Theory on poor recruiting......


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is that KF has his millions and seemingly NOTHING to prove to anyone including his AD, his only real joy in life seems to be doing what pleases KF.....all done with his middle finger extended high. I will go to my grave stating the following which I believe 100%....KF gets more jazzed over coaching up a bunch of 2 stars from West Branch and reaching a BCS Bowl then he EVER would winning a National Championship with a bunch of can't miss 4 stars from all the hot bed areas. He has an ego larger than most of us can ever imagine him having....he would get ZERO satisfaction winning with Ohio State or Alabama type recruits...takes the luster off of him and leaves his ego unfulfilled. Non-conference games bore Kirk to death....why do you think Iowa comes out so unprepared and loses so many of them? A: He treats them like NFL pre-season. He doesn't look at non-conference losses as a major stumbling block to a National Championship, because he is geared toward nothing more than trying to dummy down his way into a West Division Championship....NOTHING More. His recruiting habits and subsequent rankings for what he is being paid are absolutely inexcusable beyond belief. Iowa fans as usual just take all this S lying down....cannot believe that this year wasn't enough to warrant protesting like that at something people!!!
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You two comics can do better than that. Ok, so I'm still p***** off about another inexcusable shoot me. My main belief still stands though.
You two comics can do better than that. Ok, so I'm still p***** off about another inexcusable shoot me. My main belief still stands though.

hey man, just having fun with you. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing near you. Seriously, all in fun.

A couple of breaks for paragraphs will enhance readability.


Bottom line is that KF has his millions and seemingly NOTHING to prove to anyone including his AD, his only real joy in life seems to be doing what pleases KF.....all done with his middle finger extended high. I will go to my grave stating the following which I believe 100%....KF gets more jazzed over coaching up a bunch of 2 stars from West Branch and reaching a BCS Bowl then he EVER would winning a National Championship with a bunch of can't miss 4 stars from all the hot bed areas. He has an ego larger than most of us can ever imagine him having....he would get ZERO satisfaction winning with Ohio State or Alabama type recruits...takes the luster off of him and leaves his ego unfulfilled. Non-conference games bore Kirk to death....why do you think Iowa comes out so unprepared and loses so many of them? A: He treats them like NFL pre-season. He doesn't look at non-conference losses as a major stumbling block to a National Championship, because he is geared toward nothing more than trying to dummy down his way into a West Division Championship....NOTHING More. His recruiting habits and subsequent rankings for what he is being paid are absolutely inexcusable beyond belief. Iowa fans as usual just take all this S lying down....cannot believe that this year wasn't enough to warrant protesting like that at something people!!!

Thanks for your opinion. What did you base it on ? Have you ever had a conversation with the man ? Have you ever talked to anyone who worked for him ? Im sure you have at least talked to a few guys who played for him ?? Or are you just blowing off steam. Because this team did underachive ?
OP = hate pushin him over the cliff. Amazing bit of conspiracy there....did you know the goverment is putting lithium in your beer?
It's much easier for a coach to take a 2 star and shape them into the player they want instead of taking a 5 star and trying to get them to change. A 5 star knows they have the goods and they don't need to change. A 2 star will do whatever it takes to become a potential NFL caliber player. Kirk knows that and uses it to his advantage when he recruits.

You've heard Kirk say a thousand times that teams just need to execute and they will win. That's his philosophy. You take the proper steps and the win takes care of itself. Same thing with recruiting. You get the people you can coach up into your scheme and wins take care of themselves. Unfortunately with that mentality you lose a lot of the top talent.

This is only my opinion though.
Iowa gets leftovers in states like Texas, Florida. They get the 3 star leftovers. Iowa can periodically pull a 4 star from IA or IL which is a bonus. It's hard to recruit those 4-5 stars from the S & SE to the midwest, It's a geographic issue for most teams in the BIG & Big 12. It's a disadvantage indeed. Iowa will mostly get 3 star recruits with a 2-3 4 stars peppered in there here & there.

Iowa's best selling point is getting players to the NFL. Some years ago, Iowa was like the 2nd or 3rd best team with the number of players in the NFL which is remarkable compared with the players they got. That is the selling point for Iowa.

"Son, we can build you up to be successful to make it to the NFL. Not only can we build you up but you will be NFL ready to compete right away. Here's where you sign". If Iowa had more consistent 10 win seasons & BIG bowl games, I think they would get more 4 star players coming, especially if the players thought they would be prepared for the NFL. Iowa runs an NFL type program. Heck, they might even be able to get a WR here & there.
Iowa gets leftovers in states like Texas, Florida. They get the 3 star leftovers. Iowa can periodically pull a 4 star from IA or IL which is a bonus. It's hard to recruit those 4-5 stars from the S & SE to the midwest, It's a geographic issue for most teams in the BIG & Big 12. It's a disadvantage indeed. Iowa will mostly get 3 star recruits with a 2-3 4 stars peppered in there here & there.

Iowa's best selling point is getting players to the NFL. Some years ago, Iowa was like the 2nd or 3rd best team with the number of players in the NFL which is remarkable compared with the players they got. That is the selling point for Iowa.

"Son, we can build you up to be successful to make it to the NFL. Not only can we build you up but you will be NFL ready to compete right away. Here's where you sign". If Iowa had more consistent 10 win seasons & BIG bowl games, I think they would get more 4 star players coming, especially if the players thought they would be prepared for the NFL. Iowa runs an NFL type program. Heck, they might even be able to get a WR here & there.

I could be dead wrong so don't crucify me, but I recall reading that only Seniors can take official recruiting visits. High school underclassman can only take unofficial visits (read that to mean they travel on there own dime).

The point I guess was that with all the other benefits of the southern athlete to stay there how many from there or any other distance really pay to come this far?

Therefore how many players by the time they are seniors have really made up there mind, especially after being able to take unlimited unofficial visits in there own back yard
I could be dead wrong so don't crucify me, but I recall reading that only Seniors can take official recruiting visits. High school underclassman can only take unofficial visits (read that to mean they travel on there own dime).

The point I guess was that with all the other benefits of the southern athlete to stay there how many from there or any other distance really pay to come this far?

Therefore how many players by the time they are seniors have really made up there mind, especially after being able to take unlimited unofficial visits in there own back yard

With the SEC having such good years, it's hard for mid rode BIG & Big 12 schools to pull players out from down there. Add in the climate & higher academic standards the BIG has & it's a real up hill battle if you are not Ohio St, Michigan or Penn St. I think the right coaching staff that can relate to these young men might be able to, though.
I'd start right freaking here. I realize ESPN doesn't know everything and I don't believe in anyone's rankings but our lil ole tiger hawk is not found anywhere in the top 300 recruits. That I believe is a problem. How does Texas Tech have 5 guys on this list and Tennessee has like 7 of the first 150 and we have ZERO?? That's the ole fat and happy camper at the head of our ship. You can't tell me there isn't one guy we coulda tried harder at getting. I mean hell, Illinois has a 5 star lineman on this list. I know we were close on Hillard but this doesn't mean you quit trying on these guys. Clearly Butch Jones doesn't care that his team is 6-6, he got off his A double S and went out and did something about it. Here is the link…

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