Who in their right mind supports:
1. Moving the Palestinians, against their will, out of their homeland to be dispersed. "Clean it up" he said. Well, it is ethnic cleansing. Also, pretty much against American foreign policy for decades, and it might not be legal.
2. The entire CIA, per reports, receiving buyout letters.
3. The CDC is no longer giving health systems current data on disease trends, so that they can act quickly and appropriately. I saw that first hand this morning.
4. Musk's team of twentysomething year old guys who are coming into federal offices and acting like the "Bobs" from Office Space. Musk and his team of tech bros are apparently making decisions about programs. This may be illegal and unconstitutional. Congress does appropriations in our (hopefully not former) democracy.
If you support these things, you don't know how a democracy is supposed to run, or maybe you no longer want this to be a democracy (my real fear).
I've said this before, but this isn't a Dem v Republican thing. Trump is a special cause variation, and maybe a black swan. We've not seen this before. Buckle up. This sucks. I know some will disagree and see this as the usual polarization. In some ways, it is a worsening of that, and a continuation. But some of these things are very different from before.
I've said this many times: I've voted for Dems in the past, with some R's. But, I would take most any reasonable Republican over this takeover shit.