Todd Blythe has rrom to talk?

I played in the Shrine Bowl with that ******. He was an arrogant ***** until one of the Ankeny safeties laid him out and the whole team cheered. Brett Meyer was way cooler. I respect that guy.
"I had a bunch of friends who went to high school with Blythe and they said he was just a arrogant ****** bag."

That's funny because I've heard the same thing from a girl I graduated college with. She said he was a selfish ***** and no one liked him (she was a hot chick too I would have loved to land that one). Also heard he was working at Scheels before the ol' Barnstormers came calling. Nothing wrong with working at Scheels... but it's pretty pathetic that a guy who crashed and burned as bad as he did in the league feels like he's in a position to criticize Stanzi. Guess it tells you all you need to know about him.
I played in the Shrine Bowl with that ******. He was an arrogant ***** until one of the Ankeny safeties laid him out and the whole team cheered. Brett Meyer was way cooler. I respect that guy.

Just a guess, but would that have been Jason Brenny? That kid was a great ballplayer.
Well thats good :)

Seriously tho, who cares what this guy has to say? Also, I have a rule that if you put shirtless pictures of yourself on twitter or facebook trying to look cool that makes you a douch ebag

We have a winner!
I know the guy. Used to go to school and work with him. (At walmart) when we were in high school by the way. He is a complete tool. Thats all that needs to be said
I don't know if he has rrom, but he doesn't have a whole lot of room to talk. I find it funny that a mediocre WR on one of the worst arena league teams is insulting a guy who just threw one of his first passes in the NFL, without hardly any mini-camps. If he wanted to laugh I'd say he should look at his arena league paycheck compared to Rickys...
I may be reading his comments wrong, but since when did you have to go to the school that you support?

It usually means you weren't smart enough to go to college. If Iowa and ISU's record were reversed the last 25 years, you would all be on CycloneFanatic, some more than you already are.
I don't get the bashing of tavern hawk/walmart hawk fan. Seems pretty obvious they are going to support the more successful program.
It usually means you weren't smart enough to go to college. If Iowa and ISU's record were reversed the last 25 years, you would all be on CycloneFanatic, some more than you already are.

I don't think that's true. Some people go to school for things not offered at one university or another, even if the school they DON'T go to is the team they support. Plenty of ISU and Iowa fans go to Simpson, for example.
Considering Blythe was playing on an AFL roster I don't think he has too much room to talk ... Normally players making comments like that are making those comments to make themselves feel better ... We will see, Mr. Blythe, who has a longer NFL career between you and Stanzi ...
"tavern hawk" reference

This is one of those Clone things that is just priceless. They're too stupid to realize that in their attempt at a dig...they're in essence admiting the failure of their own program to draw fans.

(i.e. Only someone who actually went to ISU would be foolish enough to follow them, no one else wants to be associated with such a loser)
so, according to cyclone logic, you can only like the hawks if you went there huh? well, i personally know some clone fans that went to NAIA schools, so what's that say?

so, then by that same logic, i can only root for the school i went to? so, i'm stuck watching and rooting for only NAIA sports? that's the dumbest thing in the world. how about i root for the hawks because i come from a wrestling family and a few family members went there. if that isn't good enough for you ISU tools, then you really are lost.
Weird, I saw the Hawkeye huddle on the field after the game, I missed the cyclones huddle. Maybe that is because there aren't cameras at the liars club. :rolleyes:

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