Todd Blythe has rrom to talk?


Well-Known Member

So I guess Mr. Blythe, the pride receiver of the Iowa Barnstormers, has some choice words for Captain America. At least Stanzi was drafted and got a contract, unlike his *******. Loves how he takes a parting shot at Iowa fans while he is at it. Hope he breaks his leg and never plays again.
I'm thinking he removed his post? Not seeing anything? What did it say? I'm sure it was highly intelligent considering his years of experience when it comes to being a shitless football player.
I'm thinking he removed his post? Not seeing anything? What did it say? I'm sure it was highly intelligent considering his years of experience when it comes to being a shitless football player.

Here is his first, which isn't necessarily untrue but considering the source...

"Stanzi just got his wr smoked! Haha. #loveit"

But then he posted this gem...

"Lovin all these responses to my stanzi tweet. I just love community college grads that claim the hawks! Lol"!/search?q=#loveit
Yeah I was having trouble getting his page to load, finally saw those posts. He's a *******. I like his comment about Hawk fans. I love when former Iowa State Cyclones claim to be football players. Oh, and P.S., I would disagree Stanzi got his receiver smoked, if All Star Todd knew anything at all he would have noticed that Safety wasn't exactly in a man or even zone coverage when he hit the receiver, Stanzi threw a good ball, the commentators said as much, that safety, who was 10-15 yards from the play, broke on the pass and hit the receiver rather than make a play on the ball, which is pretty standard football. Stanzi did nothing to "smoke" his receiver. Todd is probably just confused because he actually DID get hung out to dry all of the time at Iowa State, so he has no idea what it looks like for a defensive back to actually make a good play out of coverage.
Here is a good reply to him courtesy of one of our friends from Black Heart, Gold Pants...

"Well, you meet one of the criteria. @todd_blythe: I just love community college grads that claim the hawks! Lol"
Here is a good reply to him courtesy of one of our friends from Black Heart, Gold Pants...

"Well, you meet one of the criteria. @todd_blythe: I just love community college grads that claim the hawks! Lol"

I threw in my own .02: "Yeah, apparently it's better to claim former Hawks in the NFL than a washed up Cyclone in the Arena League."

If I'd had more room, I'd have mentioned that if he didn't make half of his TD grabs by pushing off the defenders, maybe he'd have made it in the NFL himself.
I may be reading his comments wrong, but since when did you have to go to the school that you support?

Typical clown response. ISU players and fans jealous of the fact that to be an ISU fan you actually had to pay tuition to ISU. They wish they had the non-alum support Iowa had.
Did Blythe even make it on a roster to the first preseason game because I'm thinking he got cut after like 2 days in the Saints camp or maybe it was 2 weeks but before the 1st preseason game anyway.