The problem with Boise State.

How am I missing the point? The financial aspect of it plays a huge part, teams can't afford to go play at a 32,000 seat stadium, rather than their 80,00 seat stadium. Boise can't offer teams $1 M payouts to come their either. This is the same reason people have discussed not playing ISU in the future, it's not about being scared its about the money.

The Pac-10 inviting Boise would be an absolute disaster for them. Boise adds absolutely nothing except for a football program which could very quickly fall apart when they start playing in a real conference, they aren't good in any other sports, play in a small market, and are basically one step above a junior college academically. I'm sure Stanford and Cal would love to be in a conference with them. And beating Oregon St is just considered a decent win in the Pac-10, it's not a season making win.

Nebraska=excellent pick up for the Big 10 then.
I have a real simple philosophy when it comes to Boise. If you don't like them busting their way into the title talk, give them a home and home series and beat them. If they get into the title game this year, I don't want to hear any complaining from the so called powerhouse schools (especially Nebraska) about their schedule. You had a chance to knock Boise out by scheduling and beating them, but you didn't.
I have a real simple philosophy when it comes to Boise. If you don't like them busting their way into the title talk, give them a home and home series and beat them. If they get into the title game this year, I don't want to hear any complaining from the so called powerhouse schools (especially Nebraska) about their schedule. You had a chance to knock Boise out by scheduling and beating them, but you didn't.

I have a real simple philosophy for Boise St fans, if you don't want to be passed over for the title at the end of the year by a one loss SEC team, when Nebraska offers you a two for one, take it.
I have a real simple philosophy for Boise St fans, if you don't want to be passed over for the title at the end of the year by a one loss SEC team, when Nebraska offers you a two for one, take it.

Except that is pretty much spitting in their faces. A 2-1 is no sign of respect. AQ teams give that courtesy to teams far below Boise. The "big boys" need to man up and play them home and home.
Play road games without demanding a return game. Accept two for ones, realize that they're not in a BCS conference and stop making the same demands.

And the problem is I don't want a 13-0 Boise team that beat, maybe two good teams all year, getting in over a 12-1 Alabama or 12-1 Ohio State team that played five or so ranked opponents in a year.

What do you think Monday night was? You think VT wants to go out to Boise? Boise played @Georgia in 2005; that was a one shot deal. I can understand Oregon and OSU coming to Boise, those are relatively short trips for both schools.
Using the logic that these AQ teams already play a tough conference schedule, and don't need another tough NON-conference game is stupid. That says right there that these programs recognize Boise as a good team. So what's different about playing Boise in the non-conference and playing a Pitt or Arizona? Those are both good teams too, and we have a tough conference schedule. Why would we give those teams a home and home with us?
Except that is pretty much spitting in their faces. A 2-1 is no sign of respect. AQ teams give that courtesy to teams far below Boise. The "big boys" need to man up and play them home and home.

WHY? "Big Boy" teams can get in the title game without playing tough non conference games, it's up to Boise to do everything they can to make sure they've earned people's respect. If they are too good to take a 2 for 1 deal, then they shouldn't be complaining when they get passed over by a one loss team for the title game.
What do you think Monday night was? You think VT wants to go out to Boise? Boise played @Georgia in 2005; that was a one shot deal. I can understand Oregon and OSU coming to Boise, those are relatively short trips for both schools.

Cool, they've played what five actual road games against BCS schools in the last five years now and they are 2-3. Real impressive. Makes you wonder what they'd do if they had to play four or five of those games a year.
WHY? "Big Boy" teams can get in the title game without playing tough non conference games, it's up to Boise to do everything they can to make sure they've earned people's respect. If they are too good to take a 2 for 1 deal, then they shouldn't be complaining when they get passed over by a one loss team for the title game.

And yet those "Big Boy" teams will go out and play AQ conference teams that are pretty good (USC playing Arkansas, Nebraska, Ohio State; Ohio State playing Texas, Miami, USC) on a fairly regular basis. If they are willing to take on good, or even great AQ teams in a home and home, I don't see why they can't afford the same courtesy to Boise.
And yet those "Big Boy" teams will go out and play AQ conference teams that are pretty good (USC playing Arkansas, Nebraska, Ohio State; Ohio State playing Texas, Miami, USC) on a fairly regular basis. If they are willing to take on good, or even great AQ teams in a home and home, I don't see why they can't afford the same courtesy to Boise.

Have you ever thought maybe Boise St. doesn't want to play them? You act like Boise is the little program doing everything they can to be treated as equals and they just want a fair chance too, and they'll do everything they can to prove it.

Boise St. plays the system more than any other team. They know exactly what kind of schedule they want. Get that one big out of conference game, pray that that team turns out to be good, then sit back and whine that no one will play them. I give Chris Petersen and their AD a ton of credit because they know how to perfectly manipulate the system, by winning one game they put themselves in line for a title shot. It's a brilliant strategy really, and they get plenty of people, like you, to believe that it's the BCS schools holding them back, when really they don't want to play a tougher schedule either.
Cool, they've played what five actual road games against BCS schools in the last five years now and they are 2-3. Real impressive. Makes you wonder what they'd do if they had to play four or five of those games a year.

I suppose there's a point in there, but in general I disagree with the notion that Boise should settle for 2-1 against BCS teams just because they're Boise State.
Have you ever thought maybe Boise St. doesn't want to play them? You act like Boise is the little program doing everything they can to be treated as equals and they just want a fair chance too, and they'll do everything they can to prove it.

Boise St. plays the system more than any other team. They know exactly what kind of schedule they want. Get that one big out of conference game, pray that that team turns out to be good, then sit back and whine that no one will play them. I give Chris Petersen and their AD a ton of credit because they know how to perfectly manipulate the system, by winning one game they put themselves in line for a title shot. It's a brilliant strategy really, and they get plenty of people, like you, to believe that it's the BCS schools holding them back, when really they don't want to play a tougher schedule either.

Considering that Boise agreed to play VT in Washington DC for the season opener, I don't think it's a matter of Boise bowing down to anyone.

For BSU haters like you, what's the argument if they get into - and win - the national championship game?

I'll be shocked if you come up with something different than "they play in a weak conference." No one else has.
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Considering that Boise agreed to play VT in Washington DC for the season opener, I don't think it's a matter of Boise bowing down to anyone.

For BSU haters like you, what's the argument if they get into - and win - the national championship game?

I'll be shocked if you come up with something different than "they play in a weak conference." No one else has.

Believe it or not I don't hate Boise St. I was very impressed with their WRs and backs and d-line on Monday night. I think they're a very good team and deserve a BCS bowl. I just don't think they deserve a spot in the title game because they beat Va Tech.

Were you outraged last year that Cincy didn't get a title shot? They played a much tougher schedule than Boise St. plays. Also, do you think they deserve a title spot over TCU, who also plays a better schedule?
Have you ever thought maybe Boise St. doesn't want to play them? You act like Boise is the little program doing everything they can to be treated as equals and they just want a fair chance too, and they'll do everything they can to prove it.

Boise St. plays the system more than any other team. They know exactly what kind of schedule they want. Get that one big out of conference game, pray that that team turns out to be good, then sit back and whine that no one will play them. I give Chris Petersen and their AD a ton of credit because they know how to perfectly manipulate the system, by winning one game they put themselves in line for a title shot. It's a brilliant strategy really, and they get plenty of people, like you, to believe that it's the BCS schools holding them back, when really they don't want to play a tougher schedule either.

Really, they wouldn't take a 2-1? How shocking. How many teams that actually have an ounce of self-respect take that offer? They want to be one of the "Big Boys", and accepting bush-league treatment is pretty counter-productive to that attitude.
Believe it or not I don't hate Boise St. I was very impressed with their WRs and backs and d-line on Monday night. I think they're a very good team and deserve a BCS bowl. I just don't think they deserve a spot in the title game because they beat Va Tech.

Were you outraged last year that Cincy didn't get a title shot? They played a much tougher schedule than Boise St. plays. Also, do you think they deserve a title spot over TCU, who also plays a better schedule?

When there are more than two undefeated teams, it's different. But I'll be pretty outraged if a one-loss team jumps an undefeated Boise.
Really, they wouldn't take a 2-1? How shocking. How many teams that actually have an ounce of self-respect take that offer? They want to be one of the "Big Boys", and accepting bush-league treatment is pretty counter-productive to that attitude.

How is proving yourself on the field counter productive? If they went into Lincoln and won twice I guarantee more people would respect them. You act like Boise shouldn't have to work to get respect. When you're at a disadvantage, like playing in the WAC, you need to go above and beyond to gain national respect. But like I said Boise doesn't want to make the schedule too hard, they know how to beat the system.
Believe it or not I don't hate Boise St. I was very impressed with their WRs and backs and d-line on Monday night. I think they're a very good team and deserve a BCS bowl. I just don't think they deserve a spot in the title game because they beat Va Tech.

Were you outraged last year that Cincy didn't get a title shot? They played a much tougher schedule than Boise St. plays. Also, do you think they deserve a title spot over TCU, who also plays a better schedule?

Cincy had the disadvantage of not being ranked when year started, and even though they climbed that hill and got into the top 10, there was no way they were going to jump Alabama and Texas. Same thing with Boise last year, they started at 15 and had to jump a lot of team and hope either Texas or Alabama lost.

If TCU had beat Boise in the Fiesta bowl last year, the two teams probably would have reversed positions when the initial polls came out - you know that.

Whether or not you're in the national championship hunt all depends on where you start the year. This year, Boise has a shot to get in if they run the table. Last year, they didn't.
How is proving yourself on the field counter productive? If they went into Lincoln and won twice I guarantee more people would respect them. You act like Boise shouldn't have to work to get respect. When you're at a disadvantage, like playing in the WAC, you need to go above and beyond to gain national respect. But like I said Boise doesn't want to make the schedule too hard, they know how to beat the system.

They've done enough to earn a home and home. If I had done what they have, and was continually told "jump through ONE more hoop", just to get the same kind of respect that even BAD AQ teams get, eventually I would say f*** off.

It's the attitude that they have. If you want to elevate yourself on the totum poll, you can't allow yourself to be treated like 2nd class citizens when you've already presented a pretty strong case for yourself. Anyone who thinks they haven't earned enough respect to get the home and home treatment that the BIG EAST teams get (of all the lousy conferences out there) will always refuse to let Boise join the club.

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