The Mayor picks off another transfer

ForeverIowan is a grade A Clown troll azzhat.....can't stand the guy. Most every other ISU poster on here bring some good insight. Welp I take that back, Clic3 and Hawkforlife9 are bigger d!pshits than ForeverIowan. At least Forever comes out and says he's an ISU fan....those other two think they are fooling people???

Haha, it is pretty hilarious.

It's one thing to hang out on another teams board who isn't even in your conference, but then to unsuccessfully pose as an Iowa fan? That's the life!
This is one of the dumbest "hypothetical arguments" I've ever read on a message board, which says a lot.

We get ForeverDouche showing up whenever ISU beats Iowa.....happened after the football game, but he stopped coming around as ISU kept tanking and ended at ISU beat Iowa in BB and guess who is back? Of course is the the doucer himself ForeverIowan.

I don't mind ISU poster, you come around and we go back and forth, no biggie....It is just azz clowns like Foreverdouche who come around chest thumping after a win, or bragging and bashing. He did it after the 2012 FB season as well and made proclamation like ISU was as good a program as Iowa, that this isn't the 1-10 ISU of old, that players like Coe were gonna dominate....blah, blah, blah, and blah......

So yeah he rubs some the wrong way to say the least.
Forever , please give it a rest. I'm getting a headache. I don't care about Jake Sullivan, Matt Thomas, Rodney Coe or Tyrus Mcgee or the Cryclones. He reminds me of my ex-wife who spewed a lot of nonsense that made no sense. Dean please quit pimping this idiot, it will never end.
You need to give up this idea that Thomas is an "elite shooter". Kid shot 36% from the field and 33% from 3 last year. He is shooting 36% from the field this year and 33% from 3 this year.....Those are Mike Gesell numbers, not elite shooters numbers.

He is what he is, and that is one of ISU worse 3pt shooters. BDJ, Long, Niang, Hogue they all are shooting at least 5% better from 3, and in BDJ and Niangs case nearly 7% better. Next year Cooke will be eligible (46% FG% 45% from 3), and Deonte Burton (48% FG%) will be eligible come end of Dec. Plus who knows who else Fred will snag at the end of the year and he hits transfer season.

All that adds up to a $250 bet from me on Thomas sticking all four years at ISU at your proposed 2-1 way Thomas makes it 4 years and graduates under Freddy.

No one graduates under Fred unless they use the fake degrees that sixty minutes exposed last March.
We get ForeverDouche showing up whenever ISU beats Iowa.....happened after the football game, but he stopped coming around as ISU kept tanking and ended at ISU beat Iowa in BB and guess who is back? Of course is the the doucer himself ForeverIowan.

I don't mind ISU poster, you come around and we go back and forth, no biggie....It is just azz clowns like Foreverdouche who come around chest thumping after a win, or bragging and bashing. He did it after the 2012 FB season as well and made proclamation like ISU was as good a program as Iowa, that this isn't the 1-10 ISU of old, that players like Coe were gonna dominate....blah, blah, blah, and blah......

So yeah he rubs some the wrong way to say the least.

Actually he's right. ISU is twice as good as those one loss teams of old.
Actually he's right. ISU is twice as good as those one loss teams of old.

You're right hawkeye sports have it rolling right now not sure what I was thinking. Iowa state just can't compete with you guys right now. Big win against a young Ohio state you guys are baaaack as the other thread said. Jok has got you back in the national title discussion. Congrats!
Matty Ice, lighting it up. 10 Min. 0-2 FG and 0 Pts.

I'm wondering which is more likely to happen

A) Matty will be a consistent scorer from Day 1 as he is a Stone Cold shooter
B) Be the next ISU player transfer to Oakland

It seems to be the opinion of some on here that a kid would rather sit on the bench at Iowa State then transfer and get playing time. As if Hoiberg is forcing them to leave against their own will. Maybe... just maybe they realize they aren't going to get the playing time they want, and them and the coaches decide it would be in their best interest if they found a new school to play at... I do not think that Holberg is pulling their scholarships from them, but I also do not think it is wrong if he tells them that they are not going to see much PT going forward. I think that would just be called being honest.
His shooting percentages are positively gesellian, and you are right it is s big disappointment.

As big of a disappointment as he is, Custer is even more of a bust. He doesn't look close to being ready for B12 play. At this point I would think, he will move on after this year.
Looking like he should be playing 3A high school basketball also puts him way behind.

Ha ha right and gessell and woodbury just looked like grown A men their frosh year surprised they weren't playing for Kentucky. They were starting from day one for the hawks. Thomas was arguably the player of the game last night along with hogue. Huge to pull off a conference win while playing horrible as a team. Yeah what a disappointment. Like I've said before let his career play out we will see. Looked great last night.
Ha ha right and gessell and woodbury just looked like grown A men their frosh year surprised they weren't playing for Kentucky. They were starting from day one for the hawks. Thomas was arguably the player of the game last night along with hogue. Huge to pull off a conference win while playing horrible as a team. Yeah what a disappointment. Like I've said before let his career play out we will see. Looked great last night.

LOL Custer didn't even play in the game last night. God you're ******* stupid.

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