and the stupid matching outfits and hats and how we all believe Biden and Harris will fix everything and we don’t dare cross the leader or we laugh at how crazy shit they spew and that we love it when they say mean things about everyone and that putting Soros in charge of everything and he also gets to say if the contracts he gets from the government are wasteful and corrupt.
The unfortunate part for the left is they don't even have someone they can like. Their cult is TDS.
Also I'm not sure if the Gaza strip can be called a shithole or not. It's all basically right on the water which is a prime place to be. I'm not sure enough about that to argue much tho.
It's tiny and bordered on two sides by its biggest enemy, Egypt who doesn’t cooperate with them, and the Mediterranean. There have no natural resources whatsoever, no industry other than some tourism which obviously isn’t a thing anymore, and no fresh water source other than Israel. The population density is 14,000 people per sq kilometer. It is in no way “a prime place to be.”

Where do you even come up with this stuff?
I would love to hear the other side cult thing. Like all the Biden and Harris flags flying and the stupid matching outfits and hats and how we all believe Biden and Harris will fix everything and we don’t dare cross the leader or we laugh at how crazy shit they spew and that we love it when they say mean things about everyone and that putting Soros in charge of everything and he also gets to say if the contracts he gets from the government are wasteful and corrupt.
I would actually start with things that seem closer to satanic occultism like believing a man can become a woman or it’s okay to medically alter children to transition them or it’s alright to kill babies.
I would actually start with things that seem closer to satanic occultism like believing a man can become a woman or it’s okay to medically alter children to transition them or it’s alright to kill babies.
Sick burn. You got 'em there. I really don't care what a person wants to do to their body and where can you find actual evidence of people medically altering children or killing babies??? Keep drinking the cult Kool-aid.
Sick burn. You got 'em there. I really don't care what a person wants to do to their body and where can you find actual evidence of people medically altering children or killing babies??? Keep drinking the cult Kool-aid.
It’s one thing to allow a grown adult to transition it’s a completely different thing to facilitate the transition of kids. Transitioning of kids involves medically altering their bodies. I consider abortion to be killing babies. That being said there are some states that have at least contemplated the idea of killing some babies after birth. I know the mainstream media has tried to tell you that isn’t true but it is completely accurate. Stop believing everything the mainstream media is telling you. They have been lying to you for years. You might be in a cult if you believe everything the mainstream media tells you.
Sick burn. You got 'em there. I really don't care what a person wants to do to their body and where can you find actual evidence of people medically altering children or killing babies??? Keep drinking the cult Kool-aid.
There are thousands of minor children in the US being given puberty blockers by their parents and doctors. That's fact. It's also medical alteration of children who aren't psychologically developed enough to decide if they are a male, female, or otherwise. I take no side on the gender debate other than I think trans women should be banned from female competition, but giving kids puberty blockers is medical alteration. It doesn't have to come from a knife.

As far as killing babies, I think we both understand that he was talking about abortion.
There are thousands of minor children in the US being given puberty blockers by their parents and doctors. That's fact. It's also medical alteration of children who aren't psychologically developed enough to decide if they are a male, female, or otherwise. I take no side on the gender debate other than I think trans women should be banned from female competition, but giving kids puberty blockers is medical alteration. It doesn't have to come from a knife.

As far as killing babies, I think we both understand that he was talking about abortion.
I absolutely agree that trans women don't belong in female competition. As for the puberty blockers, I don't think that's a good idea at all, but that's for the family and doctor to decide. shouldn't be forced on to the child.

As for killing fetuses, I personally wouldn't want to do that, but that's not up to me to decide. I was talking more along the lines of the stories that babies are being killed at birth, which is not happening.
It’s one thing to allow a grown adult to transition it’s a completely different thing to facilitate the transition of kids. Transitioning of kids involves medically altering their bodies. I consider abortion to be killing babies. That being said there are some states that have at least contemplated the idea of killing some babies after birth. I know the mainstream media has tried to tell you that isn’t true but it is completely accurate. Stop believing everything the mainstream media is telling you. They have been lying to you for years. You might be in a cult if you believe everything the mainstream media tells you.
Please tell me what media I should be listening to? Fox, OAN, Newmax, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, RFK Jr??
What is mainstream media??? Is that just the left or does it encompass all media? I would love to know the standard of who's who.
It's tiny and bordered on two sides by its biggest enemy, Egypt who doesn’t cooperate with them, and the Mediterranean. There have no natural resources whatsoever, no industry other than some tourism which obviously isn’t a thing anymore, and no fresh water source other than Israel. The population density is 14,000 people per sq kilometer. It is in no way “a prime place to be.”

Where do you even come up with this stuff?
What I mean is as far as that region goes, it doesn't get much better. It's on a body if water which is one of the most important things a country can have. You specifically said in this thread that the Palestinians want to be there. Since that part of the conversation has already been established (by you) don't you think it's pretty disingenuous to use who they border with as an example of why its not "prime location"? This is just another example of you going back and forth with your logic just to be a contrarian. Everything else you mention doesn't even have to do with their location. It has to do with how their system runs. A lot of which is their own fault since they receive so much aid.

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