Trump supporters, how do you square this?

I'm guessing your opinion of Biden is heads and shoulders above your opinion of Trump, in regards to the kind of human they are. The reason you think that is because of how the media portrays him.

If Trump kills the number 1 target on the terrorist list, he gets negative coverage because of it. Think about that for a second. That's absolutely insane. Imagine the coverage Biden would have gotten from the media if Trump was in office not getting hostages out for years and then Biden said what Trump said and they got released. There is no negative way to spin that incredibly important story, so the media just completely ignores it. If they are doing things that are that obvious, how many gray areas over the last 10 years have been swayed to the negative?
Yeah, but I think Biden's scum as well and didn't vote for him. But you're wrong on the medias driving my thoughts on Biden. As I said earlier my biggest issue with Trump is his personality and how he conducts himself, belittles others, and his bullying in a manner that I see on par with that of a three year old in the middle of a meltdown. You can say it's media driven all you want, but I thought he was a turd on the apprentice and I absolutely despise the way he behaves publicly. The problem is Biden knows how to conduct himself, whether we like it or not, Trump has absolutely no filter, goes after the media as much as they go after him, and personally attacks almost every public figure that doesn't see things the way he does and I'm sorry but that's on Trump not the media. So while I agree that the media doesn't paint him in a positive light and "sway him to the negative side" is simply because that's how he wants to be perceived. If, and I mean a huge if, because I'm not convinced, but IF he's truly as smart as MAGA makes him out to be he'd have a better understanding why people can't stand him, why the media portrays him the way they do, and would actually stop being the aggressor while playing the role of the victim the majority of the time. He can't have it both ways. Oh yes he can, because he's entitled to it and no ones ever been able to disagree with him without being ridiculed, attacked or terminated.
One thing Trump is taking about now is the project to do a transportation rail in between some cities in California. He says it's billions of dollars over budget already. He says he builds things for a living and it's impossible to be that far over budget. There has to be money laundering going on there. That's the way our government works. It's gotten so out of hand the numbers to do anything government related are down right laughable. If a private company builds a bridge for 10 million, the government would build the same one for 100 million. When you 10x every singe thing you can get your hands on, you end up with a 36 trillion dollar deficit. Our country doesn't have to live like this. It has to stop at some point. It sucks that when it's finally possibly happening, half of the country is begging for the government to be allowed to keep fucking us because the right team isn't the ones fixing it.
But isn't it a bit odd that Musk and his boys are the ones doing all of this without any second party watching what they're doing? I mean, they're digging into everything without checks and balances. Are you fine with Musk and kids having all of your personal information and the ability to do whatever they want? If the answer is yes, then you are in a cult.....
A couple of thoughts to ponder:

90% of the homes in Palestine (Gaza) have been destroyed. Just let that sink in. It's human tragedy all around.

These humans deserve a homeland, and a home. I have, again, zero interest in fighting the tribal fight on message boards.

I'm agnostic on the Israel v Palestine situation, except I wish for them that they could have a two state solution. Terrorism is awful, and genocide, as a response, is even worse.

I have no interest in defending a political position here, and I don't need to be badgered on where I read things. Thanks all.
I'm concerned with some of the things going on with Musk (who has a big interest in crushing government for his own personal gain).

Some of what's going on my be unconstitutional and even illegal, but no one can stop them now, I guess.

It's a sad day for America.
Do you believe there is ridiculous wasteful spending and corruption going on in our government? If you do, a radical way like thos is the only way it will ever get fixed. It does suck for the people who don't feel like they're "on the same side" as the people doing it, and I agree that I wouldn't be joyful over the thought of Bill Gates doing it. But don't you even have any amount of hope that our government is finally being put in check. I know I would, even if it was Gates. But then again, maybe you don't even think what is going on right now is needed. I don't know how anyone can think that with the debt our country has.
The entire CIA getting buyout letters is BS though. Maybe some were corrupt, but I'm sure it'd be on par with the numbers of any other career field in terms of who was upholding the duties they were assigned to do. IMO to basically eliminate an entire agency because they were doing their jobs is disgusting. It simply can't happen. If that's the case just replace them with a MAGA Cleanup agency that can go behind him and sweep everything under the rug, because he's as crooked on the surface as he makes the CIA to be.
Musk now has access to the payment systems that disburse money for Social Security, Veterans benefits, Medicare and Medicaid. He has the personal and financial information for hundreds of millions of Americans, including seniors and low-income families.

If you believe that's a good thing, then you are in a cult....
For all you football fans out there, did you know that Tommy Tuberville coached Patrick Mahomes in college??? At least that's what the Orange Turd said today.

If you believe that's not a big deal, but it was when Biden made many, many gaffes, then you are in a cult....
The second way to spin it is if it was a provoked attack due to Gaza pretty much being a prison. If that attack is retaliation for the oppression Isreal is laying on them, then they should want to move. The place is already destroyed anyway thanks to a war that didn't occur on Trump's watch. In this scenario, the US is actually the good guys for setting an oppressed people free. Now is it fair that they should have to leave an not Israel? No. But life isn't always fair and if Israel has the power to obliterate Gaza and we step in with a deal to find them a new home instead, then that's a decent outcome compared to what could happen if we didn't step in.

Now if you have to opinion that Isreal is the oppressor here, and that the US should take Palestine's side in the matter, then that's a fine opinion to have. But no way the US does that no matter who the president is. So really, what can Trump do here? Biden sure hasn't done anything.
We may think that, but the Palestinians believe that land is a birthright. The Jews and others have been fighting over that entire area since biblical times and it will never stop. If you kick them out it's not going to solve anything because there will just be more rockets flying.

Not being sarcastic here at all, but it would help to understand the situation and circumstances to read some history on Israel and how that area got plotted out. Basically the Jews were homeless after WW2 and Britain had that whole area under its control. It was called British Palestine and governed by them, and the Muslim Palestinians lived there. They claimed it as their birthright homeland given to them by god. Obviously all the holiest of holy sites to Muslims and Christians are right there within walking distance and they had all been warring over it for countless generations going back pre written history.

After WW2 Great Britain decided the Jews needed a place to settle and had the right to the West Bank as their holy land (just like the Palestinians claimed they did), so they gave the land of Israel to the Jews and kicked all the Palestinians out. After that there were dozens of wars between the Jews and Palestinians, and eventually the Gaza Strip (tiny, tiny little shit hole block of land), was given back to the Palestinians to live there. Palestine claimed it was rightfully theirs, Israel said "no it ain't; it's still ours, we're just letting you live there." Basically Israel looks at it like we look at Indian reservations here. The Palestinians don't care if it's destroyed or not, they think it's their divine right and they'll die over it.

So that's what you've had and will continue to have as long as one or both are occupying the area. Unless you kick both Israel and Palestine out there's going to be fighting from some border or another. If you kick out the Palestinians, the entire Arab coalition is going to start more shit (minus the Saudis), and we all know damn well Israel isn't going anywhere. I say let it be and unfortunately they all need to figure it out. Use our military to protect our interests in the area including shipping, and call it good.
I'm agnostic on the Israel v Palestine situation, except I wish for them that they could have a two state solution. Terrorism is awful, and genocide, as a response, is even worse.
The problem is worse than politics, it's religion. Both sides believe a deity promised it to them so no matter what the war in whatever form it happens to take ain't stopping.

As cold as it sounds we need to stay out of it because both factions have gone beyond being reasonable. Yeah Israel is way more powerful and could take it back in a heartbeat if they really wanted to which isn't a fair fight, but sometimes fights ain't fair. When a fight ain't fair and neither side wants to use reason, well...there isn't much you can do but help the ones leave who want to leave.
Yeah, but I think Biden's scum as well and didn't vote for him. But you're wrong on the medias driving my thoughts on Biden. As I said earlier my biggest issue with Trump is his personality and how he conducts himself, belittles others, and his bullying in a manner that I see on par with that of a three year old in the middle of a meltdown. You can say it's media driven all you want, but I thought he was a turd on the apprentice and I absolutely despise the way he behaves publicly. The problem is Biden knows how to conduct himself, whether we like it or not, Trump has absolutely no filter, goes after the media as much as they go after him, and personally attacks almost every public figure that doesn't see things the way he does and I'm sorry but that's on Trump not the media. So while I agree that the media doesn't paint him in a positive light and "sway him to the negative side" is simply because that's how he wants to be perceived. If, and I mean a huge if, because I'm not convinced, but IF he's truly as smart as MAGA makes him out to be he'd have a better understanding why people can't stand him, why the media portrays him the way they do, and would actually stop being the aggressor while playing the role of the victim the majority of the time. He can't have it both ways. Oh yes he can, because he's entitled to it and no ones ever been able to disagree with him without being ridiculed, attacked or terminated.
I agree w/ you in regards to how DT conducts himself & belittles others. I'm not a fan of that rederic either. That said Trump could give two shits about what the media thinks of him. It appears behind closed doors he treats people differently. He'll sit down and have interviews w/ his biggest critics. I don't think he'd ever respect those like chuck schumar or nancy pelosi. I don't blame him either.

It's easy to see why many despise the man as a human being. I get it honestly. I didn't vote for the guy cause i like the way he talks or how presidential he is. I want him to get the things done he said he's gonna get done. Banning biological men from playing in woman's sports is a no brainer. That's called common sense and just one of the things i voted for trump to get done.
Can you folks not see the massive conflict of interest of Elon Musk deciding what parts of government are in need of slashing? He has an interest in these matters, as do his buddies.

It's so Orwellian. Getting rid of corruption through...corruption on a larger scale.

His actions require oversight. Trusting a wolf to look after the sheep is seldom a good idea. Do you think someone like Musk got to their position of ultimate power and wealth through being kind and egalitarian? Do you think he gives a fuk about midwestern middle class folks? Of course not. People are so freaking gullible.

Again, in our democracy, Congress handles appropriations and the closing of agencies. Not a foreign-born mega billionaire and some twenty five year olds.

The dude has our personal info now. Y'all okay with that?
There is no way you can paint lipstick on that pig. I have eyes and ears. I am baffled how you are able to compare Trump with anyone, ever in our politics. No one ever lied about an election for four years made millions lying about it, sent a mob to interrupt and attack police that resulted in millions of dollars of damage. Then faced zero consequences got re-elected by Fox News fools and released all of the police and property destroying criminals into our country to commit more crimes. Now he's wiping the FBI and CIA from the map for a 4 year crime spree. He makes fun of the disabled and called service men and women sucker and losers. He's bowed down to Putin in front of the world. He has a freak billionaire now running the government breaking laws to do it. Yet you compare him to anyone ever on any side of the aisle. There's only one media con job worthy of front page news and it's this one.

Do you people have working brains?
You say all of this now. But 4 years from now whoever the republican nominee is will be labeled "worse than Trump". By the time the election rolls around you will be convinced of that.
Can you folks not see the massive conflict of interest of Elon Musk deciding what parts of government are in need of slashing? He has an interest in these matters, as do his buddies.

It's so Orwellian. Getting rid of corruption through...corruption on a larger scale.

His actions require oversight. Trusting a wolf to look after the sheep is seldom a good idea. Do you think someone like Musk got to their position of ultimate power and wealth through being kind and egalitarian? Do you think he gives a fuk about midwestern middle class folks? Of course not. People are so freaking gullible.

Again, in our democracy, Congress handles appropriations and the closing of agencies. Not a foreign-born mega billionaire and some twenty five year olds.

The dude has our personal info now. Y'all okay with that?
You do know that all Musk does is reports what he finds right? You act like he's the one who decides what to cut.
Yeah, but I think Biden's scum as well and didn't vote for him. But you're wrong on the medias driving my thoughts on Biden. As I said earlier my biggest issue with Trump is his personality and how he conducts himself, belittles others, and his bullying in a manner that I see on par with that of a three year old in the middle of a meltdown. You can say it's media driven all you want, but I thought he was a turd on the apprentice and I absolutely despise the way he behaves publicly. The problem is Biden knows how to conduct himself, whether we like it or not, Trump has absolutely no filter, goes after the media as much as they go after him, and personally attacks almost every public figure that doesn't see things the way he does and I'm sorry but that's on Trump not the media. So while I agree that the media doesn't paint him in a positive light and "sway him to the negative side" is simply because that's how he wants to be perceived. If, and I mean a huge if, because I'm not convinced, but IF he's truly as smart as MAGA makes him out to be he'd have a better understanding why people can't stand him, why the media portrays him the way they do, and would actually stop being the aggressor while playing the role of the victim the majority of the time. He can't have it both ways. Oh yes he can, because he's entitled to it and no ones ever been able to disagree with him without being ridiculed, attacked or terminated.
Thats all completely fair. But I do think you are underestimating what constant negative media coverage does. If you could rate your opinion of him on a 1-10 scale, clearly the media isn't turning a 9 into a 1. But it can easily turn a 0 into a 7, or a 6 to a 4, or a 3 to a 1. I'm saying that's what's happening with Trump. Hell it worked on me. I used to say "Trump is a piece of shit but I like his policies". It took years of noticing media lies to come around to "Trump is kinda a douche but I like his policies".
But isn't it a bit odd that Musk and his boys are the ones doing all of this without any second party watching what they're doing? I mean, they're digging into everything without checks and balances. Are you fine with Musk and kids having all of your personal information and the ability to do whatever they want? If the answer is yes, then you are in a cult.....
I'm signed up to twitter and he is really good with computers. If he wants my stuff he probably already has it.

I don't love that they aren't letting anyone stand over their shoulder tho so I agree with you there. But I also don't like that the USAID was doing whatever they wanted with absolutely no oversight either.
A couple of thoughts to ponder:

90% of the homes in Palestine (Gaza) have been destroyed. Just let that sink in. It's human tragedy all around.

These humans deserve a homeland, and a home. I have, again, zero interest in fighting the tribal fight on message boards.

I'm agnostic on the Israel v Palestine situation, except I wish for them that they could have a two state solution. Terrorism is awful, and genocide, as a response, is even worse.

I have no interest in defending a political position here, and I don't need to be badgered on where I read things. Thanks all.
I'm also completely indifferent on their batte and wish we would stay out of it completely. Best case scenario is the US finds them a home that works better than this one did. Clearly Gaza didn't work, regardless of who was responsible. If they rebuild there, something bad will happen down the road.

One thing about Trump is he wants something in return for helping other countries. I agree with him there. When we were helping a country in the middle east (we unfortunately weren't) we damn well should have taken some oil to pay for it. Why should it come out of our pocket? Now Trump is talking about Ukraine giving us their precious minerals as a repayment. Why shouldn't they? Every other US president let's us take it in the ass repeatedly. They don't even ask for lube. At least Trump tries to get something in return to help our country. Whether you agree with it or not, I think that's all he's doing here. He's says "we are going to help find you a more suitable home, and in return we are getting something out of it". That's the way it should be. Hopefully in the end everyone is satisfied, and we aren't another trillion in debt.
I'm concerned with some of the things going on with Musk (who has a big interest in crushing government for his own personal gain).

Some of what's going on my be unconstitutional and even illegal, but no one can stop them now, I guess.

It's a sad day for America.
It's a good day for America if it works out. I guess seeing how deep the corruption went might be sad.

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