To years ago this week, Iowa 9-0 & on SI


Two years ago this week, DJK was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and Iowa was 9-0.

Two years later, the Jihadic Wing is calling for Kirk's head.

Two and a half years ago, right before Iowa beat PSU on a last second field goal in Kinnick, the Jihadic Wing wanted Kirk Ferentz fired.
3 sub par years, 3 above par years, 3 sub par years, 3 above par years...

Pretty simple. Follow the trend and you shouldn't be surprised.

If you are okay with three years of success every few years, you should be happy.

If you want more, you should not be happy.

Really, not rocket science here.
THIS WEEK Iowa is 5-3, not having beaten a team on the road, or with a winning record. Iowa's losses have come against bottom-dweller teams ISU and Minnesota (when Iowa was double-digit favorites in each) and against a Penn State team that held Iowa's supposedly "high-powered" offense to 3 points.

Who the hell cares about what happened 2 years ago. How did things get THIS BAD so quickly?
Two years ago this week, DJK was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and Iowa was 9-0.

Two years later, the Jihadic Wing is calling for Kirk's head.

Two and a half years ago, right before Iowa beat PSU on a last second field goal in Kinnick, the Jihadic Wing wanted Kirk Ferentz fired.

One year ago the wheels fell off the bus and haven't gotten put back on yet....what's the point of this?

Our recruiting sucked in 2008 and 2009. In addition, we've had multiple players quit the team the last 2 years. Put those two things together and you've got a recipe for a really bad team.

The good news is that the 2010 and 2011 classes seem to be good.....assuming we can keep them together. The bad news is....we're really bad this year and next year isn't looking a whole lot better.
I think what he is saying is that the Jihadic wing is always just poised,ready to pounce on KF whenever there is a bump in the road. It is the kind of deal where eventually,they will be right,because almost all programs go thru down periods...and then they will get to crow about how right they were,that once,despite being wrong the first 20 times they pulled the fire alarm.

Jihadic wing fire alarms:
1999- 1-10..nuff said,it was on constant red alert.
2000- 3-8...same deal...KF was a huge mistake.
2001- 7-5..McCann was a bum,Banks a hero,and KF a bum,til that bowl win.
2002- After the ISU KF.
2002- After USC loss...doubt creeps back in

And on it goes...they have wanted KF's head for most of his tenure at Iowa.
Thankfully,they are the lunatic fringe,which by definition is probably never more than 3% of the fanbase.
I know I know, only OSU and Wiscy have more wins in the last 5 years when favored by single digits on the road in the month of November, east of the mississippi, in noon or later kickoffs when we won the coin toss or whatever. Obscure numbers. More than Florida, Texas, LSU, Tennessee Tech and Rutgers
Oh the memories.

I recall Nebraska and Michigan fans not being happy with Solich and Carr and somehow convincing thier schools that they deserved better. Are you chicken littles ready for a lost decade? Back away from the ledge, and act like a fan, show up at Kinnick this Saturday and cheer the Hawks.

I respect your opinion, but....

Why are fans irrational for questioning change?

The Hawks lost 6 games in 07-08
They lost 4 games in 08-09
They lost 2 in 09-10
The lost 5 games in 10-11
We are on pace to lose anywhere from 4-6 this year

So if we take a 5 year are looking at pedestrian numbers for a coach paid 3.8 million. The school has committed to a new practice facilities (indoor and out), new stadium upgrades, and good staff salaries. Yet 3 of the last 5 years will result in 5 losses or more per year.

You can argue recruiting rankings, but what were the classes of Northwestern, Minnesota, and Iowa St ranked?

I think fans have a right to expect more than the above. I dont think it is out of line to suggest we beat lower ranked teams and not need 2 FG blocks to beat the UNIs of the world.

For what Iowa has invested in Football....I am not so sure fans dont have a right to want more.....I dont think anyone is expecting National Titles, but if we are content with 7-4 and 8-5 finishes with the occassional good season, then so be it....
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2009 was a cool season, but if you look at it objectively, we got beyond lucky in a some of those games (UNI, Ind.). I won't put MSU in that category b/c it was a hard fought win and we earned it.

2010 is the shining indictment for this coaching staff. Arguably the biggest waste of talent in the history of CFB. KF should have given back his salary after his team admitedly just didn't even care about trying to win the Minny game.

One man's Jhiadic wing is another's band of freedom fighters. Free the Hawks from complacency!!
How many people are calling for KF to be fired? Probably a small amount. How many are calling for KOK/NP to retire be let go, probably a larger amount. How many are calling for scheme changes and better coaching than what we've seen the past two seasons (and the issues date further back than the last two years).....nearly all of us.

If Iowa keeps playing the way they have been, and we can't make simple adjustments to schemes or play calling, then we can expect to be lumped in with the NW, IN, MN of the conference. And maybe below them since we can't seem to consistently beat them.
Come on, Jon. I thought your initial post was to show how far things have fallen, but instead you twist it into a dig at Iowa fans. I understand that your bread and butter is University of Iowa athletics. But please don't insult all of our intelligence by trying to tell us that everyone is overreacting, Ferentz is doing an outstanding job, and all is well.

All is not well. This team is not good, and 12-12 over the past 24 regular season games is NOT good enough for Iowa or for a top five nationally paid coach. It's NOT good enough! There are hurdles that you've mentioned time and time again about winning at Iowa, but that's precisely the reason Iowa pays for a top notch overcome those hurdles. Ferentz has not done that the past two seasons and next year doesn't look any better.

His clock management is terrible, his offensive coordinator is too conservative, his defense is stale, and his teams have played uninspired much of the past two years. Again, that's NOT good enough. There's a difference in fans being frustrated and fans abandoning the team. I'm frustrated, but I'll be there Saturday to support the Hawks. You continuously trying to tell Hawkeye fans that they are overreacting does nothing but add to the frustration.

Please answer this question honestly: Do you think Ferentz has gotten the most out of his teams the past two years and earned his hefty salary? I don't think any unbiased person can answer that with a yes.
How many people are calling for KF to be fired? Probably a small amount. How many are calling for KOK/NP to retire be let go, probably a larger amount. How many are calling for scheme changes and better coaching than what we've seen the past two seasons (and the issues date further back than the last two years).....nearly all of us.

If Iowa keeps playing the way they have been, and we can't make simple adjustments to schemes or play calling, then we can expect to be lumped in with the NW, IN, MN of the conference. And maybe below them since we can't seem to consistently beat them.
I think what he is saying is that the Jihadic wing is always just poised,ready to pounce on KF whenever there is a bump in the road. It is the kind of deal where eventually,they will be right,because almost all programs go thru down periods...and then they will get to crow about how right they were,that once,despite being wrong the first 20 times they pulled the fire alarm.

Ok, so ONE good season in the last 6 (2009: 11-2, no conference title) is considered good enough?

What bump in the road? If anything, 2009 was the bump in the road. Every other year from 2006 to now has resulted in at least 4 losses. I don't consider that good.

Anyone who thinks this year's team will finish better than 7-5 is blindly optimistic.

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