Travis and Tim on KXNO

Got in my car this morning and had the worst 3 seconds of my life b/c my radio was left of 1460 from the night before...I turned on the black keys as loud and quick as possible to get those idiots out of my head. It worked.
I think Larry "porn-stache" Cotlar is the worst on radio in DSM closely followed by T&T. (it would need one of those crazy warped Olympic photo finish pictures to tell who sucks the most)
I cannot stand that God awful commercial. "Each day from 6-8, Travis Justice and I discuss really important stuff and we even try to be a little entertaining......"

The next time you listen to Larry the "cotman" Cotlar, count how many times he said obviously.

Cotlar:"So, you obiviously play running back and it's obvious that the goal of a running back is to gain yards and obviously score touchdowns. In your mind, what does it to be an a good running back?"
Hearing Travis call the golf outing at Urbandale Golf and Country Club "Birdies for Boobies" make my ears bleed. He then said the chick that won the 100 meter hurdles "hot" because of her navel ring.

Goodluck with that Grandview/Drake tailgate. I'm sure all 8 of you will have a great time with your Panda.
The world of interviewing has passed Larry Cotlar by, he asks nothing but dumb obvious questions and that show is unlistenable (if that's a word) when Garman isn't there.....bye bye Larry
I don't mind them not talking sports for the entire 2 hours, but if I could give them some constructive criticism instead of just complaining about them, I'd tell them that they need to remember that their listening audience changes from hour to hour, if not segment to segment...the number of people who get to hear the entire 2 hours is tiny. So when the Hawks or the Clones have a game, whether it's football or basketball, don't just open the show and give a generic rundown of the result and score and then hit it with "and we'll get more into it during the 7 o'clock hour"...that doesn't cut it.

When there's an Iowa and/or Iowa State game the night before you'd be better off doing the same 1 hour show for each hour than you would be by "saving it all up" for the hour that has more listeners...
I just want to ask Keith Murphy which hour in the 2 hour time slot can I tune in when he is finished bashing Kirk and the Hawks. OK we get it that you are mad that Kirk does not consult you on everything the program does.
Sorry dudes, the only radio show worth listening to is Marty Tirrell (Mouth of the Midwest). Garmon is pretty good but Cotlar gets in the way.

The morning show on 1460 is absolutely the worst radio show ever in the history of Des Moines sports radio. Really embarrassing