To the true Hawkeye Fans...

Asking a stranger on the internet about their wearabouts at any point and time is kind of creepy.
Asking a stranger on the internet about their wearabouts at any point and time is kind of creepy.

Could care less where you are. Just verifying that you didn't witness the silence of the majority of our fan base, especially our students. Based on your answer, I'll assume you were no where near CHA and I'm okay with that. :)
I was at the game yesterday and I was appalled at the lack of fan involvement. The student section was pretty much a non-existant (Tons of open seats), no excitement, nothing!! Anyone who has ever played "competitive" sports knows how much it means to have an electric crowd/ fans. We can't expect them to always do their part when we as fans DON"T do ours.
Maybe it was the freezing weather, maybe people had a sleeper of a sermon at church, maybe we just have fans who want to sit on their @sses and not be fired up about the fact we will be dancing. We didn't play a great game, but the majority of fans had a HORRIBLE game. I said to my wife, "WOW, it's like a morgue in here!" Hilton kicks CHA up and down the river and twice on Sundays!
So if you want to B*tch about how Fran coaches or how this player or that player had a bad game, then maybe we need to do ours! JUST SAY'N
Oh please, you may have gotten pumped when your folks cheered at your youth sports games, but having played in college, i can tell you, the crowd has nearly no effect on the outcome of a game.
I was at the game yesterday and I was appalled at the lack of fan involvement. The student section was pretty much a non-existant (Tons of open seats), no excitement, nothing!! Anyone who has ever played "competitive" sports knows how much it means to have an electric crowd/ fans. We can't expect them to always do their part when we as fans DON"T do ours.
Maybe it was the freezing weather, maybe people had a sleeper of a sermon at church, maybe we just have fans who want to sit on their @sses and not be fired up about the fact we will be dancing. We didn't play a great game, but the majority of fans had a HORRIBLE game. I said to my wife, "WOW, it's like a morgue in here!" Hilton kicks CHA up and down the river and twice on Sundays!
So if you want to B*tch about how Fran coaches or how this player or that player had a bad game, then maybe we need to do ours! JUST SAY'N
Your beef should be with Woodbury
Technology allows fans to be more vocal and think their voice matters. That is all that has changed. That goes for those that are negative, positive, and my least favorite, whiny.

Only read up to this post, but this is probably most accurate and I posted something similar in another thread. The biatching, moaning, and berating of players has always gone on. The difference today is that it is done with technology that gets it out to everybody. 20 years ago it was done with your group of friends, co-workers, or regulars at the local watering hole/restaurant and it stayed there aside from the occasional letter to the editor.

Am I disappointed in the 9 losses and 3 game losing streak? Sure I am, but I'd bet the team and coaches are more disappointed. Back in my coaching days I went over every game in my head trying to figure out what I could have done better, even when my team got blown out. I think I took losing harder as a coach than I did as a player, to be fair I did ride the bench for the most part.

Can't believe the number of people that were calling out McCabe after his airball. While I never had the chance to hit the gamewinner in hoops I did have the chance in baseball, and I remember the fails more vividly than the successes. Can't imagine what it must be like at the D1 level since I never played past the high school level.

And yes, I'm one of those who's been critical of the football coaching staff the last 2 seasons.
Oh please, you may have gotten pumped when your folks cheered at your youth sports games, but having played in college, i can tell you,the crowd has nearly no effect on the outcome of a game.

Don't tell that to Cyclone fans. Hilton Magic! Hilton Magic!
Oh please, you may have gotten pumped when your folks cheered at your youth sports games, but having played in college, i can tell you, the crowd has nearly no effect on the outcome of a game.

Mmkay, so the crowd at Hilton this year had no influence on mike g at the free throw line?

Ps- juco or Coe college doesn't count.
I was at the game yesterday and I was appalled at the lack of fan involvement. The student section was pretty much a non-existant (Tons of open seats), no excitement, nothing!! Anyone who has ever played "competitive" sports knows how much it means to have an electric crowd/ fans. We can't expect them to always do their part when we as fans DON"T do ours.
Maybe it was the freezing weather, maybe people had a sleeper of a sermon at church, maybe we just have fans who want to sit on their @sses and not be fired up about the fact we will be dancing. We didn't play a great game, but the majority of fans had a HORRIBLE game. I said to my wife, "WOW, it's like a morgue in here!" Hilton kicks CHA up and down the river and twice on Sundays!
So if you want to B*tch about how Fran coaches or how this player or that player had a bad game, then maybe we need to do ours! JUST SAY'N
I hear ya. I go to half the home games and the crowd for the most part is embarrassing but that's the way it's been for years.

But boy I tell ya, the old geezers get outta their seats to pump up that sweet burrito or to get that XXXL Iowa tshirt shot at em' via a doosher slingshot!!!!
Oh please, you may have gotten pumped when your folks cheered at your youth sports games, but having played in college, i can tell you, the crowd has nearly no effect on the outcome of a game.

Says the guy who played in an arena that had a max capacity of 4500 fans and went to a school that cares more about hockey.
Actually it's funny guys like this that start these threads stating that just because Fran has the head coaching job NOBODY else knows a damn thing about basketball. I always enjoy that even though there may be 1,000s of people out there that could effectively coach this lot the University will only fill it with 1 that's it 1 and while it may be true some fans are hypercritical this is NOT a new phenomenon...we just used to go to school and ***** about it with friends we didnt have Twitter etc. My point being don't let the polyanna's take over the HN message board! The players should refrain from gettting on Twitter, FAcebook or whatever social media terminus because there are trolls out there that stir stuff up because they can annonymously.
Expectations and perspective shape ones opinion....

The message board/blog/twitter age gives voice to the minority, who can be quite loud with their drivel. They WILL be heard gosh darn it.
I have not read much of this thread. Any time a poster starts with a "true" anything i pretty much know a load of drivel is close behind.

I saw this got to 6 pages and was hoping it delved into True Detective. Sadly, it didn't.

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