the technical foul

IF a frog had wings it could fly...
IF the football team had gone undefeated they might have played for the National title.
IF, IF, IF...means nothing
Actually the Cincinnati/Xavier game is a perfect example of why you have to make that T call, thanks for bringing that up.

I'm sorry Eddy and others are just 100% dead *** wrong in this.
Actually the Cincinnati/Xavier game is a perfect example of why you have to make that T call, thanks for bringing that up.

I'm sorry Eddy and others are just 100% dead *** wrong in this.

Duff you're a ref......that esplains alot!!!:)

I have a sister and a brother in law that are refs and boy do we have some doozy conversations about reffing inconsistencies. They don't like my point of view on refs much???

On a side note, I heard through the grapevine that Johnny Higgins will never ref a big10 game again after the UNI game. Not sure if true and not sure if he has reffed a big10 game since then. We will have to see!
Basketball refs suck in general but it is a hard game officiate however the T on Basabe was the right call.
Basketball refs suck in general but it is a hard game officiate however the T on Basabe was the right call.

There are a ton of mouth breathing, knuckle dragging dopes around these parts.

I don't know how you can't realize Basabe deserved a T.

1. He was running his mouth
2. He shoved the Wisconsin player in the chest.

If Basabe only runs his mouth he doesn't get the T as the refs were letting him run his mouth.

The game was starting to get a bit intense at that point and throwing out a T for running your mouth and shoving a guy will help from things further escalating.

You can play with Fire but the best teams you see in the final 4 play with Fire and Poise!
Actually the Cincinnati/Xavier game is a perfect example of why you have to make that T call, thanks for bringing that up.

I'm sorry Eddy and others are just 100% dead *** wrong in this.

Actually no one is right or wrong on it because it is a subjective call. I already admitted I don't know all that went on on the floor during the game or if the players were warned or not. All I am saying is that I thought it was weak and deserved a warning or talking to the players. I don't like officials determining the outcome of games.
I do think that it reflects upon Fran, and it doesn't bother me that much. It bothers me a little, because it's true that coaches who don't talk to refs...have players that don't talk to refs, and vice versa. I'd rather have a team and coach that don't communicate with officials like they're on an episode of Jerry Springer. But that's Fran's style and he does it well.

And i think the Technical Foul is a symbol for something larger that was happening in that game. Wisconsin is and will always be, a team of sharpshooting, high execution, clean-cut white boys. I'm not saying that Wisconsin doesn't have any tough players, because they always have huge doughy white guys with last names that sound like... they were born in Wisconsin (like Frank Kaminsky, Mike Bruesewitz, Keaton Nankivil) and I bet those guys are pretty tough dudes. But, they are not a physical team by nature, they are a jumpshooting team.

I don't want Basabe to do that again, I'd prefer him to not 'send messages' via technical foul. But for the first time in a while, Iowa was playing with a street-fight mentality and I liked it. I like the fact that Iowa got called for a wimpy Technical, the wisconsin player made it into a 6 point possession, and Iowa still held on for the convincing win. I thought they were going to collapse, but they hit some big shots, played nice Defense and won.

I didn't like that play from Basabe, I think it was selfish and immature. However, in the big picture of the game, it showed that Iowa wasn't scared. And why should they be? They should expect to win and they did.

Teddy, you are all over the place here and let me reiterate that you said that Fran was not a good in-game coach, which still torques me.

Statement 1: Really, you are going to compare what Fran does to Jerry Springer? Also, to say that coaches who don't talk to refs, have players that don't talk to refs? Please site and example of a Major college basketball coach that does not talk to refs, in fact, find one in the BIG, if you think you have then look at tape, ignorant. Did you watch Bo during the game and just watch Izzo, they as much Springer-like as Fran and any other coach.

Statement 2: You are going to cross the threashold and say "clean-cut white boys?" This type of thinking just boggles my mind, something from the Stone Age actually. I just don't understand the mentality, so you essentially said that Basabe got the T because he was black, correct me if I am interpretation (btw, clean-cut white boy here and just find that beyond ignorant).

Statement 3: So what do you want? Basabe showing he isn't going to back down, or what? Everything Basabe does is under a microscope by fans right now, granted the T was right out in front of everyone, but cripes Gatens has to be feeling relief not being scrutinized anymore.

Statement 4: See last sentance on my reply. Get off the kid's back, he realized it was a mistake instantly, his teammates got on him. Fran got on him a little bit, but Mel knew he screwed up and he more than made up for it how he played with 4 fouls to end the game.

I don't understand fans that are critical of Fran and his emotions. I don't understand why people are making way too much of this situation than it is. McCabe has had far more ignorant T's in his career, but the difference is the games were already decided. The T at UNI was far worse than Basabe's, a lot of people probably won't agree with that, but that is my opinion.

So what do fans want? An Iowa team that settles getting run over by any competition, or one that shows some nerve on the road and a sense of fearlessness?

I want the latter and unless T's start happening with regularity by players, what came out of this particular T was nothing but positive.

This may actually allow Iowa to play more loose and relaxed, big wins like that help teams to not "over try" or "play too fast" and just play ball.
Very nice post, Sportstalent. The criticism of Fran and his passion for the game is ridiculous.....

The technical should never have been called. It was minor to begin with, and Mel stepped back immediately. Referees could have given the game to Wisconsin if the Hawks hadn't kept their composure.
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Very nice post, Sportstalent. The criticism of Fran and his passion for the game is ridiculous.....

The technical should never have been called. It was minor to begin with, and Mel stepped back immediately. Referees could have given the game to Wisconsin if the Hawks hadn't kept their composure.

Thanks, you are always too kind.

Honestly though, I have zero issues with the T being called. An opponent that has been the whipping post of the conference is going to have calls against them like that, especially at Wisconsin and it holds true at Purdue, MSU, OSU, Indiana and probably Michigan now. Maybe Mel doesn't get called at home, but it just was the wrong time to do something like that to even put the thought in the officials head.

Mel realized it and moved forward...what a concept?
What does this mean?
Another way of putting it would be: If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their a$$ on the ground.....

Or: Is a frog's a$$ watertight.....

Or: Fine as frog's hair.....

Just kidding.....

Sometimes it is good to boldly attempt to throw humor into the mix, Bc....

Not sure if this has been mentioned... But considering Wisconsin got away with delaying the game after a made basket a few times before getting a warning.... I think Basabe's technical was a little bit lame.

If they wanted to call the game tight then fine, but then they have to give Wisconsin the delay warning the first time they try to do it to slow down our team from pushing it up the floor right away.

Going strictly by the rulebook Basabe deserved the technical I guess, but then so did Wisconsin for purposely hitting/grabbing the ball after it went through the hoop.

It doesn't matter at this point, but I certainly don't think Fran is a bad influence on the team. These are college kids that are playing with fire and emotion and sometimes they make mistakes. It's not like he punched the guy or wa out of control. It was just reaction by Basabe that could have easily been let go by the refs. I doing think it had anything to do with Fran.

I'm not concerned. Great win by the Hawks. Even my friends that are Gopher fans were impressed by the Hawks and giving me high fives. ;)
Not sure if this has been mentioned... But considering Wisconsin got away with delaying the game after a made basket a few times before getting a warning.... I think Basabe's technical was a little bit lame.If they wanted to call the game tight then fine, but then they have to give Wisconsin the delay warning the first time they try to do it to slow down our team from pushing it up the floor right away.Going strictly by the rulebook Basabe deserved the technical I guess, but then so did Wisconsin for purposely hitting/grabbing the ball after it went through the hoop.It doesn't matter at this point, but I certainly don't think Fran is a bad influence on the team. These are college kids that are playing with fire and emotion and sometimes they make mistakes. It's not like he punched the guy or wa out of control. It was just reaction by Basabe that could have easily been let go by the refs. I doing think it had anything to do with Fran.I'm not concerned. Great win by the Hawks. Even my friends that are Gopher fans were impressed by the Hawks and giving me high fives. ;)

Dude, you need some new friends :) Other than that agree with the your post.
Okay, here is the question of the day:

Can Melsahn do anything one way or the other and not get ripped?

I was cursing him when it happened, yeah, but he realized the mistake he made instantly. It came at the worst time when Iowa had total control of the game.

Here is the thing, Mel had his fourth foul after that happened, did anyone see how hard he played from that point to end the game. He stepped up on the block and in rebounding. Go back and watch his relentlessness down the stretch, not to say he wasn't the whole game. Just look at the last play when he blocked out two Wisconsin guys to end the game.

Yeah, it really was an ignorant play because that type of call is going to go against you 99 out of 100 times on the road.

The fact is, Iowa came back and didn't fold, this is a direct reflection of Fran, so I love the fact that the team is taking his personality. Also, it isn't like this is something that happens frequently, so until a pattern develops, let it go.

There was and adverse situation in a hostile environment and the Iowa team showed its Character.

Mel knew he messed up and made up for it. Had a huge steal down the stretch too.
Not sure if this has been mentioned... But considering Wisconsin got away with delaying the game after a made basket a few times before getting a warning.... I think Basabe's technical was a little bit lame.

If they wanted to call the game tight then fine, but then they have to give Wisconsin the delay warning the first time they try to do it to slow down our team from pushing it up the floor right away.

Going strictly by the rulebook Basabe deserved the technical I guess, but then so did Wisconsin for purposely hitting/grabbing the ball after it went through the hoop.

It doesn't matter at this point, but I certainly don't think Fran is a bad influence on the team. These are college kids that are playing with fire and emotion and sometimes they make mistakes. It's not like he punched the guy or wa out of control. It was just reaction by Basabe that could have easily been let go by the refs. I doing think it had anything to do with Fran.

I'm not concerned. Great win by the Hawks. Even my friends that are Gopher fans were impressed by the Hawks and giving me high fives. ;)

Between tipping the ball after made shots and going over the back on every rebound, the refs allowed a lot of uncalled stuff to go for the Badgers. Finally they gave the delay of game warning, and then later in the 2nd half they finally called an over the back call - to which Bo Ryan spun up his antics.

A lot of homer calls in the beginning for Wisconsin, then mid-2nd half Iowa started to get some of the close calls. I still love the call on Gatens where he swiped at Gasser, totally missed, and they called a foul (as Gasser yells AND 1!).... not to mention Marble forcing Brust to change his shot, no contact, yet the refs felt because it was an airball, it had to be a foul. And then, of course, you have Valentine coming all the way across the court to make a call that wasn't his.

Gotta love BB refs. They have a tough, tough, subjective job, but some of them are just really not very good at their 2nd jobs.
Between tipping the ball after made shots and going over the back on every rebound, the refs allowed a lot of uncalled stuff to go for the Badgers. Finally they gave the delay of game warning, and then later in the 2nd half they finally called an over the back call - to which Bo Ryan spun up his antics.

A lot of homer calls in the beginning for Wisconsin, then mid-2nd half Iowa started to get some of the close calls. I still love the call on Gatens where he swiped at Gasser, totally missed, and they called a foul (as Gasser yells AND 1!).... not to mention Marble forcing Brust to change his shot, no contact, yet the refs felt because it was an airball, it had to be a foul. And then, of course, you have Valentine coming all the way across the court to make a call that wasn't his.

Gotta love BB refs. They have a tough, tough, subjective job, but some of them are just really not very good at their 2nd jobs.

I agree with this to a point. I'll never ever get on a ref for errors in judgment, I understand how difficult the job is and how what appears to be an easy call can be missed on occasion.

That said many errors are not errors of judgment. They are errors of ego, poor discipline, lack of trust, poor mechanics, etc. These errors are 100% correctable and the fact they occur as often as they do in major situations is a shame.

Teddy has every right to call any foul or violation he "sees". However to venture into another officials PCA to get something other than a completely obvious call is something that even most of us lowly HS officials know not to do.
I agree with this to a point. I'll never ever get on a ref for errors in judgment, I understand how difficult the job is and how what appears to be an easy call can be missed on occasion.

That said many errors are not errors of judgment. They are errors of ego, poor discipline, lack of trust, poor mechanics, etc. These errors are 100% correctable and the fact they occur as often as they do in major situations is a shame.

Teddy has every right to call any foul or violation he "sees". However to venture into another officials PCA to get something other than a completely obvious call is something that even most of us lowly HS officials know not to do.

This is my biggest pet peeve with officials. Call your area, and let your fellow officials do their jobs and officiate their spots on the floor. It drives me nuts in FB too, when you see a flag come flying from 20 yards away.

EDIT: Well that is my second biggest peeve...the first would be if you are letting hand checking go then don't just randomly start calling it with 9 min to go in the other words just be consistent, the players will adjust to the way you call the game if you are just consistent.
This is my biggest pet peeve with officials. Call your area, and let your fellow officials do their jobs and officiate their spots on the floor. It drives me nuts in FB too, when you see a flag come flying from 20 yards away.

EDIT: Well that is my second biggest peeve...the first would be if you are letting hand checking go then don't just randomly start calling it with 9 min to go in the other words just be consistent, the players will adjust to the way you call the game if you are just consistent.

I agree.

Consistency is the one thing that drives me nuts. If you are calling it tight, fine, not my preference, but at least as a player/coach you know how you can adjust your play.

The call that's not yours is so irritating, esp when the ref right in front of the play doesn't call it... or the ref from across the court overrules the guy right there - Hightower is awesome at this.