Today is a miraculously wonderful day...The Big 12 Lives On!!!

Not many Iowa kids grow up wanting to play for ISU, either they have to settle for it, or they were born with some kind of birth defect.
Why do you think they were invited and you weren't? It is because ISU is irrelevant.

I have been reading this conversation and it is pretty funny to follow. Why is Iowa so relevant? When was the last time you guys won a conference title outright? 1986? LOL.... What about national championships?...... Plus wasn't Iowa State like 5-5 against you in the last decade? Had the roles been flipped conference wise, Iowa would have been in the same exact position. Did I read you had 20 consecutive losing seasons? I realize that is the past but my.... that's impressive.
Don't worry Husker, the beginning of hard luck against rivals and times of despair for lack of outright championships are about to begin for you and your husker nation. Consider yourselves lucky if you even sniff at top 4 or 5 spot in our conference in the coming years. You and the rest of the huskers are about to have their eyes opened in the fall 2011
I have been reading this conversation and it is pretty funny to follow. Why is Iowa so relevant? When was the last time you guys won a conference title outright? 1986? LOL.... What about national championships?...... Plus wasn't Iowa State like 5-5 against you in the last decade? Had the roles been flipped conference wise, Iowa would have been in the same exact position. Did I read you had 20 consecutive losing seasons? I realize that is the past but my.... that's impressive.

The last decade hasn't exactly been kind to you either. You should thank God that an icon like Osborne agreed to come back.

like I said, your gonna wake up the first few conference games of the 2011 season if you come in here thinking IOWA is near the same caliber team as Iowa St. NO comparison. I mean for for instance you guys were the 56th ranked scoring offense in a league that simply doesnt play defense outside of nebraska. aint gonna be so easy round here...promise you that.
Iowa was five plays away from losing five more games. In my opinion the only difference between them in the 2008 and 2009 seasons was their ability to make plays very late and luck.
By our standards it was pretty horrible, by yours it would have been awesome.

It's gonna be fun when Iowa beats the crap out of you guys, along with the rest of the top tier Big Ten teams. Turn it over 8 times against Iowa and you won't be able to step foot back into your own stadium without having nightmares. ISU does not in any way whatsoever compare to Iowa, especially since their d-bag AD lit a fire under Kirk, which has led to a lot of whoopings the past few years.
It's gonna be fun when Iowa beats the crap out of you guys, along with the rest of the top tier Big Ten teams. Turn it over 8 times against Iowa and you won't be able to step foot back into your own stadium without having nightmares. ISU does not in any way whatsoever compare to Iowa, especially since their d-bag AD lit a fire under Kirk, which has led to a lot of whoopings the past few years.

Again, you guys claim not to care about Iowa State, but all you do is obsess over them.
Iowa was five plays away from losing five more games. In my opinion the only difference between them in the 2008 and 2009 seasons was their ability to make plays very late and luck.

Btw, you aren't some troll of an ISU fan using "Huskernation" as a cover up are you? I mean, that would make sense since you ISU fan's are all in debt to Texas. The other reason I say that is becuase the rest of the Nebraska fans posting on here have been acting pretty reasonable and not giving their fanbase a bad name.
Again, you guys claim not to care about Iowa State, but all you do is obsess over them.

No, not true. Their A.D. lit a fire under Kirk and that has led to some whoopings as of late. I'd much rather have had a crack at the Huskers the past 5 years as ISU has fallen off of the map. That game does nothing for Iowa. If we lose, it's a horrible loss. If we win it's because we're supposed to. Playing a worthy non-conference opponent with some credibility would gladly be welcomed here if we could dump the ISU game. They are, and always will be Lil' brother.
Btw, you aren't some troll of an ISU fan using "Huskernation" as a cover up are you? I mean, that would make sense since you ISU fan's are all in debt to Texas. The other reason I say that is becuase the rest of the Nebraska fans posting on here have been acting pretty reasonable and not giving their fanbase a bad name.

No, I'm not. And I take offense to you claiming that. I don't know how I would be giving my fanbase a bad name. All I've done is make observations and state facts. You guys are completely obsessed with them. You may not realize it, but you are from the looks of it.
No, not true. Their A.D. lit a fire under Kirk and that has led to some whoopings as of late. I'd much rather have had a crack at the Huskers the past 5 years as ISU has fallen off of the map. That game does nothing for Iowa. If we lose, it's a horrible loss. If we win it's because we're supposed to. Playing a worthy non-conference opponent with some credibility would gladly be welcomed here if we could dump the ISU game. They are, and always will be Lil' brother.

They went to a bowl game this year and beat us on a fluke, beating a non conference bowl team isn't a terrible thing. Granted they have been horrendous as of late. But they weren't as God awful earlier in the decade. But yes I would have loved to see us match up in a non conference game, maybe a home and home type of thing more often.
No, I'm not. And I take offense to you claiming that. I don't know how I would be giving my fanbase a bad name. All I've done is make observations and state facts. You guys are completely obsessed with them. You may not realize it, but you are from the looks of it.

First off, good to hear you are not posing as an ISU fan. If it looks like one, talks like must be one, right? Maybe you just share some similarities.
You give yourself a bad name as you are acting like Nebraska is some powerhouse and you are comparing Iowa to ISU. Really? I mean really? Look at their history, then look at your recent history. How were you not in the Big 12 title game every year in that weak Big 12 North? I mean really?
Finally, I was stating a fact too. Turn it over 8 times vs Iowa and you will get waxed like no other. ISU still managed a way to keep you in it.
You guys are completely obsessed with them. You may not realize it, but you are from the looks of it.

And you, by mentioning it in this thread, are apparently obsessed with your team's history, rather than what they may do in the future, and future success it NOT guaranteed.

Yes, history is what got you into the Big Ten, but that's it. Now you get to earn your keep.

Quite frankly, I'd be embarrassed to be a fan of a school that fired a coach after a 9-3 season.

In fact, here's some wonderful irony, courtesy of Wikipedia: "... second-year Nebraska Athletic Director Steve Pederson, who fired Solich before the bowl game, justifying the firing by stating he would not "let Nebraska gravitate into mediocrity" and would not "surrender the Big 12 to Oklahoma and Texas"."

And yet, that's exactly what happened anyways.
Iowa was five plays away from losing five more games. In my opinion the only difference between them in the 2008 and 2009 seasons was their ability to make plays very late and luck.

...or two plays away from being undefeated. You can play "what if" til your ears bleed.
The "luck" excuse is for losers. You make plays or you don't. And if the bounce of a ball determines the's because you put yourself in position to win, or on the flip side failed to close the deal previously and left yourself vunerable to the "bounce".

If you don't understand the difference between Iowa and ISU, take some time to do a little research. It will become apparent. You're new to the Big Ten and have a lot of catching up to do, it'll be fun.

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