Trump supporters, how do you square this?

The point was you’re defending your argument with, “I don’t have to give your position any credence because I’m hoping there will be some kind of technological advancement in ten years that will prove you wrong.” Kinda weak of you ask me, but then again you didn’t ask me so what do I know. You sure get awfully mad about all this. That’s usually a sign of being frazzled in my experience.
Why do you keep saying I'm mad? I didn't use caps or exclamation points.
Ok, I guess? Lol. You want a reaction from me? I ain’t a cult worshipper of anyone let alone Muskovich so I don’t know what you expect me to say. You’re pretty offended over someone you’ve never met.
Why does it have to be so extreme that I'm a cult worshipper? I'm just fairly optimistic that he's going to help skim down government corruption.
I won’t even try to defend the character of DJT or Musk. I don’t know them but I will say it’s pretty hypocritical to attack them while you’ve been silent about the character of Biden, Harris and many others on the left. I will comment on the policies of Trump. Understand he’s playing chess while others are playing checkers. The tariffs aren’t really about the economics. They’re about illegal immigration and drugs. Two days after he imposed tariffs on Canada and Mexico they have given him what he wanted. Sure China is a tougher nut to crack but wait and see how that plays out.

Before Trump was sworn in Hamas began releasing hostages and don’t try to tell me that was an accomplishment of the previous administration. They did it because DJT threatened them saying that all hell would break loose if the hostages weren’t released by the time he was sworn in.

Why is Musk been allowed to look into government spending? When Musk took over twitter he reduced its workforce significantly. In case you haven’t noticed our government has a massive spending problem. Who’s a better choice to hunt down that waste? Look into some of what USAID was giving money to. I don’t think we should be giving billions of dollars to stupid things in other countries. We are a nation that is trillions of dollars in debt. We can’t afford to borrow money to give it away.

I don’t blame anyone for saying Trump’s character is flawed. I agree with that sentiment. But again who are you going to choose to be President instead? I for one will take the leadership of the past sixteen days over the dumpster fire of the previous four years.
Where are all of the inflation people and we can't afford groceries, rent, insurance....? Wasn't all that promised to go down on day one? Everyone fine with those higher prices now?
Are you kidding lol. All the inflation people are now saying "higher prices are fine if it means cleaning up Biden's mess". Seriously you can't make this stuff up.
It's a cult
In fairness I think both sides qualify for that status. Politics in this country have become so extreme left and right that there's no real progress possible anymore.

Dictionary definition of a cult.

"A group of people having beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister, or as exercising excessive control over members."

It fits for both parties...

1) Extreme views.

2) Zero tolerance or consideration of other positions, and refusing that those other positions might have some relevance or correctness.

3) Absolute control by leadership.

4) Severe repercussions such as excommunication, coercion, and punishment for dissidence or not following the party norms.

The left and the right all have these elements in spades.
If Trump would have ran as a Democrat, the media would have had you loving him.
The problem though, is while the media may have tried, his personality rubs a number of us completely the wrong way. Whether its right or not some of us still believe that based on personality alone he's a terrible choice to run the country. The media may try to skew public opinion but there's only so much they can do that he couldn't undo himself.
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The problem though is while the media may have tried his personality rubs a number of us completely the wrong way. And whether its right or not some of us still believe that based on personality alone he's a terrible choice to run the country. The media may try to skew public opinion but there's only so much they can do that he couldn't undo himself.
There is no way you can paint lipstick on that pig. I have eyes and ears. I am baffled how you are able to compare Trump with anyone, ever in our politics. No one ever lied about an election for four years made millions lying about it, sent a mob to interrupt and attack police that resulted in millions of dollars of damage. Then faced zero consequences got re-elected by Fox News fools and released all of the police and property destroying criminals into our country to commit more crimes. Now he's wiping the FBI and CIA from the map for a 4 year crime spree. He makes fun of the disabled and called service men and women sucker and losers. He's bowed down to Putin in front of the world. He has a freak billionaire now running the government breaking laws to do it. Yet you compare him to anyone ever on any side of the aisle. There's only one media con job worthy of front page news and it's this one.

Do you people have working brains?
In fairness I think both sides qualify for that status. Politics in this country have become so extreme left and right that there's no real progress possible anymore.

Dictionary definition of a cult.

"A group of people having beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister, or as exercising excessive control over members."

It fits for both parties...

1) Extreme views.

2) Zero tolerance or consideration of other positions, and refusing that those other positions might have some relevance or correctness.

3) Absolute control by leadership.

4) Severe repercussions such as excommunication, coercion, and punishment for dissidence or not following the party norms.

The left and the right all have these elements in spades.
I'm mostly talking about Trump and Musk. I don't get how they can't see through their shit.
There is no way you can paint lipstick on that pig. I have eyes and ears. I am baffled how you are able to compare Trump with anyone, ever in our politics. No one ever lied about an election for four years made millions lying about it, sent a mob to interrupt and attack police that resulted in millions of dollars of damage. Then faced zero consequences got re-elected by Fox News fools and released all of the police and property destroying criminals into our country to commit more crimes. Now he's wiping the FBI and CIA from the map for a 4 year crime spree. He makes fun of the disabled and called service men and women sucker and losers. He's bowed down to Putin in front of the world. He has a freak billionaire now running the government breaking laws to do it. Yet you compare him to anyone ever on any side of the aisle. There's only one media con job worthy of front page news and it's this one.

Do you people have working brains?
No, I was completely in agreement with you. My response was in regards to if he'd of run as a democrat and the media have us loving him. There isn't a chance in hell anyone could convince him he's someone remotely close to anyone I'd vote for let alone a decent human being. And what boggles my mind the most is the amount of pictures and memes out there of him being depicted as this religious diety or a great human being. Its simply mind blowing.
Who in their right mind supports:

1. Moving the Palestinians, against their will, out of their homeland to be dispersed. "Clean it up" he said. Well, it is ethnic cleansing. Also, pretty much against American foreign policy for decades, and it might not be legal.
2. The entire CIA, per reports, receiving buyout letters.
3. The CDC is no longer giving health systems current data on disease trends, so that they can act quickly and appropriately. I saw that first hand this morning.
4. Musk's team of twentysomething year old guys who are coming into federal offices and acting like the "Bobs" from Office Space. Musk and his team of tech bros are apparently making decisions about programs. This may be illegal and unconstitutional. Congress does appropriations in our (hopefully not former) democracy.

If you support these things, you don't know how a democracy is supposed to run, or maybe you no longer want this to be a democracy (my real fear).

I've said this before, but this isn't a Dem v Republican thing. Trump is a special cause variation, and maybe a black swan. We've not seen this before. Buckle up. This sucks. I know some will disagree and see this as the usual polarization. In some ways, it is a worsening of that, and a continuation. But some of these things are very different from before.

I've said this many times: I've voted for Dems in the past, with some R's. But, I would take most any reasonable Republican over this takeover shit.
tRUMP is basically an attention HO
Who in their right mind supports:

1. Moving the Palestinians, against their will, out of their homeland to be dispersed. "Clean it up" he said. Well, it is ethnic cleansing. Also, pretty much against American foreign policy for decades, and it might not be legal.
2. The entire CIA, per reports, receiving buyout letters.
3. The CDC is no longer giving health systems current data on disease trends, so that they can act quickly and appropriately. I saw that first hand this morning.
4. Musk's team of twentysomething year old guys who are coming into federal offices and acting like the "Bobs" from Office Space. Musk and his team of tech bros are apparently making decisions about programs. This may be illegal and unconstitutional. Congress does appropriations in our (hopefully not former) democracy.

If you support these things, you don't know how a democracy is supposed to run, or maybe you no longer want this to be a democracy (my real fear).

I've said this before, but this isn't a Dem v Republican thing. Trump is a special cause variation, and maybe a black swan. We've not seen this before. Buckle up. This sucks. I know some will disagree and see this as the usual polarization. In some ways, it is a worsening of that, and a continuation. But some of these things are very different from before.

I've said this many times: I've voted for Dems in the past, with some R's. But, I would take most any reasonable Republican over this takeover shit.

That move could cause serious turmoil in the Middle East

Jared Kushner and the tRUMP family will be raking in more Billions when they build
the hotels and condos on the beach


Moving 2 million people from their homeland

This is going to create more Hatred for America

While they are clearing the Palestinians out, spending Billions

At the same time they are in the process of denying Americas government support

And replacing thousands of long-time government employees

Wonder how the Middle-Class folk who voted for him will feel about prices
going UP to sanction his Middle East Adventure
No, I was completely in agreement with you. My response was in regards to if he'd of run as a democrat and the media have us loving him. There isn't a chance in hell anyone could convince him he's someone remotely close to anyone I'd vote for let alone a decent human being. And what boggles my mind the most is the amount of pictures and memes out there of him being depicted as this religious diety or a great human being. Its simply mind blowing.
I'm guessing your opinion of Biden is heads and shoulders above your opinion of Trump, in regards to the kind of human they are. The reason you think that is because of how the media portrays him.

If Trump kills the number 1 target on the terrorist list, he gets negative coverage because of it. Think about that for a second. That's absolutely insane. Imagine the coverage Biden would have gotten from the media if Trump was in office not getting hostages out for years and then Biden said what Trump said and they got released. There is no negative way to spin that incredibly important story, so the media just completely ignores it. If they are doing things that are that obvious, how many gray areas over the last 10 years have been swayed to the negative?
Here's my opinion on Gaza. There are two ways to spin the October 7th attack on Isreal. One is it was an unprovoked attack. If that's the case, they should be moved out. But Isreal should be the ones moving them out. I wish Trump would stay out of it but it's fairly obvious Isreal has a strong hold on our government. But regardless of whether or not the US helps Isreal relocate the Palestinians, it clearly needs to be done after that attack.

The second way to spin it is if it was a provoked attack due to Gaza pretty much being a prison. If that attack is retaliation for the oppression Isreal is laying on them, then they should want to move. The place is already destroyed anyway thanks to a war that didn't occur on Trump's watch. In this scenario, the US is actually the good guys for setting an oppressed people free. Now is it fair that they should have to leave an not Israel? No. But life isn't always fair and if Israel has the power to obliterate Gaza and we step in with a deal to find them a new home instead, then that's a decent outcome compared to what could happen if we didn't step in.

Now if you have to opinion that Isreal is the oppressor here, and that the US should take Palestine's side in the matter, then that's a fine opinion to have. But no way the US does that no matter who the president is. So really, what can Trump do here? Biden sure hasn't done anything.
Who in their right mind supports:

1. Moving the Palestinians, against their will, out of their homeland to be dispersed. "Clean it up" he said. Well, it is ethnic cleansing. Also, pretty much against American foreign policy for decades, and it might not be legal.
2. The entire CIA, per reports, receiving buyout letters.
3. The CDC is no longer giving health systems current data on disease trends, so that they can act quickly and appropriately. I saw that first hand this morning.
4. Musk's team of twentysomething year old guys who are coming into federal offices and acting like the "Bobs" from Office Space. Musk and his team of tech bros are apparently making decisions about programs. This may be illegal and unconstitutional. Congress does appropriations in our (hopefully not former) democracy.

If you support these things, you don't know how a democracy is supposed to run, or maybe you no longer want this to be a democracy (my real fear).

I've said this before, but this isn't a Dem v Republican thing. Trump is a special cause variation, and maybe a black swan. We've not seen this before. Buckle up. This sucks. I know some will disagree and see this as the usual polarization. In some ways, it is a worsening of that, and a continuation. But some of these things are very different from before.

I've said this many times: I've voted for Dems in the past, with some R's. But, I would take most any reasonable Republican over this takeover shit.
Do you believe there is ridiculous wasteful spending and corruption going on in our government? If you do, a radical way like thos is the only way it will ever get fixed. It does suck for the people who don't feel like they're "on the same side" as the people doing it, and I agree that I wouldn't be joyful over the thought of Bill Gates doing it. But don't you even have any amount of hope that our government is finally being put in check. I know I would, even if it was Gates. But then again, maybe you don't even think what is going on right now is needed. I don't know how anyone can think that with the debt our country has.
One thing Trump is taking about now is the project to do a transportation rail in between some cities in California. He says it's billions of dollars over budget already. He says he builds things for a living and it's impossible to be that far over budget. There has to be money laundering going on there. That's the way our government works. It's gotten so out of hand the numbers to do anything government related are down right laughable. If a private company builds a bridge for 10 million, the government would build the same one for 100 million. When you 10x every singe thing you can get your hands on, you end up with a 36 trillion dollar deficit. Our country doesn't have to live like this. It has to stop at some point. It sucks that when it's finally possibly happening, half of the country is begging for the government to be allowed to keep fucking us because the right team isn't the ones fixing it.

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