Thoughts on Cutler


Well-Known Member
Did he bail out because the Bears were getting pounded or was he too injured to play?

Urlacher vigourously defended him in the postgame presser.
Did he bail out because the Bears were getting pounded or was he too injured to play?

Urlacher vigourously defended him in the postgame presser.

They said he was injured, but when he came out at half he definitely didn't look injured enough to not play. He was missing receivers the entire time he played. IMO, he didn't want to be out there. Rothliesberger wouldn't not have come out, Brady, Manning etc.... Heck, Rodgers wouldn't have come out either.

Unless he has reconstructive knee surgery this off-season I say he was being a *****.
Jay Cutler is a *****. Plain and simple. He will never live this down in Chicago and he will never be successful there. He's like LT. When things tough and it really matters, they can't handle the pressure. If you're really hurt so bad that you can't go back in, throw on a headset and try to help Collins and Hanie. Don't just stand by yourself and pout about it.

Also the fact that Todd Collins got paid by an NFL franchise this season is an absolute embarressment. I was embarressed for him watching him play this year. He needs to retire and let someone else steal money from an NFL franchise.
I share the same thoughts as all you. 99% of the QB's in the league given that situation would not have came out of the game.

He is a smug, arrogant *****. In the 4th quarter Haney was on the bench looking through a stack of pre snap photos of the defense and was pointing at them talking to Cutler and he kind of just smirked and ignored him.

At least help the kid out if you arent going to play. Bears fans deserve him though.
I'm sure he blew out his MCL, meaning he could walk, but he couldn't cut. Try doing a 7 step drop with a blown out MCL; it can't be done.

As for his toughness, the guy got sacked 52 times this year, and 42 times the year before. He's never complained to the media, or come out hurt before this game.

Watch the end of the 2nd quarter. He can't put and pressure on that leg when throwing, so he passing accuracy is awful. He gave the Bears NO SHOT at winning with the injury, so the team had a better shot with someone else in (except Todd Collins, obviously).

Get off his back.The Bears lost because of bad defense in the first half, and Green Bay won because of clutch plays, and INSANE Special teams. That punter should have been game MVP.
I think Urlacher was just towing the company line in defending Cutler. As others have stated, there is no way that Manning, Rothlesburger, etc. come out of the conference championship game when they can still physically stand up.

Whether you hate Bears fans or not, nobody deserves a premadona, sissy-*** QB that quits in the conference championship. Particularly when the Bears defense did everything possible to keep them in that game...
Whether you hate Bears fans or not, nobody deserves a premadona, sissy-*** QB that quits in the conference championship. Particularly when the Bears defense did everything possible to keep them in that game...

I stand by my comment. Bears fans deserve him.
I'm sure he blew out his MCL, meaning he could walk, but he couldn't cut. Try doing a 7 step drop with a blown out MCL; it can't be done.

As for his toughness, the guy got sacked 52 times this year, and 42 times the year before. He's never complained to the media, or come out hurt before this game.

Watch the end of the 2nd quarter. He can't put and pressure on that leg when throwing, so he passing accuracy is awful. He gave the Bears NO SHOT at winning with the injury, so the team had a better shot with someone else in (except Todd Collins, obviously).

Get off his back.The Bears lost because of bad defense in the first half, and Green Bay won because of clutch plays, and INSANE Special teams. That punter should have been game MVP.

To say the Bears lost because of bad defense, even just the first half, is stupid. Their D played terrific yesterday, even before Cutler got hurt the offense wasn't doing anything. The defense was consistently put into bad positions and did everything they could to keep the Bears in the game. Cutler gave the Bears absolutely nothing. The moment was too big for him.

Even if he's hurt, what's his excuse for not trying to help his backups? Instead he chose to stand off by himself and mope.
I'm sure he blew out his MCL, meaning he could walk, but he couldn't cut. Try doing a 7 step drop with a blown out MCL; it can't be done.

As for his toughness, the guy got sacked 52 times this year, and 42 times the year before. He's never complained to the media, or come out hurt before this game.

Watch the end of the 2nd quarter. He can't put and pressure on that leg when throwing, so he passing accuracy is awful. He gave the Bears NO SHOT at winning with the injury, so the team had a better shot with someone else in (except Todd Collins, obviously).

Get off his back.The Bears lost because of bad defense in the first half, and Green Bay won because of clutch plays, and INSANE Special teams. That punter should have been game MVP.

1. Cutler is tough as hell. He has gotten beat up more than any QB in the NFL this year.

2. People DO NOT UNDERSTAND knee injuries. If a guy can not plant, or cut on his leg and is a QB, he can not throw with any accuracy.

I know a guy who blew out his ACL and was able to walk around fine. He could not do anything buy walk on it though. He had no ablity to cut or anything. He then had surgery and could not obviously not even walk on it.

It's just amazing some people are so stupid about this. The doctors pulled him out from what I heard.

The guy tried playing with a concussion earlier this season for christ's sake. How stupid is that?

He is very tough. He is a complete arrogant, Dbag too......
To say the Bears lost because of bad defense, even just the first half, is stupid. Their D played terrific yesterday, even before Cutler got hurt the offense wasn't doing anything. The defense was consistently put into bad positions and did everything they could to keep the Bears in the game. Cutler gave the Bears absolutely nothing. The moment was too big for him.

Even if he's hurt, what's his excuse for not trying to help his backups? Instead he chose to stand off by himself and mope.

What was the bad position the Bears' D was put in on the opening drive? 82 yds to give up? They gave up over 300 yds the first half. That is their season average per GAME this year. They did play unreal football the first half, but they gave up 14 points early, which forced the Bears to give up on the run earlier than they wanted. (You give Martz ANY excuse to throw the football, and he will)

You need to get off your podium with the statement "The moment was too biog for him." He had a bad first half, and then got hurt so he couldn't try to make up for it. End of story.

Also, Urlacher got arm tackled by a QB.
I'm sure he blew out his MCL, meaning he could walk, but he couldn't cut. Try doing a 7 step drop with a blown out MCL; it can't be done.

As for his toughness, the guy got sacked 52 times this year, and 42 times the year before. He's never complained to the media, or come out hurt before this game.

Watch the end of the 2nd quarter. He can't put and pressure on that leg when throwing, so he passing accuracy is awful. He gave the Bears NO SHOT at winning with the injury, so the team had a better shot with someone else in (except Todd Collins, obviously).

Get off his back.The Bears lost because of bad defense in the first half, and Green Bay won because of clutch plays, and INSANE Special teams. That punter should have been game MVP.

I agree with this. Why play if you can't throw? Hard to throw without a plant leg.

If you don't think an NFL QB is tough, I need some of your testosterone.
Any fan base would be tearing him apart. Look at all the current NFL players that are ripping him.

I actually dont blame the Bears fans that are tearing him apart. I lived in Iowa City for 5 years and I met enough obnoxious, arrogant Bears fans there that I will never root for that franchise. Pretty much goes for White Sox and Bulls fans too.
I can't imagine he would choose the biggest game of his life to be a pansy cop-out. I mean, he got sacked 9 times in the first half vs NY Giants early in the year and came back for more punishment. That would of been the game to be a woosie and sit out the 2nd half.

I'm a Bears fan, I don't like Cutler, but he's the most gifted QB we've had in like 3 decades! He is cocky and is terrible with the media, etc but I would be shocked to learn he threw in the towel.

He absolutely should have been helping Collins and Hanie.
What was the bad position the Bears' D was put in on the opening drive? 82 yds to give up? They gave up over 300 yds the first half. That is their season average per GAME this year. They did play unreal football the first half, but they gave up 14 points early, which forced the Bears to give up on the run earlier than they wanted. (You give Martz ANY excuse to throw the football, and he will)

You need to get off your podium with the statement "The moment was too biog for him." He had a bad first half, and then got hurt so he couldn't try to make up for it. End of story.

Also, Urlacher got arm tackled by a QB.

Yeah he got arm tackled by a QB after making a great play and returning the ball 45 yards. Urlacher was a beast all day. Cutler was missing guys all game, he had a poor game before he even got a hurt. Why do you think so many NFL players have been questioning his heart? Cutler just doesn't have the make up of a successful NFL QB, you would not have seen Brady, Manning, Rivers, Big Ben or almost any other QB come out of the game so quickly. Rivers played on a torn ACL in the playoffs. I don't see this ending well for Cutler in Chicago.
Yeah he got arm tackled by a QB after making a great play and returning the ball 45 yards. Urlacher was a beast all day. Cutler was missing guys all game, he had a poor game before he even got a hurt. Why do you think so many NFL players have been questioning his heart? Cutler just doesn't have the make up of a successful NFL QB, you would not have seen Brady, Manning, Rivers, Big Ben or almost any other QB come out of the game so quickly. Rivers played on a torn ACL in the playoffs. I don't see this ending well for Cutler in Chicago.

Except for that first drive and when Brandon Jackson faked him out of his jock.

If you're going to praise Urlacher for playing well over the balance of the game - which he did - you have to criticize him for letting his unit let the Packers do whatever they wanted to do on offense in the 1st half.

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