Travis and Tim on KXNO


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else sick of them? Are they even aware that we are 44 days from the opening kick? Jon - can you please start doing some kind of daily podcast that talks football. These guys are way to interested in talking about non-sport related issues. They really suck. This morning they spent thirty minutes talking about their average listener and nickleback.

If you and Steve were still on we would have been hearing about the lockout and how A&M's meeting might impact college sports.
Hard to get sick of somebody if you ignored them after listening for 5 minutes and realizing the scale of suckiness involved.
I use to listen to them but have found myself listening to Mike and Mike now. They actually talk about what happened the night before and what is coming up plus they have pretty good guest to break down things as well and not some dude from Vegas pimping his business out there.
I use to listen to them but have found myself listening to Mike and Mike now. They actually talk about what happened the night before and what is coming up plus they have pretty good guest to break down things as well and not some dude from Vegas pimping his business out there.

I've dropped them... It's either the Score or NPR :(
I listen to as much local sports shows as I can, but I can say I never listen to them. I tried early on. Their show just isn't good.
They are absolutely horrible! M and M suck too, so I listen to fm country on the way to work til DP comes on.
I've officially converted to NPR for my commute. Travis & Tim are pretty rough - even after you temper your expectations for local radio in a market of this size. Mike & Mike are ok, but they are rarely if ever talking about something that I really care about.

NPR has some really good'll also end up feeling smarter & better informed (as opposed to spending a few minutes with T & T, which generally leaves me wanting to take one of those online IQ tests just to make sure I didn't get radio-induced brain damage). No sports to speak of on NPR though, except for Frank Deford who is always entertaining.
Jon (and Steve), if you're thinking about something new, please consider an audio-only version that we can subscribe to in iTunes (or Stitcher). I don't want to have to sit in front of a computer to watch a video.

About 5 minutes is all I can stand of Travis and Tim. It's just banal.
Listened to the morning show and M&M once each and both were once too many times. Haven't listened to KxNO in a loooong time. It's too bad because they used to be pretty good.
Thank God I"m not the only one. I was starting to think I was getting old or something and wasn't part of the target audience anymore.
I think I listened to Travis and Tim once for a minute or two and that was enough for me. Mike and Mike isn't perfect, but it's a far superior alternative.

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