Until the country/world goes to nuclear power the carbon footprint (which is a stupid, euphemistic term) of an electric vehicle is the exact same. So climate change is in no way going to be affected by EVs like people claim. They are not green. It takes the same amount of energy to move a 2,000 lb car one mile whether it's by electricity or gas/diesel. One might say...yes, but 49% of electricity in the US comes from "renewable" sources...
They may be technically correct, but those people stop there because stopping there suits their arguments. They don't look at the MASSIVE "carbon footprint" of lithium production, or the net negative of windmill and solar construction. It takes way more energy and emissions to design, manufacture, install, and operate a windmill than it will ever generate in it's lifetime. But it makes the vegan squad happy so the lie just keeps on going.
Climate change is real. But as a society we've been duped by both sides of the argument into thinking it's more complex than it is. The scientists need to feel validated about their smartness and need to get retweets on the news, and make climate change an enigma that can never really be pinned down. Like ancient bishops who made religion confusing to keep the peasants tuned in, they do the same with whatever topic is at hand. Right now it's climate change
The other side denies climate change so they can get interviews and votes from the bearded AR-15, Dodge Ram community. Two sides of the exact same coin.
Climate change is fucking simple. Being able to fix it...my opinion is that we're too far gone and we're going to land somewhere between a miracle solution and Mad Max. I won't be alive to see how it turns out. Here's what you need to do to stop making the problem worse.
1) Nuclear power. It's the only way. The formula is solved, we know how to generate nuclear power but the vegan squad doesn't like it, and even if they did we can't put plants up fast enough to help so no one even tries. We screwed the pooch.
2) Upgrade the country's electrical capacity. Not feasible. Would take several decades and cost trillions, and we don't have several decades or trillions. The hemp heroes spent too much time getting their masters in Creative Studies instead of taking engineering courses, so they don't understand that our electrical grid, infrastructure, and generation capacity are still the same as they were in the 40s and 50s. And this isn't a problem of generating more electricity. It's about getting it to your garage outlet. You need more power plants (of the nuclear variety that no one wants to build), more transmission lines, bigger substations, heavier distribution lines, bigger transformers outside your house, and different wiring in every single house or business. Now imagine the millions of miles of electrical poles and wires in every back alley and country road and suburban neighborhood in America, and you can see we're screwed. I'm waiting gleefully for the day when Greta Thunberg gets her wish and all the hippies try to plug their cars in at once. HOW DARE YOU!
3) Solve the methane problem. This is the only one I think we can do. There's a ton of money to be made and plenty of nerds...they just need something to kickstart them. The whole, "we need to stop raising livestock" is stupid., First of all people won't go for it no matter how much you persuade them. Second, there aren't enough food and protein sources to feed everyone. Even if you found enough food and protein, people ain't gonna quit eating animals so you're just pissing up a rope.
So there you go, folks. Solve three problems and we'd have a fighter's chance. Me personally, I ain't got a shred of faith in a population where people are rioting in the streets because they can't buy a $22,000 Taylor Swift ticket. Sorry 'bout your luck with those hurricanes coming soon to you folks in Florida.