Todd Blythe has rrom to talk?

Oh noes! If you can't laugh at yourself, then life would tough.

wow, i missed some action.

but, i don't know how this picture proves that you are 6' 170#??

at least hawkeyenation kept you off the couch, at least for a little while.

i guess my 'back to the barracks' statement was quite prescient, huh?!?

So, are you a West Point grad? Or Clownie ROTC?
I don't feel the need to explain why I like a certain team, I like teams from all over. Hawks, Panther, Atlanta Braves, Dallas Cowboys, etc
I'm the toughest dude on the internet. Here's proof; this is me driving to work yesterday.

Well I guess that makes me stupid. I am attending community college due to my military career taking up the first four years of my life after high school. Sorry for being so stupid Mr. Blythe. I hope no more Hawkeyes embarass this great state by going to the lowly NFL.
Well I guess that makes me stupid. I am attending community college due to my military career taking up the first four years of my life after high school. Sorry for being so stupid Mr. Blythe. I hope no more Hawkeyes embarass this great state by going to the lowly NFL.

Pics or it didn't happen. :D
Yeah right. That tool's not even fit to pretend to be a US Army officer. No self respecting officer would behave like he has.

Marines maybe...

Tool? I think you have that backwards, Army brat. I've never claimed that I am an officer. Hell, I've never even said that I went to Iowa State. I am, however, an NCO. Look it up if you need to. By the way, how have I behaved in a foul manner? You're the highspeed individual that claims I'm not in the military with no reason other than your mind is made up I'm not. I guess if that makes you feel better about yourself.
I may be reading his comments wrong, but since when did you have to go to the school that you support?

EXACTLY. Classic post from an Iowa State fan. I also liked his tweet mentioning about liking the 20 new followers. Who honestly pays attention to how many followers they have on twitter anyway?

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