Todd Blythe has rrom to talk?

This is one of the myriad...

I may be reading his comments wrong, but since when did you have to go to the school that you support?

"criteria" invented by ISU fans as to who can be a fan. You can ONLY be a fan of a team if you graduated from that school. How dare Iowa have fans who didn't go to college or went to other colleges.
Hahaha. He sure showed me. He showed me a picture of "himself". That is....well it's weird, tbh.

It's fine you don't believe me. But why would I pull a picture of someone from my brigade in a uniform that can only be worn in Afghanistan and post it here? By the way, it's funny that you say it's weird. I proved you wrong. You really don't know what my face looks like nor do you know my name (from the picture at least).
I was wondering that myself. While I admit his "Community College" blast was out of line, his comment on Stanzi was EXTREMELY tame, and if a ton of Hawk fans have nothing better to do on a Friday night than fall for an obvious troll...well, that's on you, not on this Blythe guy (I honestly have no idea who he is, but I assume he played at Iowa St. and now he has to be heading to the gym in 26 minutes

I guess the thing that got to people was the "#loveit" tag. You leave that off, and it's just commentary of the play.
You posted a picture of some guy holding a giant rifle...

And you still have no idea why that is pathetic?

It's the M114 rifle with a suppressor. The picture was taken by a Soldier on the SKT (small kill team) at COP Dand Patan. This location is that of where our only KIA happened. SGT Brent Maher. It's me. You know it. Get over yourself.
It's fine you don't believe me. But why would I pull a picture of someone from my brigade in a uniform that can only be worn in Afghanistan and post it here? By the way, it's funny that you say it's weird. I proved you wrong. You really don't know what my face looks like nor do you know my name (from the picture at least).

Oh I believe it's you. I'm just mocking the fact that you are posting a picture of yourself to prove to another dude what you weigh, when in fact he was mocking you from the beginning and doesn't give 2 ***** what you look like or weigh.
It's the M114 rifle with a suppressor. The picture was taken by a Soldier on the SKT (small kill team) at COP Dand Patan. This location is that of where our only KIA happened. SGT Brent Maher. It's me. You know it. Get over yourself.

Wait. You're a clown running his mouth on a Hawkeye board, posting in a twitter thread that involves one of the biggest a-holes in clown history, and then you post a pic of Rambo and claim to be him, and WE should get over ourselves?!?
You are in the running for Delusional Clown Fan of 2011. Its a high honor, stewie.
Oh I believe it's you. I'm just mocking the fact that you are posting a picture of yourself to prove to another dude what you weigh, when in fact he was mocking you from the beginning and doesn't give 2 ***** what you look like or weigh.

That's what you get for calling people out. My goal was to prove you wrong. I've now done that. Yay. I have to go buy clothes for work now. We should do this again some time.
Wait. You're a clown running his mouth on a Hawkeye board, posting in a twitter thread that involves one of the biggest a-holes in clown history, and then you post a pic of Rambo and claim to be him, and WE should get over ourselves?!?
You are in the running for Delusional Clown Fan of 2011. Its a high honor, stewie.

It's the M114 rifle with a suppressor. The picture was taken by a Soldier on the SKT (small kill team) at COP Dand Patan. This location is that of where our only KIA happened. SGT Brent Maher. It's me. You know it. Get over yourself.

Yeah, I'm the one who needs to get over myself. You can't throw your pretend military service around these boards like it gives you some kind of credibility. You're a tool, and trying to use photos of a guy in uniform as some kind of a statement is pathetic. I am just an Army brat, but I produce more credibility and dignity than your sorry web persona after my morning coffee.
That's what you get for calling people out. My goal was to prove you wrong. I've now done that. Yay. I have to go buy clothes for work now. We should do this again some time.

[ame=]chumped - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, I'm the one who needs to get over myself. You can't throw your pretend military service around these boards like it gives you some kind of credibility. You're a tool, and trying to use photos of a guy in uniform as some kind of a statement is pathetic. I am just an Army brat, but I produce more credibility and dignity than your sorry web persona after my morning coffee.

So angry! I'm a Soldier. I've been one for nearly 12 years now. I've also also deployed twice to Afghanistan. I know that. My family and friends know it as well. Oh, and congrats on being an Army brat. Apparently, that's something to be proud of?
Yeah, I'm the one who needs to get over myself. You can't throw your pretend military service around these boards like it gives you some kind of credibility. You're a tool, and trying to use photos of a guy in uniform as some kind of a statement is pathetic. I am just an Army brat, but I produce more credibility and dignity than your sorry web persona after my morning coffee.

Hey Multiple, post a pic of a dude with a flamethrower and then say its you. Everyone will instantly fear and respect you. ;-)
Me, I'm gonna dig up a pic of a hardass in a tank or jet fighter and that'll be me today. And y'all will tremble with awe. Todd blythe will, too, if he can take a few minutes away from the tanning booth.
This is me and my arch rival.

Yes. I r too stupid. Give me a break. The fact that you guys are taking this so, so seriously is worth my time spent here for the last 2 or so hours.

Oh trust me, I have been getting some pretty good laughs at the expense of you.
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