This upsets me..

Sure, but the games in Ames. Take the home team with Coe coming off the end.

Lulz...If Coe is even academically eligible. Hate to pass along pay board info here but in this case, I must. Coaches aren't even sure if the kid is going to get his AA degree. Be real funny if Pauwy held a spot for a kid and he can't even fill it.
Ya the last 10 is what we call history. Ask any 18 year old if they remember what happened in 1900-2007. It only takes one coach, ask Hayden Fry. Im worried about the direction of the program going forward, Iowa has had their peak and and now their valley, ISU is beginning their trek up to its peak.
Serious question, who has a better shot at the the next BSC game, Iowa or ISU with their current coaches?

Serious answer. Iowa without a doubt and that's not being a homer. If you polled the entire country excluding ames, it'd still be the same answer. Look at your recruits dude. I don't get all the excitement over there, seriously. Having a southern draw for no reason and getting on youtube doesn't get you a stable program. You have to bring in the horses. Iowa is light years ahead of ISu in recruiting and Iowa still needs to improve imo.
Lulz...If Coe is even academically eligible. Hate to pass along pay board info here but in this case, I must. Coaches aren't even sure if the kid is going to get his AA degree. Be real funny if Pauwy held a spot for a kid and he can't even fill it.
Ive seen it. Henry Simon is doing fine, same issues with him.
Ya the last 10 is what we call history. Ask any 18 year old if they remember what happened in 1900-2007. It only takes one coach, ask Hayden Fry. Im worried about the direction of the program going forward, Iowa has had their peak and and now their valley, ISU is beginning their trek up to its peak. Serious question, who has a better shot at the the next BSC game, Iowa or ISU with their current coaches?

I'll have an ounce of what you're smoking.....
Serious answer. Iowa without a doubt and that's not being a homer. If you polled the entire country excluding ames, it'd still be the same answer. Look at your recruits dude. I don't get all the excitement over there, seriously. Having a southern draw for no reason and getting on youtube doesn't get you a stable program. You have to bring in the horses. Iowa is light years ahead of ISu in recruiting and Iowa still needs to improve imo.
Cool? So an opinion poll puts you in a BCS game? I wonder what that poll would have looked like on November 20th 2011? Also your spin on recruiting has put you 3 games ahead of ISU the last two seasons, so fantastic.
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Ive seen it. Henry Simon is doing fine, same issues with him.

On top of that, you really expect a guy, who played RB for all of his high school career and first year of JUCO, to come in and play "BCS level" defensive line only after one year of working at it? You're nuts. There is a reason why those 20 schools that originally offered him, including Iowa, have not looked at him since.
On top of that, you really expect a guy, who played RB for all of his high school career and first year of JUCO, to come in and play "BCS level" defensive line only after one year of working at it? You're nuts. There is a reason why those 20 schools that originally offered him, including Iowa, have not looked at him since.
Ill take a pure athlete any day.
Ill take a pure athlete any day.

I hope he does select ISU. And I hope he even gets the grades to make it there. Better yet, I hope Whoads is dumb enough to not red-shirt him and he's up front against our OLine. Because it's going to be comical as hell watching our guys bust his rump up and down the field all day long.
Why is Rhoads paid as much as Patterson? Why is Rhoads paid MORE than Petersen from Boise? Why does Rhoads make almost $1 million more than Fitzgerald? Why does Rhoads make as much as Dantonio? Why does Rhoads make nearly as much a Beamer? Why does Rhaods make as much as Gundy?

Peterson works for a school that is getting Mountain West TV money. NW is NW. No explaining Dantonio or Beamer, they must have terrible agents. Gundy makes 3.75 million. Patterson makes 2.7 million.

I think a pretty good question would be, how does Rhoads' salary stack up against the rest of the Big 12? Well, he's second to last ahead of only Dana Holgerson, and WV was getting Big East TV money last year. He'll probably get a raise after this year if WV has the season people are expecting them to, which would leave Rhoads last.

I mean you can't expect Rhoads to make Charlie Weis money. (900k more).
first off sewer, you falsified the quote in your sig and left certain parts out. herkyattack said "fighting for a BCS bowl again by 2013 or 2014". nowhere did he say "national championship" as you're claiming. second, he said OR 2014. so your main argument about trips to lincoln and (the ever scary) Lames is only in 2013. 2014 they are at kinnick.

you're one of those slow types, aren't you?
Cool? So an opinion poll puts you in a BCS game? I wonder what that poll would have looked like on November 20th 2011? Also your spin on recruiting has put you 3 games ahead of ISU the last two seasons, so fantastic.

Just so we are clear, do you realize that the absolute best year in the history of Iowa State Football's world, they would have not made a New-Years day bowl, let alone a BCS game?

Iowa, on the other hand, in the last 10 years has been in two, and had 2 seasons where they were only 1 or 2 games out of one.

6-7 being one of the best years in school history and you want to talk BCS games? ridiculous.
Whats history have to do with the here and now? Hawk fans use everything past tense because they know Ferentz is up there in age and he and the fanbase are just going to ride this thing out.
Whats history have to do with the here and now? Hawk fans use everything past tense because they know Ferentz is up there in age and he and the fanbase are just going to ride this thing out.

There are bright days ahead in Iowa City. Our two-deeps are filled with mostly freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Not to mention the young talent we bring in actually HAS talent. But hey, if you want to pretend a class full of FCS players is going to finally make you relevant, all the power to you.
Whats history have to do with the here and now? Hawk fans use everything past tense because they know Ferentz is up there in age and he and the fanbase are just going to ride this thing out.

He's 57. Not like he's 80. Where the f*ck do you come up with your arguments?
Whats history have to do with the here and now? Hawk fans use everything past tense because they know Ferentz is up there in age and he and the fanbase are just going to ride this thing out.

and yet Iowa still recruits well and isu loses out to the mac.
7-5 would be an accomplishment this season so for 3 years I have heard how talented Iowa is yet 7-5 is the result. Also the talent continues to leaves or is kicked off the team. And all this with a subpar schedule. Add in wisconsin and ohio state and there are 2 more loses in the next couple years. Who gets the blame now with Parker and Okeefe gone when Iowa goes 6-6 or 5-7 this season and the next few?
7-5 would be an accomplishment this season so for 3 years I have heard how talented Iowa is yet 7-5 is the result. Also the talent continues to leaves or is kicked off the team. And all this with a subpar schedule. Add in wisconsin and ohio state and there are 2 more loses in the next couple years. Who gets the blame now with Parker and Okeefe gone when Iowa goes 6-6 or 5-7 this season and the next few?

It's hard to go 6-6 or 5-7 when you schedule four cupcakes to start the season.
7-5 would be an accomplishment this season so for 3 years I have heard how talented Iowa is yet 7-5 is the result. Also the talent continues to leaves or is kicked off the team. And all this with a subpar schedule. Add in wisconsin and ohio state and there are 2 more loses in the next couple years. Who gets the blame now with Parker and Okeefe gone when Iowa goes 6-6 or 5-7 this season and the next few?

Put your money where your mouth is. I would be willing to bet you any amount of money Iowa wins more than 12 games over the next two years.

Edit: And I want proof of your identity so I know who to contact when you don't pay up.

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