To years ago this week, Iowa 9-0 & on SI

Marcus Coker not even being on the field on the final possession is a fireable offense for someone on that staff.

Again how the hell is 2001 a bad year while 2010 a good year? You have no clue what you're talking about.

I am going by 8 wins or more being par and 7 wins or less being sub par. Pretty much think all Hawk fans would agree with this assessment.

Now, those two years are problematic with respect to the 12 or 13 game season, but you still need to win 8 games to have an 8 win season.

I have used more precise language in the past by saying 3 years 7 or fewer wins and 3 years 8 or more wins, but I was just trying to be more brief.

So, let's change it.

Here is the trend

3 years = most you can expect 7 wins
3 years = least you can expect 8 wins
3 years = most you can expect 7 wins
3 years = least you can expect 8 wins

Prove to me that there is a problem with this trend. Pretty sure you will have to wait until next year at the earliest and the odds of being able to prove that do not look good considering Iowa is in a position to lose more starters this year than they lost last year.

Again, this is the trend.

If you have a problem with it, your problem is not with me, but with the program.

If you do not have a problem with it, you should not be up in arms right now, because the program is performing up to the historical standards of the KF era.
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All I want to see is improvement in areas that have been glaring weaknesses. After last years Wisconsin game Kirk admitted mistakes were made and they would be addressed. We look worse this year in 2 minute offense and covering fake kicks. And didn't Minnesota recover an onside kick to beat us last year, maybe we should anticipate that happening this year. What is the national average of recovering onside kicks, about 5%? What is the average against Iowa, 50%? Everyone says we run such a simple game plan, then WTF do we do in practice all week. We obviously don't practice the 2 minute offense so we should have time to go over onside kicks.

If any CEO of a major corporation made the same mistakes year after year he would find himself out of a job. Jon, if your site went down every Saturday because you didn't have the bandwidth to keep up how long would you be in business. Football is the same thing, fix what is wrong. If you can't or are unwilling to change to fix what is wrong you don't deserve continued employment at CEO level compensation.
All I want to see is improvement in areas that have been glaring weaknesses. After last years Wisconsin game Kirk admitted mistakes were made and they would be addressed. We look worse this year in 2 minute offense and covering fake kicks. And didn't Minnesota recover an onside kick to beat us last year, maybe we should anticipate that happening this year. What is the national average of recovering onside kicks, about 5%? What is the average against Iowa, 50%? Everyone says we run such a simple game plan, then WTF do we do in practice all week. We obviously don't practice the 2 minute offense so we should have time to go over onside kicks.

If any CEO of a major corporation made the same mistakes year after year he would find himself out of a job. Jon, if your site went down every Saturday because you didn't have the bandwidth to keep up how long would you be in business. Football is the same thing, fix what is wrong. If you can't or are unwilling to change to fix what is wrong you don't deserve continued employment at CEO level compensation.

It's not complicated. When in doubt, give the ball to your best players. Repeatedly.
Come on Jon you have the same thoughts as a large majority of the fanbase. It's quite annoying that during an in-game chat you'll voice your honest opinion, but then afterwards you write a big article bashing Iowa fans who demand more from the team/staff.

There's 2 comments from posters in this thread that I like... here's the first:

"If Iowa keeps playing the way they have been, and we can't make simple adjustments to schemes or play calling, then we can expect to be lumped in with the NW, IN, MN of the conference. And maybe below them since we can't seem to consistently beat them."

Totally agree with this. I'm not calling for Coach Ferentz's head but I do feel like change is a must. Whether that's new coaches or changing the gameplan. I just don't think Ferentz will change his gameplan. We've seen the same halfass performance we saw on Saturday multiple times over the past couple years. It's absolutely unacceptable with the level of talent we have on the roster. It's like the coaching staff has become complacent and it's rubbed off on the players. I have no idea but that kind of lackluster performance against literally one of the worst teams in college football is mind-boggling.

And the second:

"His clock management is terrible, his offensive coordinator is too conservative, his defense is stale, and his teams have played uninspired much of the past two years. Again, that's NOT good enough. There's a difference in fans being frustrated and fans abandoning the team. I'm frustrated, but I'll be there Saturday to support the Hawks. You continuously trying to tell Hawkeye fans that they are overreacting does nothing but add to the frustration. "

"Please answer this question honestly: Do you think Ferentz has gotten the most out of his teams the past two years and earned his hefty salary? I don't think any unbiased person can answer that with a yes."

My question for you Jon is why haven't you answered this poster's question? I think he raises some very good points and I would love to hear your response. It does get a bit annoying listening to your holier than though attitude... like we're overreacting for nothing. It sounds like you're talking down to us because we disagree with you. I realize you have a relationship with the staff but you're also an objective reporter. Constantly kissing up to the staff isn't necessary. Some of the performances we've seen from the Hawks in the past couple years are absolutely unacceptable, plain and simple.
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Come on Jon you have the same thoughts as a large majority of the fanbase. It's quite annoying that during an in-game chat you'll voice your honest opinion, but then afterwards you write a big article bashing Iowa fans who demand more from the team/staff. .

My criticisms this week have been directed towards the fans that are calling for Kirk's job, which I don't agree with.

In everything I have written, I have also said that there are certainly things that the staff can be criticized for, and I have done so myself...Saturday's article, Monday's radio show, etc.

But for the folks that only see black and white in the world, that's what gets frustrating.

So if you, or others reading this, are not in that camp, then I am not referring to you.
Trend, trend, trend, trend.

Seriously people, just wait three years and all will be fine.

Until then just find something else to do.
My criticisms this week have been directed towards the fans that are calling for Kirk's job, which I don't agree with.

In everything I have written, I have also said that there are certainly things that the staff can be criticized for, and I have done so myself...Saturday's article, Monday's radio show, etc.

But for the folks that only see black and white in the world, that's what gets frustrating.

So if you, or others reading this, are not in that camp, then I am not referring to you.

Two things:

1) Firing Ferentz is crazy talk.

2) Bad tendencies and habits that don't need rehashing here need to change, and change now.
Trend, trend, trend, trend.

Seriously people, just wait three years and all will be fine.

Until then just find something else to do.

Got that covered.


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"Please answer this question honestly: Do you think Ferentz has gotten the most out of his teams the past two years and earned his hefty salary? I don't think any unbiased person can answer that with a yes."

My question for you Jon is why haven't you answered this poster's question? I think he raises some very good points and I would love to hear your response. It does get a bit annoying listening to your holier than though attitude... like we're overreacting for nothing. It sounds like you're talking down to us because we disagree with you. I realize you have a relationship with the staff but you're also an objective reporter. Constantly kissing up to the staff isn't necessary. Some of the performances we've seen from the Hawks in the past couple years are absolutely unacceptable, plain and simple.

I don't read every post on this site. Didn't see this question.

If we are going to limit it to the last 21 football games, there has been disappointment to be sure. But I am sorry, I just can't go down the road of ignoring the cumulative and the process and acknowledging there are going to be dips along the way.

If Iowa doesn't win another game this year, then there will be stories to write this offseason. If they have another year next year like this year, then there will be stories to write about that too.

I just am not going to flip out with four games left in a year.

In 2008, when Iowa was 5-4 and coming off the 6-6 no bowl year and the 6-7 season before that and the 7-6 year before that, some were calling for Kirk's head.

Then the team beat PSU on a last second kick (#3 PSU I think), then Purdue and Minnesota 55-0...then they won the Outback Bowl and went 9-4 and it was all hugs and hosannas. The next year Iowa started 9-0 and won an Orange Bowl...Ferentz for life was the prevailing sentiment.

Last year's team started 7-2 then faded...and this team (the fewest returning starters of any team in the B1G and one of the most in all of football) has been inconsistent, which is the only consistent thing you get with inexperienced teams...and now it's back to Kirk's head on a chopping block for some.

I deal with a 2 and a half year old every day in my house, whose moods are impossible to predict and who changes on a dime. Then I get to my 'workplace' and there is a segment of the fanbase that is the same way.

I just don't see the world like that...but note that I am not deleting posts, or stopping any of those opinions from being expressed. I just dont agree with them...and since I don't validate someone's feelings or opinion, I am an arrogant ***, a jerk or fill in the blank.

Just goes with the job.
My criticisms this week have been directed towards the fans that are calling for Kirk's job, which I don't agree with.

In everything I have written, I have also said that there are certainly things that the staff can be criticized for, and I have done so myself...Saturday's article, Monday's radio show, etc.

But for the folks that only see black and white in the world, that's what gets frustrating.

So if you, or others reading this, are not in that camp, then I am not referring to you.

Given KF's track record it doesn't seem that those of us you speak of are the one's making it black and white. KF is doing that pretty well on his own, with his inability to change in any capacity. We thought we finally saw a positive step following the Pitt game, but he has quickly reverted back to his old ways. It seems unlikely that he will force a move at coordinator and the same conservative playcalling and clock management was brought back into the fold. Why on earth you sit on the ball with 2+ timeouts and over a minute to go in a close game before half is beyond me. The odds of scoring may not be extremely high, but the risks of turning it over and allowing the other team to score are extremely low. That could have been the difference at ISU and Minnesota.
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Two things:

1) Firing Ferentz is crazy talk.

2) Bad tendencies and habits that don't need rehashing here need to change, and change now.

We agree on both points.

And I want to see how the rest of this season plays out before starting to write the items as to what #2 might look like.

Call me crazy for waiting for all the game to be played.
We agree on both points.

And I want to see how the rest of this season plays out before starting to write the items as to what #2 might look like.

Call me crazy for waiting for all the game to be played.

Let me get this straight. Kirk and company had the same failings last year and fell for the same tricks last year as they are doing right now. Yet you want to see how the rest of the season is played out before drawing a conclusion? I would have thought he would of corrected his shortcomings from last year before this season began. Guess that's too much to ask.
We agree on both points.

And I want to see how the rest of this season plays out before starting to write the items as to what #2 might look like.

Call me crazy for waiting for all the game to be played.

We already have a large sample size that has been reported on by many other media sites (9 losses against big underdogs since 2006). Our record against bad teams speaks for itself that we have a problem that needs to change. I'll give KF credit for getting this program back on track and winning some big games. It's not the wins and losses to Wisconsin, Michigan St., Ohio State, and PSU that bother me. It's the losses to Western Michigan, Northwestern (3* in a row), Minnesota (2*), ISU, Indiana etc...

We almost lost to UNI and Ark. St. at home with the very same roster that everyone praised for winning the Orange Bowl. I can't think of one other "good" program out there that has this tendency.
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You Hawk fans crack me up.

Less than a year ago you ALL were defending KF and how great of a leader/coach he is after a lot of heat from rhabdo-gate....many of you were defining him as a top college football coach. Now you want change and to start with someone new....
You Hawk fans crack me up.

Less than a year ago you ALL were defending KF and how great of a leader/coach he is after a lot of heat from rhabdo-gate....many of you were defining him as a top college football coach. Now you want change and to start with someone new....

How about you mind your own ******* business and go lick Paul's boots?
Let me get this straight. Kirk and company had the same failings last year and fell for the same tricks last year as they are doing right now. Yet you want to see how the rest of the season is played out before drawing a conclusion?

I have expressed my thoughts as to last year's shortcomings over the last month of the season, and we may just disagree on what those are. Yeah, I'd like to see the rest of the year play out.

Not that I think this happens, but if they went 4-0 this month, they are playing for the Big Ten title game. Would be kind of silly to **** into the wind right now.
I have expressed my thoughts as to last year's shortcomings over the last month of the season, and we may just disagree on what those are. Yeah, I'd like to see the rest of the year play out.

Not that I think this happens, but if they went 4-0 this month, they are playing for the Big Ten title game. Would be kind of silly to **** into the wind right now.

That's not what I am getting at. He failed to take advantage of remaining clock in two games this year and failed to recognize two other instances where the opposing special teams were going to run a fake/onside. Both issues have reared the ugly head in the past and have already played a major role in the fact that we are 5-3 this year. If they have not corrected these issues after falling prey to them time after time in the past what makes you think they will correct them the final four games of the year?
Even if we do go 4-0 this month it doesn't change the fact we lost to Iowa St. and Minnesota, it would make those losses even worse. I'm tired of ******* into the wind every year against Iowa St. Maybe the world is black and white, you win or you lose.

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