Travis and Tim on KXNO

I haven't listened in months. KXNO is to blame. They will never get any quality radio guys with what they offer to pay them. You couldn't feed a dog or bird with what they are willing to pay.
I don't mind Travis Justice, and he's actually quite good when he goes on Murph and Andy (by FAR the best show on radio right now).

But Tim is just plain bad, even during football season, he is nine shades of bad.

I listen to radio in my office all day, and bought a special analog AM radio years ago so I could pull them in better. When KXNO hired Giggles, and then brought in Tim, I stepped it up and dropped some coin on a Sangean so i could have digital and retain great AM reception in an office building full of metal and wires....and the best side benefit is that I can now use a remove over my shoulder so I can quickly change between 1700 and 1460 when Rome and then Murph and Andy come one, then back to Marty T at 4:00.

I do fear the golden age of KXNO has passed.
These guys are brutal. I used to try and listen to 590 out of Omaha to get some NU talk on occasion. Travis had a morning show and Giggles had and afternoon show. They were terrible then and as soon as I heard Giggles was coming I stopped listening to the afternoon show then when I heard Travis was coming over I stopped listening to the morning show.

I dont know why KXNO would hire guys who just got fired 2 hours down the road. They basically got run out of Omaha because they dont know their audience and either A) constantly talk about crap no one cares about, or B) just **** the audience off with asinine statements.

KXNO before Travis and Giggles:

KXNO after Travis and Giggles:
I'll pile on...

Not a fan of T&T or Miller and Brinson. This time last year was fantastic with Miller and Deace talking about college football every day.

Jon, it sounds like Ken Miller will be off to greener pastures before too long. You guys should take that afternoon slot. Or maybe they could push Murph and Andy back an hour so I could listen on the drive home.
Murph and Andy don't talk about sports either and when they do its very superficial boring stuff, so I don't really see the big difference between them and T&t. Andy is talented but I don't really consider that to be a sports show.

Dan Patrick is the best show on the radio period, I could seriously listen to them discus anything and be entertained. If you want to hear anyone talk about the hawks you have to choose between Ken Miller, who I like, and that clown he has has with him or that other clown Tirrel, who btw has now taken to sucking up to hawkeye fans, hilarious, that guys is a joke.

I would love it if Jon and Dace could get back on some sports slot in the afternoon. They appear to be the only ones who have a clue what the audience wants.
Its Mike & Mike for me.

Jon, as someone else noted, if you and Steve are going to do something, it would be fantastic if you would consider a podcast that we could subscribe to in iTunes. JMHO.

Also, for podcast junkies, the ESPNU college football podcast with Ivan Maisel and Beano Cook is pretty good. I also like the CBS Sports college football podcast. Between those two and Mike and Mike I can usually get through a week of commuting. Getting Jon and Steve back in the game would be awesome.

Podcast Junkie:)
Football season is a month and a half away. They could be doing a lot of CF preview stuff. Preview the Big 10 and Big 12, 22 teams in 22 days, get guest on who cover those teams. W and L their schedules. Look at top 25 teams, make your own top 25. Just talk about football, anyway you can. If they were talking about the labor agreement or the baseball trade deadline I could understand, but every time I tune in, they are talking about nothing in particular, so I pretty much have stopped listening.
1. Marty Tirrell's show is excellent. A must tune in every day.
2. Love Murphy and Andy. Terrific show.
3. Andy and Larry on Out of Bounds is also quite good.

Other than that, pretty bad radio. T&T are the worst. Embarrassing. I know 100 guys that would do a better job. Talk about football, guys.:eek:
Other than that, pretty bad radio. T&T are the worst. Embarrassing. I know 100 guys that would do a better job. Talk about football, guys.:eek:

100 guys that aren't talk show hosts?

I'd take that bet, in a heartbeat. Sports talk hosting is something a lot of people think they can do...when in reality many of them would puke all over themselves after one week this time of year, because they would have fired all of their ammo. Been there and done that, when I filled in for Deace one week in July back in 2003. I remember telling him when he got back 'I don't know how anyone could do a daily sports show by themselves in this market in the summer.' Then three years later, I started on June 6th as a one man show ;) There were days when driving into the office I was getting kind of freaked out cuz there wasn't much to talk about...and having listened to some of my old Jon Miller Show air checks not too long ago, I sucked regularly.

It's not easy. Granted, I'd rather do that than be in construction or a lot of I am not sitting here saying its the words most demanding job. But it's not just flipping on a microphone and talking. A lot of people can do that (but even then, not all). But making it be something people want to keep tuning in to listen to each day?

It's a short list.

For those of you that paid attention to the KXNO AM tryouts last fall, I think you got an idea of that. Those folks had to only fill ONE day...and having listened to those shows (as I prepared the podcasts for those at the time), there were some obvious toss outs.

Sports talk in this market, in the fall and winter, is a great job when you have an on air partner with whom you have great chemistry....and its easy. But April through July? Your chemistry has to lead the way...and it's not that easy to bring those combinations together.

Remember, Deace and I had known each other and have been doing radio with each other for a decade when we started our morning show...we had done a TV show together for four years in that mix, too. Believe me, that makes ALL the difference in the world.
you might have sucked but I bet you sucked at talking about football. My coach used to say that mistakes aren't bad as long as you are going full speed. These guys suck at talking about totally irrelevant non-sports stuff.
you might have sucked but I bet you sucked at talking about football. My coach used to say that mistakes aren't bad as long as you are going full speed. These guys suck at talking about totally irrelevant non-sports stuff.

BOOM! Homerun, its over. This comment wins the internet.
I almost feel bad piling on but T & T just aren't cutting it. I have iheart radio app going almost all day and I try and I try to stomach them for some local sports but just not happening.

Travis would be a good sidekick for someone else maybe but Tim just brings nothing to the show. I feel that even as a non-sports talk guy he is out of touch on a lot of sports issues and even more out of touch when they go off topic. I feel like he tries really hard to be cool to keep up with Travis but he's out of his Donny

Deace and Miller were flat out good. The chemistry of course was there and they are knowledgeable. If KXNO knew what was good for them they would find a way to get them back on the air together.

I like Miller, Brinson I'm getting used to. Tirrell knows his schitck and does it well. I just want to hear good quality, local stuff. I'll go DP at 8 but want AM and PM commutes centered around Iowa sports.

Get over July already and let's get August moving too!
I stand by my comment. I know 100 guys that would do a better job.

They might want more money, however.:)

I don't dispute it is a tough job. I could not do it, and I am not implying that i could.

Why can't they talk about college football? Is that so tough? Why do you think people are tuning in to that show in the first place?
Miller and Deace was a great show. I listened as often as I could. The reason it was so good was the fact that you and Deace had strong opinions. You made the listeners think.

Marty Tirrell does that very well. His show is always interesting. Sometimes you want to kill him, but he is always entertaining.

I actually miss Matt Perrault, even though he infuriated me at times. His strong opinions made his show one you wanted to tune in.

I'm not sure you can be effective on the radio without strong opinions, expressed on a daily basis. This might be a business where "nice guys finish last". I think the radio host must have an "edge" to him (or her) to be effective. Cowherd would be a good example of this quality.

Miller misses Marty. Miller was the straight man; Marty had the "hard edge".
Without Marty, Miller really doesn't seem as effective to me.
KXnO had a damn good roster of talent a year ago with Miller and Deace, Murph and Andy, and Matt and Miller. I understand Jon had other commitments and couldn't really continue but that morning show was one of the best. It was the only show I actually listened to the podcast. T&T has none of the chemistry or knowledge Jon and Steve had. They are pretty much unbearable to listen to. I only hope that the college football season brings out something more, otherwise I am done with them for good.

Murph & Andy are decent but not nearly as technical as other sports talk hosts. I do like how they can discuss non sports topics and keep it interesting. They also aren't controversial which allows them to get some guests on the show that seem to shun other shows.

As much as I bitched about Matt Perault I would take him on my afternoon commute way more than Brinson. Brinson seems like an afternoon Cotler. Another guy that tries to use his Rolodex as leverage to make it sound like he is good. If he was that good, why after all of his prior engagements did he end up in Des Moines? He also seems a little stuck up to me. Ken Miller was a good sidekick to Marty and then Matt but I think Brinson isn't as strong as those two and it looks like Ken is having to take more of a lead role in the show, which he is not good at. I'm going to give it until the middle of the college season but if they don't improve, I'll be listening to music on my drive.
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I never listen to morning radio since my shift starts later in the morning so I have no opinion on this matter, but I am very curious as to if Tim and/or Travis read this message board. If so, hang in there guys! I'm sure that some people enjoy listening to your show.
I never listen to morning radio since my shift starts later in the morning so I have no opinion on this matter, but I am very curious as to if Tim and/or Travis read this message board. If so, hang in there guys! I'm sure that some people enjoy listening to your show.

Proves the point.

The only support they get is from a guy who never listens to them.
It's pretty obvious to me that Tim doesn't live and breathe sports. Which I would think would be a pretty big prerequisite for being on a sports talk radio show. I know everyone thinks that Matt was a dick, but all he cares about is sports, which made him good.

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