Top 10 most under rated Hawkeye Bball players in history

Agree about Bullard, Payne, playing with him helped Greg Stokes a lot. Also Chad Calabria and Huston Breedlove.
I have to put Fonda Dix on the list. She played for the women's team. I'm not sure what kind of player she was but I'm sure she was underrated.

May or may not be overrated, but without a doubt one of the greatest names in history. you can't make that stuff up.
Bawinkle, lil lickliter, and the guy alford recruited from ohio were the least regarded hawkeyes of all time. I think Bawinkle would of been a lot better if he wasn't playing for lickliter.

I think Lil Lick would have been better if he wasn't playing for Lickliter. Not saying he should have been playing to begin with.
How about Russ Millard. I think he had pretty good numbers toward the end if his career but doesn't get talked about that much as a hawk.
I didn't base it on if they made the pro's.

I agree with Duff for once that Nelly is one.

His career after Iowa is amazing but he was also on two Iowa Big 10 champion teams.

He is way to underrated and underappreciated.

Glad he got the honorary UI degree in ummmm phys ed, or maybe athletic administration (coaching millionaires)

He was a great celtic
Wow, I complete missed "to present". However, I do have to disagree, brommer was NOT under rated.

Lol.. not to mention that at least 2 other guys on that list didn't play for Tom Davis either. C'mon, Dave! What's wrong with you lately, brah?
it depends upon how you define under rated and how you rate 'em..

along with forgotten.

in my memory...

Don Nelson, Connie Hawkins and Sam Williams

Kevin Kunnert, Candy La Prince, Clay Hargave, & Sky King.

Bobby Hansen

Jason Bauer and Darryl Moore...

whoops run of of memories...
I've played a little ball with d Moore before... Good story. He was my neighbor at the infamous pheasant ridge
I go back to William Mayfield.. once played with him in a pick-up game in the field house...

Ronnie Lester was working out and we had some games going back in the Armory... somehow he retrieved an errant ball. I invited him to join, he looked me up and down, smiled, shook his head and said "No Thanks"
Steve Carfino
Kenny Arnold
Tom Norman
Bruce King
Kevin Gamble
Brad Lohaus
Steve Wait
Clay Hargrave
Andre Woolridge
Val Barnes

Somewhere Greg Stokes should fit in.

And the best player that never had a chance were it not for knee injuries....Greg Boyle.
#1--(sans lester) the entire 1980 final-four team
#2--Matt Bullard (too bad he wasted a couple of years @ Colorado. Tough as nails and manned-up against the other teams' bigs)
Well, heck... pretty much everyone has been mentioned so I'm gonna
have to go with Trey Stross... a wonderful Hawkeye player who was so
underrated he wasn't even recruited by the basketball program...
It definitely depends on how you consider under rated. Andre Woolridge was rated very high, but he got the shaft on the MVP. Still, I wouldn't consider him under rated... The fella WAS our team, and everybody knew he was good.

Darryl Moore. The guy had a good all-around game. Great defense.
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