Yeah, but I think Biden's scum as well and didn't vote for him. But you're wrong on the medias driving my thoughts on Biden. As I said earlier my biggest issue with Trump is his personality and how he conducts himself, belittles others, and his bullying in a manner that I see on par with that of a three year old in the middle of a meltdown. You can say it's media driven all you want, but I thought he was a turd on the apprentice and I absolutely despise the way he behaves publicly. The problem is Biden knows how to conduct himself, whether we like it or not, Trump has absolutely no filter, goes after the media as much as they go after him, and personally attacks almost every public figure that doesn't see things the way he does and I'm sorry but that's on Trump not the media. So while I agree that the media doesn't paint him in a positive light and "sway him to the negative side" is simply because that's how he wants to be perceived. If, and I mean a huge if, because I'm not convinced, but IF he's truly as smart as MAGA makes him out to be he'd have a better understanding why people can't stand him, why the media portrays him the way they do, and would actually stop being the aggressor while playing the role of the victim the majority of the time. He can't have it both ways. Oh yes he can, because he's entitled to it and no ones ever been able to disagree with him without being ridiculed, attacked or terminated.