the technical foul


Active Member
I am concerned about the tech foul. The team is taking the personality of its coach for better and perhaps for the worse. If marble doesnt hit those big shots and iowa losses this game, what would the threads be about this am?

I like the fire but you cant win games by giving teams 6 point trips in the last frame

I like most here am thrilled for this win and am hoping this leads to a strong showing in league play

Discipline is as important as fire

If this game was a loss, fran would be getting killed here

Thank you devyn

Fran this team is following you well done niw tighten the reigns on yourself the team will follow too
Shut up. We won. There isn't any ifs and buts...

Obviously you didn't enjoy the great win cause you were concerned about a technical foul. They happen. It's basketball.
The what-if game is a bottomless pit. Iowa did win the game and it was because of, not in spite of Fran.
Players love playing for a coach like Fran. They know he has their back. The Tech yesterday shouldn't have been called and is in no way a reflection of coach caf.
Woulda coulda shoulda.........we just beat the number 11 team in the country on their home floor where they almost never lose. We rubbed Ben Brust's nose in it. Gave Bo Ryan what he deserves. And told Badger nation, "Up yours."
Now your concern is over what if we woulda' lost???
Players love playing for a coach like Fran. They know he has their back. The Tech yesterday shouldn't have been called and is in no way a reflection of coach caf.

I agree - it the refs seemed like they were in an awfully big hurry to call that technical. I've seen much worse result in nothing but a warning.
I agree - it the refs seemed like they were in an awfully big hurry to call that technical. I've seen much worse result in nothing but a warning.

I agree. The technical was a bit "trigger happy" on the part of the ref... but Basabe certainly did not need to get in that guy's grill after committing the hard foul.

A lot of high level sports is mental, and good players keep their heads on straight at all times.
I am concerned about the tech foul. The team is taking the personality of its coach for better and perhaps for the worse. If marble doesnt hit those big shots and iowa losses this game, what would the threads be about this am?

I like the fire but you cant win games by giving teams 6 point trips in the last frame

I like most here am thrilled for this win and am hoping this leads to a strong showing in league play

Discipline is as important as fire

If this game was a loss, fran would be getting killed here

Thank you devyn

Fran this team is following you well done niw tighten the reigns on yourself the team will follow too

Officials: Ed Corbett, Ted Valentine, Brian Dorsey

That's all you need to know about this technical. Now shut up and enjoy the fire and the win. There will be more with Fran, to be sure.
The technical was absolutely the right call. It was a stupid play in an otherwise great game. I do like the fire tho. I wish Aaron White would play the whole game and May would sit....................
Basabe screwed up, he'll learn from the mistake, thankfully with a W in his pocket. Wisky does not go 59-1 at home vs. unranked opponents without some "help" along the way.
Hated to see the Tech.... but glad to see the emotion of we are not going to continue to be your punching bag. We are developing a 'tough' mindset which is very much needed in order to change the mindset of the program and league about us.

I do like several elements of the response to the tech;;;

# 1 We did not fold up our tents

# 2 Basabee realized his mistake immediately - did not argue/pout making it worse

# 3 Fran did not read him the riot act (coach does a good job of knowing when to scold and when to back-off). I felt like an over-reaction by Fran could have forced the kids to lose their compsure.

Really impressive game/win considering....
- We lost an early lead
- We got down by 8 after the start of the second half
- We lost 6 points via the Basabee foul/technical
- Gatens loses the ball in the 2 foul situation
I thought at the time it looked like the Wiscy player gave Melsahn a little shove after the foul and it was just a reflex action by Melsahn. I'm not too worried about it. If we start getting shoved around and don't shove back... then I'll begin to worry.

GREAT win!
I am concerned about the tech foul. The team is taking the personality of its coach for better and perhaps for the worse. If marble doesnt hit those big shots and iowa losses this game, what would the threads be about this am?

I like the fire but you cant win games by giving teams 6 point trips in the last frame

I like most here am thrilled for this win and am hoping this leads to a strong showing in league play

Discipline is as important as fire

If this game was a loss, fran would be getting killed here

Thank you devyn

Fran this team is following you well done niw tighten the reigns on yourself the team will follow too

i see your point, but on the other hand, i like the fact the hawks were able to overcome that bad sequence. that's a good sign.
I agree with appeared to me that the Wisky player came across Melsahn's face "unintentionally" and he reacted with a bit of reflex.
I agree with this post to the extent that you have to be much more careful on the road - that ridiculous technical would not have been called at Carver Hawkeye arena - but that dope Valentine did not hesitate to ring up Basabe at Kohl.

Frankly, the technical should have been called on that thug Gasser for "punching" Basabe on the way down after Basabe cleanly blocked his shot.

It was B.S. all the way
1. The personal foul was BS to begin with. From the baseline, there didn't appear to be any contact worthy of a foul call, which is why the official whose call that is to make let it go. Valentine made a call that wasn't his to make, and he got it wrong.

2. The technical was pretty ticky-tack. What happened there isn't any different than what happens after any whistle as guys are shuffling around. It was still a mistake by Basabe to give the ref any reason to call it, though.
# 2 Basabee realized his mistake immediately - did not argue/pout making it worse

The push that resulted in the tech was the result of Basabee pouting about not getting the ball on the previous trip down the floor. He needs to let that type of thing go.

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