The Search: Looking Westward & Discontentment


Another day on the phones talking with numerous people and a few more trails to consider….

As I posted back when we first started this searching process, I called my friend Van Coleman and asked him if he could put together a list of names of uptempo coaches for me. At the time, tempo was high on my personal checklist as it relates to the Iowa job, given the peach basket era we just came out of. Since then I have backed off of that a little and have leaned more towards recruiting experience and strength being a high priority for me, with tempo certainly a bonus.

One of the names that I panned when I received that non-hierarchical list from Van is a name that I probably should have paid a little more attention to, and that is the name of Lorenzo Romar.

Romar is the coach at Washington and has a strong recruiting background. He plays an uptempo brand of basketball and his team is in the Sweet 16 right now. However, the primary reason I didn’t consider him is because he is also a Washington alum.

The last day or so, I have been hearing more and more that Gary Barta might have a coach on his list that is a tad discontented where he is currently employed. The first name that jumps out at me when I think of that aspect, along with Barta’s comments that money was not going to be an issue for the right candidate and that Iowa would probably love to make waves with this hire to reignite the program as much as possible, is Jamie Dixon of Pitt. He certainly fits the profile to be successful in a league like the Big Ten, as he has been successful at Pitt.

My backing of my edict of tempo has something to do with the Big Ten, in general. While I think Bruce Pearl could come in and change the paradigm of the league, I don’t know how many other coaches could do that. Keno Davis might have a shot if he had the kind of staff that could recruit at a high level, and he has done a decent job with that at Providence. I still think that if Keno got the call from Iowa, he’d take the job.

But outside of those two and the style they employ, ‘uptempo’ may just be a fancy word.

Michigan State wants to run, but teams send one player to the offensive glass and the rest back to clog up transition. Unless you are playing a full court, full pressure game, it’s tough to change gears in a league like the Big Ten where so many teams want to clutch and grab. Michigan State has blended speed and power and the job Izzo has done in this league when so many try to slow them down is remarkable. Some nights, teams do slow them down, but more often than not, the Spartans dictate the terms.

However, most schools can’t recruit like Tom Izzo does at Michigan State. Ohio State has done that under Thad Matta. Illinois has recruited well, but they can’t break out of the grind it out tempo, either. Matt Painter’s team this year was full of racehorses, but they were forced to play possession by possession basketball at times.

So give me a guy that has recruited at the highest levels and knows what those shark infested waters are like, and a guy that knows he can’t field a team of 98-pound weaklings in this league, and that is probably the more logical choice.

Dixon fits that bill, and he is not perfectly content at Pitt.

Now back to Romar…

The reason I should not have dismissed him out of hand is because he and Gary Barta have crossed paths before. Before taking over as Wyoming’s AD, Barta was the Associate AD at Washington. In his final year in Seattle, Barta was a part of the administration that hired Romar. I would suspect Barta will put out feelers to Romar, if he has not already done so. He may get told no, which seems most likely given Romar’s ties to Washington and his current success there. But still some food for thought as I keep hearing that Barta’s ‘A’ list is going to consist of coaches that have led programs, and high major programs at that.
I am having trouble reconciling your last sentence with your statements that we will likely not be making a big name hire.
Wow, living about 30 miles from the Udub campus, I cannot see Romar ever leaving here, unless forced out. Not that I wouldn't like him at Iowa, I just can't see him leaving Washington. I wish Cameron Dollar at Seattle U had a few more years under his belt, I think he's going to be another good one. Also, any speculation on who may have been interviewed today and who will be tomorrow? Thanks!
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Here's to hoping Barta can snag one of em from his "A" list. You keep giving us reasons to be optimistic Jon...hopefully our bubble doesn't burst in a week or two when the announcement comes.
An article in SI a couple weeks back called Seattle THE HS hoops hotbed. Very fertile recruiting. Would he leave that for Iowa?
Dixion does fit the Big Ten mold of a coach who instills toughness in his teams. One big question that comes to mind is does he have the Chicago recruiting contacts to pull kids out of Illinois? Over at Pitt he has been able to pull kids from MD, NY, Ohio, Penn, CT, and other east coast states.

Just say Dixion is the Iowa coach, can he make the in roads in Chicago or convince kids form the east coast to come to Iowa. Not sure what's an easier decide.
I know people get blasted on here for passing on info if they recently started posting- but I have heard the same as JM - that the 'A' list consists of 4 current head coaches with the 'B' list consisting of others such as Forbes. Quite frankly, I am happy there are 4 current HC interested if true.
Seriously? Dixon isn't Big Ten Mold.

GIVE ME A BREAK. Wow. The things people come up with.

Dixon would be a major addition to Iowa and would be HUGE...
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It's not like Pitt averages a ton a points a game...they averaged 69 points a game this past year. Which in the Big Ten would've been good enough for 6th. They gave up 61 points per game which would've been good enough for 2nd in the Big Ten.

I'd say looking at stats and how his teams play....his coaching style fits in with the Big Ten and what we currently see night in and night from the likes of MSU, Purdue, Ohio State, etc.

Dixion would be a huge addition and put Iowa basketball on the map. Just trying to draw on some similarities between his team's at Pitt and what we currently see in the Big Ten.
I can't possibly imagine Romar leaving his alma mater, Seattle and a conference where he can win more easily for Iowa. He has the connection to Barta but that's about all I can see.

I think Dixon is using Iowa and DePaul to get a raise at Pitt and maybe some other things that he wants.
Seems like Pitt has been aggressive about keeping him--according to the item linked above they have him signed through 2016 and gave him his most recent extension shortly after a previous extension.

It does make me think he might be floating his name for leverage. It might be harder to ask for a raise when the school has treated you so well than it is to let other schools "inspire" Pitt to do it to keep him.
A friend of mine talked to Tim Floyd on a plane last night from Los Vegas to Cedar Rapids, asked him about the Iowa job, he said he couldn't talk about it!
I am having trouble reconciling your last sentence with your statements that we will likely not be making a big name hire.

My opinion of the job right now is that its not looked at in a great light by the national coaching fraternity, therefore my skepticism that Iowa can make a big name hire.

However, that is just my opinion, and not what Barta is going to try or not try to do. I think he'll try that..if he does, then he pulled it off. If he doesn't, it's probly going to be because the job is at a place right now where it has to be built back up to become attractive again.
A friend of mine talked to Tim Floyd on a plane last night from Los Vegas to Cedar Rapids, asked him about the Iowa job, he said he couldn't talk about it!

Tim Floyd would not be hired by Gary Barta in this or any other lifetime.

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